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5. Because you suck.



(not really...although I wouldn't mind if you did...in that way. If you get what I mean).


I think cube's got it right ;) mwahahahahaha!


No seriously. I think you did.


Dyson I love the idea of your special question! I was thinking of taking a picture of a container with loads of stuff in and asking people to guess how much was inside... but then I realised I'd have to count the stuff inside so I couldn't be bothered :/


7. How much does it cost for one of each of the following items: A Tesco "Big Green Bag", a Tesco white regular "Bag for Life" and a Tesco cardboard Wine Carrier? I want the correct answer for each of these in the same post.


They are all FREE!!!!!!!!!


The answer I've figured out is ... 27 is the max up until your round, dyson.


When the questions are "opened" again, I'm going on the basis you can still only achieve one correct answer from the 'released' questions (which I spotted hasn't happened every round, hence why the number is probably wrong!)


Answers have all been wrong so far. Keep 'em coming.


If this isn't done then I'll post the answers on Saturday night after work (8am-5pm) and someone can take the new round.

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