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McDonald’s boss: ‘Games to blame for childhood obesity


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Actually, according to Nintendo's survey, even though they expanded the gaming audience, specially in Japan, in USA most Wii buyers were already gamers


Really? I though the boom was from non gamers... Well, it's great either way, more sales=more games, more games=more good games.

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The reason people are fat is because they make themselves fat. They eat unhealthy food and don't do much exercise. You can't blame one thing. It's about time these fat bastards stopped looking for a scapegoat and admitted the real reasons why they were fat. Maybe then they would lose some weight and be able to see their own cock. "It's not my fault I'm fat, it's because of [insert name of fast food/video game company here]" Fat wankers.

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The reason people are fat is because they make themselves fat. They eat unhealthy food and don't do much exercise. You can't blame one thing. It's about time these fat bastards stopped looking for a scapegoat and admitted the real reasons why they were fat. Maybe then they would lose some weight and be able to see their own cock. "It's not my fault I'm fat, it's because of [insert name of fast food/video game company here]" Fat wankers.


I want understand why more people eat unhealthy food now?

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The reason people are fat is because they make themselves fat. They eat unhealthy food and don't do much exercise. You can't blame one thing. It's about time these fat bastards stopped looking for a scapegoat and admitted the real reasons why they were fat. Maybe then they would lose some weight and be able to see their own cock. "It's not my fault I'm fat, it's because of [insert name of fast food/video game company here]" Fat wankers.


Exactly. It's a persons fault, no-one elses. People need to start blaming themselves. I mean, that guy that sued mcdonalds for making him fat is a complete wanker.

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The reason people are fat is because they make themselves fat. They eat unhealthy food and don't do much exercise. You can't blame one thing. It's about time these fat bastards stopped looking for a scapegoat and admitted the real reasons why they were fat. Maybe then they would lose some weight and be able to see their own cock. "It's not my fault I'm fat, it's because of [insert name of fast food/video game company here]" Fat wankers.


:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: Moogle, you've put it quite perfectly.

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Yes sitting on your arse for 20 hours completing a game doesn't help. But neither does selling over fatty and salty foods. Both are contributing to obesity.


I know a fatty who eats a McDonalds almost everyday, I call her Monster Munch.



Edited by fex
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I don't think mcdonalds can be blamed for obesity at all. It's our choice to eat what we eat, no-one elses. The boss of mcdonalds doesn't come round your house and force big macs down your throat does he?


People just need to have a little thing called self control/common sense.

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i went short-sighted playing games. It didn't make me see better, i guess it was my own fault though.


They have done studies proving that (sorry) high action video games will improve your vision.


I'm near sighted too however I blame the awful CRT monitors they used to have at my school.

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Video games are responsible for obesity? Jeez, according to the media, video games are responsible for ALL the world's problems! (And yes, that includes global warming.)


To be serious for a moment, I'm sick and tired of people blaming God and everyone for obesity: "It's the food chains' fault, it's the games' fault, it's TV's fault, etc."


Obesity is a lifestyle problem! It's caused by the way people live their lives, for F's sake! You can play video games, eat food from McDonald's, watch TV and still live a healthy life with a healthy body shape! Those things don't make you obese - unhealthy amounts and combinations of said things, combined with minimal amounts of physical exercise - THAT makes you obese!


Stop throwing the responsibility at everyone else! It's YOUR life, YOUR decisions and therefore YOUR responsibily!


Phew, rant over.


EDIT: I just realized someone beat me to it posting that conclusion. I didn't read the other posts because I just had to get my anger out. Sorry. :)

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“The issue of obesity is complex and is absolutely one our society is facing, there’s no denial about that,” said Easterbrook.


He admits that its complex yet still sounds like an ill informed noob. Sure sitting about playing computer games doesn't necessarily help your waistline- I always have crisps and chocolate and whatever near at hand when I'm playing, but I'm not gonna blame just playing computer games on being unhealthy. Like has been said, its the same thing for doing near anything- watching TV or reading doesn't get you in shape or prevent obesity so why not single them out too?


I wouldn't recommend McDo as part of a healthy diet either but like with TV, reading or playing evil computer games, it can all be enjoyed and indulged in without taking it to the extreme and then blaming it for your weight problems rather than blaming...say, your good self.

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i love burger kings



im quite partial to a curry chip

and a pizza from dominos (s'age)


but apart from thati barely eat anythnig :(


chicken royale mmm oh yes! I dont like curry but chips and dominos pizza are lush as well but if 'apart from that' you 'barely eat anything' ide try too get a bit more variation in your diet (meant as friendly advide).


Mind you im one too talk im hardly eating tons of veg, fruit yes veg no.

All my meals are ones you put in the microwave if im not out (I cant cook you see-and to be hoonest to busy/lasy to learn) or I have sandwichs with sandwich mix of pre cook chicken pieces from the supermarket, I drink fruit smoothies (for extra fruit-dont even know if it counts lol-think it does) robinsons (for water) or milk (for calcium) and booze of course ;).


Ive been having stomach problems (acid reflux) and even had an edoscapy (camera down thoat) on Tuesday to check it was not something more-ahowever acid reliux is bad enough (have some pills to keep it under control). Maybe my diet conributed toward this problem - makes ya think.


oh I also take multi vitiums (sp) to help toward my less than perfect diet.

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