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I was pretty suprised when I reached the end after only three-ish hours, I'd heard it was short so I took my time but i didn't expect it to be that short. A great little game, a wrote a review for a website i work on if anyone wants to read it, here

Was also posted on N4G.com and Gonintendo.com

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Completed this earlier in the week. The quest for the first 2 chests were pretty awesome, but the last 2 were a disappointment. Too short and they had a lazy feel to them.


Yeah, I agree about the last two chests, they were easy to get. Wish there had been a couple more boss fights or something, but I guess that's for the sequel. =)

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Where's the last chest located? I've tried to find said waterfall but I don't see where I'm supposed to find it.


Hmmm, waterfall? Not sure, but that part probably got lost in the crappy Dutch translation. Not sure this is the one you are looking for, but if you start in the village, just keep going left, across the little stream. Break open the door that blocks the entrance (not even sure this is necessary) and go through it. Then I think in there you just have to fly up up up until you can't anymore. The chest is basically somewhere high up there... I'd give directions but I already forgot; just kinda stumbled upon it myself. >.>;

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Wither Falls?


Once you reach Deo, speak with him. He'll tell you the locations of the last

two chests. After a bad pun, you'll recieve the =Jumbrella Cape=. You can use

it with Z to slow your descent as you gust around. You can also use it with

Slipstream, similarly like the plants you've used earlier.


After that, head left to the next screen. Keep heading left, and bring a rock

along with you when you pass one. When you reach the entrance to Wither Falls,

you'll have to Vortex it open using the rock. When it's open, head left to the

next screen.


Continue left over the fixed bridge to the next screen. Head up and left and

use the same cave entrance as you did to enter the Slipstream dungeon earlier.


Right as you enter, Slipstream cape your way upwards through the small hole.

Move left a bit, then bounce on the mushroom upwards and start cape-streaming

your way up, following the right wall. When you reach the top, take out the

enemies and head right to the next screen.


Keep heading right. Yeah, that's the chest already. That was a lot shorter than

the path to the second chest, huh? Anyway, once you open it, exit the cave the

way you came in and head back to Deo. Already.



It's quite a pathetic "quest". All you have to do if walk to the left and "fly" a bit.

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Lol, yeah that last chest was a bit random I thought. Jav and me were saying earlier in the thread that it would have been handy if there was a way to know where you are in the game... cos Wither Falls could be anywhere. I for one took my sweet time in happening upon it because I checked all the waterfalls I could find before finally finding the right bit. You know immediately if you are in the right place because the game interjects and reminds you of what move you may want to try out, wink wink nudge nudge.

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Ah thanks a lot, just finished it off. The last boss was rather easy, but I liked the storybook-like ending. No matter what they say, this game was inspired by Wind Waker. :heh:


yeah it definitly was has both the look and feel of that game written all over its pint sized smug 2.5D face.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm actually glad there wasn't a map. It really emphasized on exploration (even if there sadly isn't enough to explore) and didn't hold your hand and walk you through like a baby.


The developers mentioned those statue things were there simply for completists who wanted a goal to aim for and reason to explore every corner. It's a shame there really wasn't even the smallest reward though.


The entire "game" really does feel like a tutorial though. It's definitely not something you can judge standalone, especially with the whole "To be continued" cheese.

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  • 9 months later...

Major bump.


Played this through in one sitting tonight, completed the entire game in 2hr 14 but I missed 3 statues...


Really enjoyed the game, very unique with a great control scheme which is nice and simple yet surprisingly intuitive. For £7, yes the game is a little on the short side, however I think this is made up for by the truly inspiring art direction and music. The game is a joy to play and the puzzles gradually get tougher without getting frustrating. This final boss caps off the game nicely with the gameplay bookended by a nice little slides starting and 'ending' the story.


I am very likely to purchase the sequal when it is eventually released, I only hope it is meatier experience than the prequal. Hopefully the developers will expand on the more elaborate puzzles found towards the end of the game and remain focused on the fun platforming elements which incorperate the use of the wind so well.


Highly recommended as an introduction to what WiiWare represents, even if 1000 points is a tad expensive for the amount of game you get. All in all though it's a mainly positive experience and offers a unique take on platforming gaming which every fan of the genre should enjoy.

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  • 3 years later...

MAJOR bump!


After years of basically neglecting the WiiWare service (apart from Sonic 4: Episode 1, Excite Bike: World Rally and Contra Rebirth), I obtained a substantial amount of Nintendo Points this weekend by trading in several old GC and PS2 games that would never be touched again.


2000 of those 8000 points were put to use yesterday when I downloaded LostWinds and LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias. I almost feel ashamed now that I waited for so long to invest in these games as I discovered within minutes of the first game how much charm and tranqility LostWinds has.. and I can't wait to play more :hehe:


I know they're short games but it already feels like it was completely worth getting rid of all of those other games..


Here's the list of what I got rid of, if anyone is interested :indeed:



Bouncer Beat it fairly quickly and it just wasn't really even worth it..

Chaos Legion

Grandia II I have so many RPGs in my collection that need to be played.. no time for this one


Kuri Kuri Mix

Neo Geo Battle Coliseum Not a huge fighting game fan

Shinobi I have better games to spend my time on

Soul Calibur III I have the DC original and Soul Calibur II on GC.. and that's enough!

Valkyrie Profile 2: Slimeria Never taken out of the box..

