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Two and a Half Men


Watched the first 3 episodes of the first season. Darn good sitcom starring the Sheen as Charlie, the man who has an overpaid job and a beach-side house. Cannot believe this season has a 15 rating, season 2 has a 12 onwards.



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Two and a Half Men


Watched the first 3 episodes of the first season. Darn good sitcom starring the Sheen as Charlie, the man who has an overpaid job and a beach-side house. Cannot believe this season has a 15 rating, season 2 has a 12 onwards.




I agree. Watching it on Viva right now.

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Dollhouse - The Public House / The Left Hand


Kicking up the gear a lot, it kinda feels like the middle of a movie. It had its own episodic parts for the most part it was two hours of a bigger story. With added Summer Glau, Alexis Denisof and Keith Carradine goodness :D


Cindy as a doll seemed a bit obvious but glad it turned out to actually be Daniel, which was quite a surprise. And not just a Doll, but a semi-Doll. The way they explore the tech (and the manipulation of people) in the process is one of the most interesting things about the concept of the show...shame they seldom touch upon it.


Victor as Topher was great, and makes a lot of sense that Topher would leave himself in charge in his absence. Enver did a great job picking up the mannerisms. Although we were really lacking Sierra in these two episodes.


Glad they didn't make Glau a doll, its a bit obvious. Nice to see her show more depth, and what an interesting character she was. Would like to see more about her past with Caroline, as it still wasn't fully explained really.


The way Rossum played Perrin, right through to the end, was really interesting...and twisted. So they're programming a president, as Topher said; "not the first time". It seems Madaline may become a doll again, while Echo is on the run.


The fact that Echo doesn't want Caroline to return is fascinating. She has created her own existence and she knows she will have to kill one of herselves.



Can't wait to see the remaining 7 episodes.

Edited by Ashley
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"The show will return [to Sci-Fi] with three new episodes in January 2010" So I'm guessing the 2nd week of Jan.


Although that was when it was announced that the American hiatus will have a knock on effect at the end of Oct, nothing about it since so it may have changed.

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Dollhouse - The Public House / The Left Hand


These two episodes, along with the one before the break, have definitely been the best three so far. I would say more, but it's essentially a repetition of what Ashley said.


I really liked how this episode delved even more into what a doll was, and how they feel/think.



Edit: I've been looking for the next episode of V...apparently it's on a break until the end of March. There's only been four episodes...

Edited by Cube
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Actually I think they originally planned to just start outright in the midseason, but for whatever reason ABC bunked up a few episodes. Silly people.


Rewatched 30 Rock - Audition Day yesterday. Kathy Geiss as SuBo is genius.

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Actually I think they originally planned to just start outright in the midseason, but for whatever reason ABC bunked up a few episodes. Silly people.


Rewatched 30 Rock - Audition Day yesterday. Kathy Geiss as SuBo is genius.


You sure? I thought id read somewhere that it was to kind of mirror the fact that the original only started with a mini series.

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Hmm looking into it apparently they did consider doing smaller "pods" (as they call it) of episodes. Although to me that seems more like "yeah, we love the crazy scheduling with elongated hiatus due to the fucking Winter Olympics."


Which reminds me;


Human empathy is as useless as the Winter Olympics...here on NBC this February.

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What channel is that on?


NBC is fucking everything around due to the (largely unwanted) Winter Olympics and Leno (okay he has nothing to do with hiatuses but still...).


But yeah, you think they'd learn after the writer's strike. Keep something off air for months and nobody'll care.


Glad I have Big Love and Chuck to keep me happy during Jan/Feb.

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Hmm well it may be affected by the Winter Olympics too (as they a subsidiary of NBC) but I can't see them showing Olympics on there...I dunno. Too lazy to check into it all really.


You seen all the Chuck promos knocking around on the net? A surprising amount of promotion from NBC.

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Desperate Housewives - Boom Crunch


The last two minutes had me watching with my mouth wide open glued to the screen. Amazing, amazing, amazing. So annoyed I have to now wait (How long Ash?) until I find out who makes it out. (That doesn't need a spoiler tag, right? I didn't give anything away.)


So happy the storyline with Catherine has come to some kind of conclusion too.

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Dollhouse - Left Hand pt. 1 + 2


It stunned me. This and the one before, Belonging, have actually been brilliant. Which makes me so angry at Joss Whedon for not making this good earlier!


The themes of the show that are so interesting but never really expressed themselves well really came though. Ideas of identity, memory = life or death etc.


Summer Glau was awesome as the anti-Topher. :)



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Dexter Season 4 Episode 11

Gah! I HATE American TV show promos. Accidentally watched the promo for this that was tacked onto the end of episode 10 and it COMPLETELY ruined the episode for me. Spoilt the last moment entirely. Thank god there wasn't a promo for the finale tacked onto this episode. Roll on next Monday.

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Dexter Season 4 Episode 11

Gah! I HATE American TV show promos. Accidentally watched the promo for this that was tacked onto the end of episode 10 and it COMPLETELY ruined the episode for me. Spoilt the last moment entirely. Thank god there wasn't a promo for the finale tacked onto this episode. Roll on next Monday.


Happened to me with Flashforward t'other day. Urgh, how irritating


Misfits continues to be rather excellent

9 / 10

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Dexter Season 4 Episode 11

Gah! I HATE American TV show promos. Accidentally watched the promo for this that was tacked onto the end of episode 10 and it COMPLETELY ruined the episode for me. Spoilt the last moment entirely. Thank god there wasn't a promo for the finale tacked onto this episode. Roll on next Monday.


Or you know...the episode title...or the fact that it was bloomin' obvious it was going to happen :heh:


Still, great fun :D Can't wait til next week.


Slagface McWhorepants; no date yet. Mid-Jan. Although I've just found out one of the deaths looking into it for you >_< Crafty Marc Cherry, crafty.

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Ugly Betty- Thank God there's only two more episodes left


To be fair, this one was pretty decent but yet again, it's just turned seriously OTT cheese. Still, you know what you're getting I suppose.




Two and a Half Men- Pilot


Love this show too much now.




Two and a Half Men- Big Flappy Bastards


Made me laugh, need to see more episodes!



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Gossip Girl Season One Episodes 1-4


I've wanted to start this for so long it's ridiculous. I think I've seen episode 1 about 3 times now! Anyway managed to get past that and I'm now about to watch episode 5. I am enoying it thus far. :grin:


Phew! Just in time. :grin:


Exactly one week later and I've finished Season 1 and 2 of Gossip Girl. :D I LOVE IT. :heart:


on with Season 3. :)

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