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Jayseven, Mundi and R_A seem to be working together..... ?


Wait, where does this come from? Show me some posts that make it look like this is true and I will believe you but I didn't read it like that... tbh jayseven seems to be making sense, it's true that we have no real evidence against R_A isn't it? All we know is what martinist said, which was that she targeted Moogle, but lots of people did apparently.


I need a little more evidence before I vote please! Have I missed anything?

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Originally Posted by Esequiel View Post

Jayseven, Mundi and R_A seem to be working together..... ?


Wait, where does this come from? Show me some posts that make it look like this is true and I will believe you but I didn't read it like that... tbh jayseven seems to be making sense, it's true that we have no real evidence against R_A isn't it? All we know is what martinist said, which was that she targeted Moogle, but lots of people did apparently.


I need a little more evidence before I vote please! Have I missed anything?


No evidence its just what it looked like to me. TBH i cant see the day lasting long enough to lynch anyone now, Tellyn how long do we have left?

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MoogleViper targeted Jayseven last night and he was killed that same night. All i know is that once he targeted Jayseven he died, and R_A was "one of the last people to target him". Jayseven and R_A may very well be working together. I don't know where he got Mundi from though.

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Where are you getting this info from?


Lol, I suppose yesterday there was a chance that he was April Foolsing us... but seeing as he's still at it, I'd go out on a limb and say he's been using his night power to gather info...? :o


Have you something on the contrary that would point towards Marty talking rubbish?

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You all took a load of blind info and pointed it in my direction!


How do you know i'm not totally unassociated with either of the two attackers??


I never claimed to be any character yet, and i'm not revealing all. All I revealed was my power.. So I don't see how that's telling all.


I put my role out there because i am being accused. If I stayed silent/lied/said nothing I would so be worse off.


I already said that I'm not working with anyone.

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Raining_again (9): DomJcg, martinist, Dyson, Esequiel, darksnowman, Mundi, VoLcOm, Vicar, Jayseven.


13 is a majority.



The day will end at 9PM. Start sending in your targets now to quicken the night process.

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A majority has been reached.


The town encircled the suspect. It let out what could only be described as an evil laugh, and it began rolling down the hill, towards the town. It would destroy the town in its last act.


The agent stepped out and fired two bullets at the boulder as it rolled, but they merely bounced. The townsfolk threw rocks at it, but just as the futility of the lynching began to kick in, an adventurer stepped forward.


His whip cracked with a mighty force and shattered the boulder into a million pieces.


Raining_again is dead. She was The Boulder (Evil), the terror of temples everywhere.


There are 24 players left in the game (13 is a majority)





















The fish






Day 5 is over. Night 5 will begin now.

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It seems people are desperate for info that as soon as someone comes under suspicion, they're screwed. Hell, I might even come under suspicion as working with her since i'm not voting for her. Just seems kinda weird...


Edit - Well looks like I got self-pwned, she ended up being evil >_>

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The TV fizzled into life, and the girl and her clown were about to strike again. The test card girl appeared as the channel stopped for the night, but before she could step out, a man shot two bullets through the TV.


He exited the apartment as it burst into flames, and found that he had lost his protector.


ShadowV7 is dead. He was the test card girl (Evil), a twisted trademark of the BBC who haunts the dreams of those trapped in the town.




The sniper made another phone call.




The amnesiac writhed on the floor as the cure took its effect. After several minutes of painful agony, he finally went quiet.


Beggilax is dead. He was Jason Bourne (Good), a man who needed to find out who he was.




The doctor approached the man in the striped jumper with a 'cure'.




The Russian peered through the window at the writer. Mort kept slipping in and out of insanity, and the Russian felt that it would be best to end his misery. He fired his gun through the window and into the writer's head.


Jayseven is dead. He was Mort Rainey (Neutral), a writer with dissociative identity disorder who loved to kill.




The psychiatrist offered his services to the missing protector...




There are 22 players left in the game (12 is a majority)



















The fish






Night 5 is over. Day 6 will begin now.

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