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PlayStation 3 Console Discussion


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Depends, i still prefer Live over the PSN.


PSN's updates pretty much suck for Europe, the lack of cross game voice chat, universal friends lists...


Yeah it still needs more work definately.


I prefer PSN games to Live's though...i think it's because they feel that your getting more for your money? No idea....

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Having to buy an ethernet cable is preferable to subscribing for Xbox Live though right? And then you'd have to buy a wireless adaptor.


I dunno, I've had very little experience with Xbox live, but I'm impressed with the demos on the PStore. The only game I want a demo of that they don't have is COD4. The demos are taking about an hour each to download on wireless now...


I'm going to buy an ethernet cable for sure.

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Its already well beyond LIVE. At the end of the day an online service needs to be fast, fun, useful and reliable.


Right now Sony have the most complete Online on any platform and it works with PSP. Love the fact that you have a browser, the best UI, the best features, No size limits etc.


And its FREE.

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Choze, you realise that Phil Harrison makes more balanced comments than you, right?


PSN has the potential to top Live, and it certainly scores a few points over it already, but at the moment Sony's service simply isn't of the same standard. And that last word is important: standardisation is Live's major triumph, and until the online experience of the PS3 can get those basics down its far too early to declare its victory.


Personally I prefer PSN to Live, partly because I have faith that we will see the former come on leaps and bounds, but claiming that it's "well beyond" Live is pure fallacy.

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I've signed up a new US account, but I can't find the God of War demo... It's deffinately the US store because there's a Harvey Birdman demo which isn't on the UK one...


Ah crap, and now I just tried to download the Harvey Birdman demo and...


'The connected PSP system is activated with a different account

If you perform this operation the certificate for this account will become invalid

Do you wish to continue?'


Have you had the same problem? Will this make my UK account invalid?


Edit: I found the God of War demo, but should I download it, considering the above?

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I've signed up a new US account, but I can't find the God of War demo... It's deffinately the US store because there's a Harvey Birdman demo which isn't on the UK one...


Ah crap, and now I just tried to download the Harvey Birdman demo and...


'The connected PSP system is activated with a different account

If you perform this operation the certificate for this account will become invalid

Do you wish to continue?'


Have you had the same problem? Will this make my UK account invalid?


Edit: I found the God of War demo, but should I download it, considering the above?


I havent transferred it to my PSP yet.

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I havent transferred it to my PSP yet.


I had the same problem, just agree to the invalid thing and it will work...then your UK PSP demos/downloads WON'T work! Once you've played the GOW demo and want to go back to your UK stuff, download a PSP demo from the UK store and transer it to your psp (Like last time agree to the invalid thing) then your UK stuff will work and your USA stuff won't! Confused?


It's because your PSP can't be registered to two accounts at once or something.


Thankfully you can swap between both UK and USA by just downloading either a UK demo (to make your UK stuff work) and a USA demo (to make your USA stuff work).


So pleased i have GOW:COO on preorder it's a outstanding achievement for a handheld game! :yay:

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PSN does 3 things better than live, IMO:


1) It's free

2) Better downloadable games

3) Uses REAL money on the store and not STUPID MS points!!


Live does pwn it in pretty much every other way. I still prefer the PS3 as a console though, I think I'm the only person on the forum that actually does. Well, except choze. :heh:


In other news, I got a PSP Slim and Lite, which has rekindled a love for my PSP, so I've been getting all the great games I've missed this past couple of years off for a tenner each on eBay! : peace:

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I love PS3 too! Had a few wobbles earlier in the month because I thought I missed my 360 but turns out I don't and I'm so glad I went with Sony this time. Anyone getting Lost Planet on Friday? Been playing the online demo but its all crazy Japanese people playing and I've been kicking their asses so hopefully more people from here will be playing online too?:confused:

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I love you, and your truthfulness.


Bad news PS3 owners.




Oh noes! Oh wait, I don't own a PS3, and GT had never been my cup of tea anyway.



I don't mind waiting for one of the best real racers out there. ^_^


I can certainly say that real money is better currency than any bollocks point system that Microsoft/Nintendo uses. GOT I HATE POINTS!

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Well I picked mine up today, got Orange Box and Burnout Paradise. Was thinking of getting Uncharted, but thought couldn't beat OB's value (only £35 second hand)...left it downloading the Uncharted demo at the moment...


Love everything about it at the moment....XMB is awesome and great functionality of everything. Loved watching even DVD's on it as they look so much crisper and smoother when upscaled.


So far played Burnout for about an hour and love it, feels like a mix of Need For Speeds most recent versions (Pro Street aside) and Burnout...god it looks gorgeous will have to go get some online games going with guys once I know the city that bit better.


I need some friends though add me! My name is flameboyNE.

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PSN does 3 things better than live, IMO:


1) It's free

2) Better downloadable games

3) Uses REAL money on the store and not STUPID MS points!!


Live does pwn it in pretty much every other way. I still prefer the PS3 as a console though, I think I'm the only person on the forum that actually does. Well, except choze. :heh:



That's the kind of opinion I can respect, one with actual solid reasons and some good points that I find it hard to argue against :wink:

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Well I picked mine up today, got Orange Box and Burnout Paradise. Was thinking of getting Uncharted, but thought couldn't beat OB's value (only £35 second hand)...left it downloading the Uncharted demo at the moment...


Love everything about it at the moment....XMB is awesome and great functionality of everything. Loved watching even DVD's on it as they look so much crisper and smoother when upscaled.


So far played Burnout for about an hour and love it, feels like a mix of Need For Speeds most recent versions (Pro Street aside) and Burnout...god it looks gorgeous will have to go get some online games going with guys once I know the city that bit better.


I need some friends though add me! My name is flameboyNE.


My names: jacks_mannequin


Send me a friends request if you like!

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