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Does size matter?


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on the subject of genetics - everyone in my family is short-ish

my dad is only a couple of inches taller than me and so is my mum (and being that im only 5ft2 (or3) thats not that tall...


.. my cousins are tall people but thats due to my non-biological aunts/uncles


..finally found a pair of trousers that was "short length" and i was estatic last night :D.. maybe they will not get ripped like my other trousers :D

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on the subject of genetics - everyone in my family is short-ish

my dad is only a couple of inches taller than me and so is my mum (and being that im only 5ft2 (or3) thats not that tall...


.. my cousins are tall people but thats due to my non-biological aunts/uncles


..finally found a pair of trousers that was "short length" and i was estatic last night :D.. maybe they will not get ripped like my other trousers :D



Like I mentioned earlier, things usually skip a generation with genetics, it's your grandparents you should really be looking for similarities with.

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I know how you feel darling, I was most disappointed to find out I'd shrunk an inch recently.


no no i dont mean i've shrunk from 5'11" ~ i mean i've just been going around telling people i'm nearly 6 foot tall when actually i'm just an idiot who's confused the number 7 with the number 11...


i'm off to revise with a few episodes of sesame street! :grin:

(damn you, seven-eleven! what a stupid name for a shop! i blame YOU!)

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no no i dont mean i've shrunk from 5'11" ~ i mean i've just been going around telling people i'm nearly 6 foot tall when actually i'm just an idiot who's confused the number 7 with the number 11...


i'm off to revise with a few episodes of sesame street! :grin:

(damn you, seven-eleven! what a stupid name for a shop! i blame YOU!)


Give my love to Oscar.

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I always used to be short, and thats one of the things people associate me with. But now, I'm the same height as most of my mates (except for those really tall guys), I'm about 5 ft 8. Seeing as I'm only 16, I should grow a little more at least. My dads just over 6ft but my mums oompa loompa size.

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my question is how tall are you?

do you think your parents heights effect yours ginetically?

or do you think its the environment?

or a mixture of the 2?


Im 6"3, and im taller than both parents.

personally, i believe that both ginetics and environment effect our growth.


environment also takes into consideration waht you eat.

Height is a textbook example of a phenotype that is caused by a mixture of genotype and environment, though the genetic component is generally thought outweigh the environmental one.


Have a datum: my mum is very short (not sure how short), my dad is about 6 foot, and I am about 6 foot 3.

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average uk male = 5ft10.1


average uk female = 5ft4.6


I don't have the source but i remember readin it on the internet.


Haha! I'm shorter than most women. SCORE!


So am I shorter than everyone then? No 12 yr olds here to beat me?

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Nah, I think that being taller than Bluey would just seem dumb. I dunno why. Plus I get to be LOUD cos I'm small.


My theory:


Everyone has the same amount of personality but some of us are smaller or larger therefore the concentration of personality varies. So while I'm here being super-rocket-fueled awesome personality the rest of you have it diluted through out ya carcasses! Haha! (/jk)

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