Zone of the Enders



Extreme G III When you have F-Zero 64 and GX, how can you care about this?

Gun Never got into it

ISS 3 An embarrassment to the ISS name

MX Superfly It's no Excitebike 64

Resident Evil: Code Veronica X I'm currently playing it on Dreamcast instead

Resident Evil Zero The cover was only printed out on my computer as it didn't come with one.. and that always bothered me

Second Sight Never really gave it a chance

SSX Tricky Thought it was OK when it came out but not a fan of it now

SSX On Tour SSX 3 is the best in the series but I much prefer 1080..

Sonic Adventure DX Played through the original on Dreamcast recently instead

Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Cleared it on GC years ago but have the DC version for when I feel like playing it again


Spiderman 2

Super Monkey Ball 2 So disappointing in comparison to the original

Timesplitters: Future Perfect Loved Timesplitters 2 when it came out but didn't care for this


I've got 8000 Nintendo points in their place (which to some may seem mental :eek:) but I don't have as much time to play games any more and feel like I can only really dedicate time to those that I think are worth it and most of these games just weren't..


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MAJOR bump!


After years of basically neglecting the WiiWare service (apart from Sonic 4: Episode 1, Excite Bike: World Rally and Contra Rebirth), I obtained a substantial amount of Nintendo Points this weekend by trading in several old GC and PS2 games that would never be touched again.


2000 of those 8000 points were put to use yesterday when I downloaded LostWinds and LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias. I almost feel ashamed now that I waited for so long to invest in these games as I discovered within minutes of the first game how much charm and tranqility LostWinds has.. and I can't wait to play more :hehe:


I know they're short games but it already feels like it was completely worth getting rid of all of those other games..


Here's the list of what I got rid of, if anyone is interested :indeed:



Bouncer Beat it fairly quickly and it just wasn't really even worth it..

Chaos Legion

Grandia II I have so many RPGs in my collection that need to be played.. no time for this one


Kuri Kuri Mix

Neo Geo Battle Coliseum Not a huge fighting game fan

Shinobi I have better games to spend my time on

Soul Calibur III I have the DC original and Soul Calibur II on GC.. and that's enough!

Valkyrie Profile 2: Slimeria Never taken out of the box..

Zone of the Enders



Extreme G III When you have F-Zero 64 and GX, how can you care about this?

Gun Never got into it

ISS 3 An embarrassment to the ISS name

MX Superfly It's no Excitebike 64

Resident Evil: Code Veronica X I'm currently playing it on Dreamcast instead

Resident Evil Zero The cover was only printed out on my computer as it didn't come with one.. and that always bothered me

Second Sight Never really gave it a chance

SSX Tricky Thought it was OK when it came out but not a fan of it now

SSX On Tour SSX 3 is the best in the series but I much prefer 1080..

Sonic Adventure DX Played through the original on Dreamcast recently instead

Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Cleared it on GC years ago but have the DC version for when I feel like playing it again


Spiderman 2

Super Monkey Ball 2 So disappointing in comparison to the original

Timesplitters: Future Perfect Loved Timesplitters 2 when it came out but didn't care for this


I've got 8000 Nintendo points in their place (which to some may seem mental :eek:) but I don't have as much time to play games any more and feel like I can only really dedicate time to those that I think are worth it and most of these games just weren't..


I LOVED the original game but I never did pick the sequel up.


Man, you sold some quality PS2 games there! I loved The Bouncer, Chaos Legion and ZoE. The credits song from Chaos Legion is one of my favourite songs that features in a game.

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  • 2 years later...

MAJOR bump 2!


I LOVED the original game but I never did pick the sequel up..


NOW IS THE TIME : peace:


I only just got back into Winter of the Melodias yesterday to resume my original save file but finished it this evening. It's a great wee game and I'd defintely recommend downloading it while you still have the chance :hehe:


Man, you sold some quality PS2 games there! I loved The Bouncer, Chaos Legion and ZoE. The credits song from Chaos Legion is one of my favourite songs that features in a game.


It's strange to see the list of games I traded in at that time in return for Nintendo Points but I honestly don't miss a single one of them :heh: I've been considering my PS2 collection recently and wondering if I'd really miss any of it :eek:

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Reading through this thread again it's depressing just how many great members we have lost over the years. :(


Yeah it's a shame... On the other hand, it's also nice to think of the great members who have joined us in recent years (Only recently did I get some of my friends to join, like Glen-i and another one who has joined but yet to post; he's cool too, you'll like him when he finally gets off his arse and posts ;) )


On topic though, it's great to see someone else finally diving into the Wii Ware catalogue. There's a real treasure trove of greats on there that went completely unappreciated at large (oh and speaking of my mystery friend, I only just did this with him a few days ago; finally getting him to take a look at some of the great games on offer on the Wii Shop, so the timing of this thread bump is pretty creepy!)


The Lostwinds games are pretty good. Far from the best on the service, but good games that are pretty novel, charming and absolutely worth your time! :D (British made to boot! :awesome: )


Yeah I need to get the sequel as well at some point. The first was great.

Does the sequel have an ending of sorts? I recall there being plans for multiple sequels / episodic gaming.


Been a while since I played them, but IIRC Winter of the Melodias does end on a To Be Continued of sorts. The story is more in-depth than the first game, but it does leave room for a sequel that never came...

Edited by Dcubed
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