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Seems it snowed quite a bit last night, cause when I checked outside this morning there was still a nice layer of at least 7cm of snow (so probably was even more during the night).






It pretty much all melted while I was at work, but then it started snowing again (and really really hard and long), but once it stopped it melted again. Only for it to hail an hour later; and then the hail went into snow. And now there's thunder.


Crazy weather.

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As promised the pictures from snowy grimsby!!


From my bedroom! You can see the neighbour and their kids enjoying the snow at my expense.. it was 8am...


From my computer room! My poor lupo is covered in snow!

Did anyone else find hilarious that channel 4 played day after tomorrow that night? XD

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Guest Stefkov

It's not snowing now but I was just thinking.

We've had earthquakes, mighty strong winds, hail and really bright sunny days.

Not sure to say Global Warming yay! or wtf day after tomorrow imminent

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Hopefully the snow pisses off, I'm meant to be playing football this evening. I was quite looking forward to it as well.

You could always do indoor? That's fun.

Ive been up therec a few times recently and been trying out some Ronaldo style free kicks. It doesnt swerve that much but it's definetly more powerful and feels good.

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Was wondering.. what are those two boxes next to the fence?


Heh, we've been using them for garden junk (like branches we cut off and the like), but that was a while ago. Not sure why they're still there but I guess dad thinks they're useful (though I just think they're ugly). =P


We had more snow last night and again during the day (though all of it melted). Also snowed while we were running through the forest, was nice to see (but cold!).

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That doesn't make sense.


Never refers to the occurance of snow within the specific time frame, which is years


Heh, we've been using them for garden junk (like branches we cut off and the like), but that was a while ago. Not sure why they're still there but I guess dad thinks they're useful (though I just think they're ugly). =P


We had more snow last night and again during the day (though all of it melted). Also snowed while we were running through the forest, was nice to see (but cold!).


They are ugly but you need the boxes to store the bodies of any unwanted visitors!


+ Running through a forest? would have been nice to see snow whilst in a forest. Somethihg out of a novel almost

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It's not snowing now but I was just thinking.

We've had earthquakes, mighty strong winds, hail and really bright sunny days.

Not sure to say Global Warming yay! or wtf day after tomorrow imminent


I know who i'll call upon...




He's made it that far in the snow before.

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They are ugly but you need the boxes to store the bodies of any unwanted visitors!


+ Running through a forest? would have been nice to see snow whilst in a forest. Somethihg out of a novel almost


What bodies?


*hides a bloody knife* >.>;



Yeah the snow in the forest was pretty cool. It was being blown to the right by the strong winds, but suddenly the winds stopped and the snow went the complete other direction. Kind of felt surreal or something. Was nice. ^_____^

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