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Desperate Housewives - The 'God Why Don't You Love Me' Blues


The entire conversation from when Gabby's kids found the condoms to Gabby storming out of the bedroom goes down as a classic Housewives moment. This season really has stepped up the humour, and I love it.



It's turning into one of my favorite seasons, which for a show in it's 6th season, is pretty impressive.



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That Desperate Housewives episode


I loathe Susan. She's so irritating.

Other than that...umm yeah.



Dexter - Dex Takes a Holiday

:o! No Debs! I presume she's safe but its probably fair to say Lundy has kicked the bucket. Oh star-crossed love! I don't think it was Trinity though (even though they met earlier). And Lundy didn't even get the chance to tell Debs, although I presume she'll later find his tapes (sounds like Buffy season two). Although I suppose if she then uses them to capture the Trinity killer thats a big score, career wise.


Dexter killing his female equivalent was interesting but at least he realised he really does love his family, even if they drive him batty now and then.



How I Met Your Mother - Duel Citizenship


I'm going to have that song in my head all day again. The ending was kinda given away by the title of the episode but ah well, all good fun and games.


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The Sopranos- The complete fifth season


It just gets better and better. Gripping stuff. I'm on the last season, I'll be sad when it comes to the last episode :(




Ugly Betty- Last night's


It was alright at the start and then it just got boring.



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Great episode as usual. The quality of this season seems to be far higher than the fairly mundane season 3. Yeah, looks like Lundy has gone unfortunately which is annoying because he's a great character. I'll be shocked if Deb doesn't come back. I think it WAS Trinity but I think he's trying to frame the 'vacation killers'. They've gotta come into the story forefront somehow, they've been mentioned every ep this season but in a fairly minor way.


Solid 'monster of the week' episode but not much new in terms of overall story aside from bashing us in the face about the Peter we know obviously being from the other dimension. They've made that clear enough for a while now and I've got the unfortunate feeling that it won't payoff in the story until near finale time.


This season of Curb is going far too quickly :( Tonight's was an excellent episode. Took a premise that's been done before in sitcoms but really went to town with it, taking it that little bit further. Leon was excellent as usual and the payoff at the end was great. Just sticking 'Wheelchair Mary' (or whatever her name was) in the cupboard was awesome. So brilliantly observed about the phone naming convention thing too. I've gotten into trouble about that in a very similar way before.


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Last Chance To See: Blue Whale




I've absolutely LOVED this series, it's just my sort of thing. I love seeing (new) places around the world, people exploring, rare animals, photography etc...


And this latest episode with the Blue Whale was awesome. It would be so incredible to see one in the wild, I don't think you'll ever get a true sense of their scale until you see one in real life (on TV you just think of them as your regular large whale). It's really like seeing a modern day dinosaur, they've been around for so long, and are so elusive.

Was also fasinated to learn that they're thought to have evolved from a wolf like creature with hoofs, that gradually spent more and more time in the water.


I hope one day I'll get the chance to see one/them one day.

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Eastenders- Tuesday's


I usually hate Eastenders yet it seems I can't stop watching it. It's like watching a car crash in front of my eyes. Tonight's episode was actually quite funny to be honest. It wasn't bad.




I love it now, only started to over the past few weeks. I adored Pat and Peggy's drunken fun in the ice-cream van so much. But, the entire George Micheal thing was utterly terrifying.

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I love it now, only started to over the past few weeks. I adored Pat and Peggy's drunken fun in the ice-cream van so much. But, the entire George Micheal thing was utterly terrifying.


Pat and Peggy were a great laugh and I expected Heather to name her baby George Michael tbh. Imagine if it was a girl? Georgina Michelle, lmao. I'm actually interested in who the baby's daddy is, lol.

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Pat and Peggy were a great laugh and I expected Heather to name her baby George Michael tbh. Imagine if it was a girl? Georgina Michelle, lmao. I'm actually interested in who the baby's daddy is, lol.


I'm just desperate to find out who keeps recording the video's of Syed (Oddly attractive) and Christian. I hate how they keep mentioning it and then dropping it for almost a weeks worth of episodes. They've drawn it out enough already damn it.

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I'm just desperate to find out who keeps recording the video's of Syed (Oddly attractive) and Christian. I hate how they keep mentioning it and then dropping it for almost a weeks worth of episodes. They've drawn it out enough already damn it.


It's going to be a Christmas Special probably. I know it's a woman though because she had a painted nail when taking the snaps. But yeah, I can see it being the Christmas Special. Same with the whole Janine and Archie (GOD I WANT TO PUNCH HIM!) and the Vic. The thing about Eastenders is it's way too predictable. Corrie is much better as storylines go.

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It's going to be a Christmas Special probably. I know it's a woman though because she had a painted nail when taking the snaps. But yeah, I can see it being the Christmas Special. Same with the whole Janine and Archie (GOD I WANT TO PUNCH HIM!) and the Vic. The thing about Eastenders is it's way too predictable. Corrie is much better as storylines go.


