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You = doctor tard.


Why? Because Persona 3 got RPG of the year and has been getting fantastic scores, over a game that I've played lots of times before, just now with a russian and high def, yeah it will be good, but P3 takes higher priority.

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Why? Because Persona 3 got RPG of the year and has been getting fantastic scores, over a game that I've played lots of times before, just now with a russian and high def, yeah it will be good, but P3 takes higher priority.


Please... RPG's are literally the same concept recycled. Over... and over... and over...

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And GTA 4? Isn't that stealing cars, killing people and stuff? Recycled :o


Persona 3 got high scores because it was different. :)

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Please... RPG's are literally the same concept recycled. Over... and over... and over...


If anything RPG's feature the most varied 'concepts', like Dom said GTA series is exactly the same 'concept' as is FPS's, football games, music games etc.

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is persona 3 a ps2 game heard good things about it...will be a shame as I have a 40gig so no backwards compatibilty...

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I've decided, unless my will power goes which isn't the most unlikely thing in the word, I'm going to get a PS3 went it comes with a Dual Shock 3 as standard...


Any news when that is coming? I know I can just import one but I'd rather not have to do that.

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Any vague date?


I would probably get one if I saw an awesome bundle as well with Uncharted and R&C...Is it possible to buy consoles with a student discount? (can you even do that online?)


Also how hard is it to replace the HD in the PS3? I know 40Gb is quite a lot but just in case! :heh:


And does the quality of HDMI cable make that much difference?


Loads of questions, I know, sorry. I'm just a bit wary of buying a PS3 and then they release a new SKU thats cheaper and has BC and teleportation as standard. :D

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Replacing the hard drive is pretty simple. You just take the screw out and pull it out, put in the other one, tell the PS3 to format it and WOOO you have big hard drive in.


Even better if you have an external hard drive, as you can ask the PS3 to back up all your game saves and stuff onto it. :)

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Any vague date?


I would probably get one if I saw an awesome bundle as well with Uncharted and R&C...Is it possible to buy consoles with a student discount? (can you even do that online?)


Also how hard is it to replace the HD in the PS3? I know 40Gb is quite a lot but just in case! :heh:


And does the quality of HDMI cable make that much difference?


Loads of questions, I know, sorry. I'm just a bit wary of buying a PS3 and then they release a new SKU thats cheaper and has BC and teleportation as standard. :D


Virgin let you get student discount on bundles or atleast they useed to...HDMI makes all the difference trust me!


I doubt BC will come back...bet they will put PS2 games on PSN once it isnt a vaiable platform...

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Virgin let you get student discount on bundles or atleast they useed to...HDMI makes all the difference trust me!


I doubt BC will come back...bet they will put PS2 games on PSN once it isnt a vaiable platform...


Cool, I'll check out Zavvi (I assume its them because they used to be Virgin) for bundles!


Yeah I saw the difference with and without an HDMI cable and its a crap load but does the actual quality of the cable matter because I've seen cables for about £30 and cables for about £5??


Cheers for the info guys! : peace:

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Yeah I saw the difference with and without an HDMI cable and its a crap load but does the actual quality of the cable matter because I've seen cables for about £30 and cables for about £5??

So long as the cheapest isn't made of plastic coated bailing wire you shouldn't be able to see any difference between price ranges. I believe cable quality is only really an issue with analogue signals.

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Awesome, cheers! Its just a bit confusing why there is such a wide price range and nothing to really explain why they are priced differently.

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Its just a bit confusing why there is such a wide price range.

Because they'd rather have 40 of your English pounds as opposed to 5.


Pricier cables will be made of better/more expensive materials, but my understanding is that this doesn't actually make any difference. Unless your some kind of android/AV nerd with delusions of grandeur.

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Because they'd rather have 40 of your English pounds as opposed to 5.


Pricier cables will be made of better/more expensive materials, but my understanding is that this doesn't actually make any difference. Unless your some kind of android/AV nerd with delusions of grandeur.


Na, I'm more the cheap student type that would use a coat hanger if it worked!! :p

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well I got a madcatz one for £20 (it was the only one gamestation had in stock! and the last one in stock) so decided to pick it up and it looks fab!

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Upside of HDMI is that its extremely difficult to get a less than perfect signal from the cable, so even if you buy third party it'll still look great.


I bought a fairly non branded one from a local eletrical place, does the job great.

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I bought a Monster one for £80 a year ago, biggest waste of money i have spent. Just get the official Sony one for £15 i think it is.

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Quick question regarding shopto.net. Do they send you import PS3 games? Im looking at a few good offers ( Orange Box and Dynasty Warriors: Gundam ) but the pics they show are the US games and im wondering if that is why they are cheap. Yes I know the PS3 can play US games im just really picky when it comes to stuff like this :)

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