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Girl opens new iPod, finds note inside package


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aww i wish i got secret messages in things i bought :o


...do the jokes on the penguin wrappers count?

thats cool! i have an ipod shuffle (of COURSE it is blue O__o) and i like it a lot! i used to have a 30gb video ipod but i never really used it... and seeing as the 1gb shuffle is big enough for all the music i wanna listen to at once, i'm glad i downgraded!! haha.


i doubt a note like that ruined her christmas...unless the ipod was also sealed inside a jar of apple juice or something.

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Well I don't all the ipod hate out there...got my nano for xmas and love it...had plenty of other mp3 players and prefer the ipod and itunes experience. also dont care about drm.


As for this note. It could be someone in the shop, a bored stockroom controller, the new ipod nano cases are stupidly easy to close and reseal.

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Some children deserve their Christmas ruined.

A lot of kids are spoilt brats these days getting up to a grands worth of Christmas presents. When I was a kid I'd get a board game and pyjamas or some other shit and was expected to be grateful.


Mhm. I had £100 spent on me this year, which sounds like a lot but considering I gave my mom £1000...still. I like what I got. Stupid little kids who got a PS3 and ipod and toys and stuff for xmas and still come in now saying "Look mum, thats the game I wanteed." Ungrateful swines. Anyway...


Let's not turn this into a thread about whether or not the iPod is good.


i fucking love my 5G iPod video. It;s the best thing i ever bought, never once gone wrong, sounds amazing and i can watch anime and dexter and 24 on the train with it and you're all just jumping on the anti-popularity bandwagon.


Dexter. Kudos.


Anyway. Is earning money from a capitalist company really better than buying into it in the first place?

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Whoever wrote the letter has good intentions because he or she is right on the money. People DON'T read nowadays, and regardless of where you come from, you will see village idiots in every corner of society. That is just the way it is, you will always have your ignorants. But I'm not too sure if jacking a girl's iPod is the way to go about delievering this message. :rolleyes:

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Whoever wrote the letter has good intentions because he or she is right on the money. People DON'T read nowadays, and regardless of where you come from, you will see village idiots in every corner of society. That is just the way it is, you will always have your ignorants. But I'm not too sure if jacking a girl's iPod is the way to go about delievering this message. :rolleyes:


I don't really see the difference between reading or watching TV. I read when I'm out or on the bus and I watch TV when I'm at home. They're both essentially just a way to waste time anyway.


Just because Oompa Loompa's think technology is bad doesn't mean it is.

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I don't really see the difference between reading or watching TV. I read when I'm out or on the bus and I watch TV when I'm at home. They're both essentially just a way to waste time anyway.


Just because Oompa Loompa's think technology is bad doesn't mean it is.


Let me correct myself, reading something worthwhile. Although that could also apply to TV as well. :heh: :heh:

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Stupid little kids who got a PS3 and ipod and toys and stuff for xmas and still come in now saying "Look mum, thats the game I wanteed." Ungrateful swines. Anyway...


I suggest keeping a shotgun under the counter. That'll teach 'em! :heh:


More on-topic, how jolly nice of this guy. He's a jerk. I'm curious to know why he thinks it's funny...

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I just love the fact that he spelt resurrect incorrectly.


But seriously I'm sick of all this "anti-technology" bullshit. Like he doesn't own a car, or use a computer, or watch television, or use a flush toilet etc. And how does he think a book is made? Hand-written by monks in a monastery?

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No chance of this being intentional? Maybe it's a crazy notion, but why would you direct someone to their nearest Apple Store to get the ipod? Why would you even bother to add that to the end of the note? Sounds pretty weird though, and slightly cool for the idea behind it if it is some terrorist employee, but I just...I dunno. Nvm.

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I just love the fact that he spelt resurrect incorrectly.


But seriously I'm sick of all this "anti-technology" bullshit. Like he doesn't own a car, or use a computer, or watch television, or use a flush toilet etc. And how does he think a book is made? Hand-written by monks in a monastery?


He used a computer and printer to print that font What a hypocrite!

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