Noo, I can't STAND corrie. Hate it, hate it and then hate it some more. The "Humour" is abysmal, most of the characters annoy the hell out of me and it's just so....eurgh.

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Noo, I can't STAND corrie. Hate it, hate it and then hate it some more. The "Humour" is abysmal, most of the characters annoy the hell out of me and it's just so....eurgh.


A murderer getting married to his victim's wife AND adopting the victim's baby and the murderer's wife comes back to blackmail him? A stupid dosy Cindy-from-Scary-Movie bitch gets scammed of £90,000 by her boss? A wife having an affair on a middle-aged man who is her husband's best mate? How can you hate it? It's brilliant, lol.


Eastenders isn't what it used to be. It was a lot better back in the 90s and early 2000s but now it's watered down and is more for the women. In the 90s, there were more violence, domestic abuse, nut cases, murders...and now it's always mostly about feelings and how the wives bitch about their husbands and stuff.


The last time Eastenders was very interesting was when the evil stepmom Stella was in it, that was a brilliant storyline and how Eastenders used to be. For me, it's gone down the pan since then...waaaaaaaaay down. It's not bad but it used to be alot better.

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Why anyone would want to purposly depress themselves just that little bit more and more everyday by watching relentless misery and unhappyness in soaps such as Eastenders and Corrie is beyond me!


People are masochists. Why do you think we haven't banned ReZ?


Imma watching Pushing Daisies :)




"I know 30 years ago you came here and found a baby in your cabbage patch. And by cabbage patch I mean lady parts."

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Guest Captain Falcon
I couldn't imagine anything worse than having to watch Eastenders/Corrie.


There's no story/reason for it to exist.


It's keeping otherwise irritating people in conversation with similar minded annoying people and thus away from me - so I think it does serve some purpose.

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I'm-a downloading Fringe S1 as we speak. Tumpititum!


I used to rate every episode of everything decent I watched but clearly nobody else is watching The Ultimate Fighter, or Bored To Death, or Supernatural this year so it's better kept to myself :(


Duuuuuude, Supernatural is class, possibly my fav show at the moment! I just can't be bothered to post anything with regards to.... well anything these days...



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True Blood- Episode 3 (don't know what it's called)


Does anybody know what happens in the end? The ending cut off and Channel 4 apologised and said "True Blood will return shortly" and when it did, the credits came up and I'm like WTF?! lol. The last thing I saw was Sam asking Sookie to wake up Tara and then nothing. Other than that, great episode yet again. Makes me wonder what this week's cliffhanger is, haha.



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Smallville - Echoes was one of those episodes that simply add to the "so if he can do that somehow, why can't he do it more often?" pile. I will file the mind-reading skill away into the "so why didn't he use that?" filing cabinet for a future episode.


We've not had a proper focus on teh whole 'Zod' thing since the first episode(ish), despite the new dood's credit-sequence avatar, which leads me to think we're still enduring the filler episode trail to resume some sort of status quo, what with clark and louis's relationship, as well as the green arrow's somewhat vague status as a superhero, as well as Tess's role as antagonist overseer. Chloe played a fair bit of back-burner; her character in the bewilderness since faithful jimmy took the plunge.


But still, linking back with the kryptonite heart, maintaining the 'is she/isn't she evil?' with tess means the episode, as part of a serial, played a nice enough part.



Fringe: Teh Piloottt episoood!!


Ok, so I really, really don't remember anyone (you, ashley) recommending this to me. So far it seems like x-files (with Lt. Daniels from Wire and weird floating letters straight out of Lost - oh and not forgetting the 24-esque foot chases!) meets a sort of Wolfram & Hart style company of EVILLLL. Very much looking forward to seeing where this goes, and whether that Dawson's Creek character gets to flex his IQ at some point.


The sound and editing were strangely inurface, rather than being the subtle addemendum to the chaos of action/screenplay/actor ego they seemed to want to imply their presence rather strongly, perhaps over-eager to cement their place in the viewer's subconsciousness. All perfectly enjoyable, of course.


It seems to come from a similar school to shows like Bones and 4400 - glad to gloss over teh fractionally fictitious, ignore temporal constraints in place of using previous-decade's Stars to provide fairly gripping and puzzlesome drama. The future Puzzle Of The Week, I hope, are in line with the paranormal.


But yes! The idea that what we saw happen as a 'terrorist attack' originated as a government-funded experiment into being invisible is pretty cool. With x-files I was always a bit dissapointed about how shallow they went with the conspiracies, but with this there's teh potential for both harmless, yet striking episodes in teh future, as well as a hopefully ongoing battle with massive dynamics. Y'all have seen more than a season more than me, and I'm probably miles off the mark, but we'll meet up soon!



cow/10 (for teh lols)

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