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That sounds awesome. At least you have a career which you're interested in!

Are you 'under embargo' as it were or can you say anything (any details) about the games they're making?


There is a NDA written into my contract. I can't talk about anything that isn't in the public domain.


I love my job. I'm not looking to get a career in the games industry. The main reason I went for the job (apart from the money) is the proofreading. Its my first ever job and managing to get it a company with a profile as high as Square is amazing.


Plus I get to play games. :heh:


It's funny because I've noticed you must be looking for errors in games now that you wouldn't have noticed before ala the error you mentioned in the Resistance 2 credits. I don't even care about watching that stuff but you have an eye for it all of a sudden.


I see mistakes all the time. Not just in games but in papers and books. I've read Penguin classics and have spotted spelling mistakes in them.


Actually it's a bit weird, because I look at the games I'm working on for so long it's easier to miss mistakes in them. :indeed:


Thing is with your job, if you have to play a bad game for ages like you have done it must be very annoying.


I don't mind playing a bad game as long as it is buggy. Even a good game can get boring after a couple months if there aren't many bugs. The last project I was on was nine weeks. It was incredibly boring and had very few bugs. We basically finished QA on it after two weeks which meant there was 7 weeks of looking for bugs which weren't there. Luckily because of this I was put on Persona 4 which was a lot of fun.


Another awesome bonus is that I get to be on the credits of loads of games. It sounds a bit dumb but it's kind of cool. :D

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I am amazed at some of the bugs that other companies let through their QA.


Wasn't there a massive bug in Tomb Raider Underworld on the Wii where you couldn't complete the game because of a missing switch?


Although something else must have gone wrong there since Nintendo should/would have spotted that.


my favorite recent gaff was in mario party 8, were the word spastic was thrown in. some, thing like "maggi koppa maggik, make this train spastic, turn this ticket tragic"


I think someone bugged that on Persona 4. :heh:

my favorite recent gaff was in mario party 8, were the word spastic was thrown in. some, thing like "maggi koppa maggik, make this train spastic, turn this ticket tragic"

That was on purpose, they had to remove it because people are prudes. Pff


I think someone bugged that on Persona 4.

Ahah really? Sweet :)


I recently bought Everybody's Golf world tour from woolies and it's been good. One thing that gets me, the first girl you can choose has an American voice in the menu screens, but when on the course she's blatantly British, I'm sure of it.

Also got that PlayTV for £35, it's pretty cool. Shame I don't watch TV.


Yahoo Bash PSP: Goodbye Sony PSP


Whatever happened to the PSP? The device that Sony once touted as "the Walkman for the 21st century" is fast disappearing from popular consciousness, and if you believe the rumors circulating just three-and-a-half years after its launch, it's up for a major rethink in 2009.


Over the crucial month of November, the Nintendo DS shifted a jaw-dropping 1.5 million units in the US alone (up 20% from last year) while the PSP languished, managing just 421,000 sales -- actually down 27%, in what was in general a tremendously strong month for video games.


Even the software support is eroding. Despite the PSP's healthy install base of around 13 million consumers, only six 2008 PSP releases scored better than 80% on review aggregating site gamerankings.com, compared with 16 on the DS. There's a good reason for that: nobody's making PSP games, because outside of one or two hits like this year's Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, nobody's buying them. That's only going to worsen when the superheavyweight Grand Theft Auto series (previously exclusive to the PSP on handhelds) releases its first DS title early next year.


In a lot of ways, it's a shame. The PSP is a far more capable hardware platform than the DS. It's a phone, a portable music player, a pocket-sized movie device, a mobile web browser, and when paired with a Playstation 3, a remarkably capable remote control for the system, capable of streaming music and movies from a PS3 over the Internet to wherever you happen to be.


Time to put this gaming warhorse out to pasture?


Next to it, the DS looks like a product of another age. It's barely capable of 3D, let alone delivering a suite of mobile applications of the PSP's caliber. Not, in fact, unlike the contrast between the Playstation 3 (modern, immensely powerful, and pricey) and the Wii (underpowered, basic, and cheap.) Oh, and phenomenally successful. The parallels you can draw between Sony and Nintendo's offerings go deep.


But then, set the PSP next to the iPhone or iPod Touch, the year's other big winner in portable gaming, and the PSP's hardware design suddenly looks old hat. Where's the touchscreen? What are all these buttons for? What on earth is the point of this useless analog nub of a joystick? And why, in an age when flash memory is so cheap it practically comes in Cheerios boxes, are we still stuck with a huge, bulky, slow, and noisy optical drive? If you're going to compete by offering a powerful hardware platform, you actually need to outperform the competition. As the iPhone steps into the portable gaming ring, it's already got the PSP on the ropes.


Guess what, Sony: Apple already made the Walkman of the 21st century, and you missed the boat.


lolz I found that PSP bashing amusing mainly because it's mostly true :heh: they won't make the same mistake twice though and will probably copy loads of the iPhones features for the PSP2.


Just started a new Burnout game because I think I might actually be able to get a platinum on it which would be pretty cool. Not sure why to be honest. :heh: (The only one I'm not sure how I'm going to get is the having 8 players online in the Wildcats stadium. If anyone has any ideas!)


I love this game so much. I have clocked in over 50 hours on it. If that isn't value for money I have no idea what is. Its so much fun. I managed to do a barrel roll on a motorbike. :D


I really didn't like it at first. I thought the demo when I downloaded it on the 360 was crap. I got it in a bundle with my PS3 and out of Uncharted and Ratchet and Clank I didn't really touch it. I got more games and still didn't play it but I then started playing it more and more and more. Ever since it got custom soundtrack I can just put it on and listen to my music while causing carnage.


All the updates have been fantastic. It's almost it's own platform, like littlebigplanet. I love day and night cycles. It is just all brilliant.


This along with MGS4 share my game of the year. They're completely different and I love them both.



Anyone know when the new DLC is out?


Afternoon gentlemen. Bought myself a PS3 today for some reason. Got Motorstorm (the first one), Prince of Persia, Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty (on a disc which is weird as I could have sworn it was Tools of Destruction but never mind), and NHL 2K7 (my brother wanted it). Wanted Fallout 3 with PoP but they were sold out apparently :indeed:. Anyways, haven't had much of a go on it to sort out online stuff but will do that this evening.


But I do need help in figuring out some good games to get for it. I'm mulling over MGS4 at the moment as I'm not really sure I want to be sat for 60 mins watching a cutscene (really not what I would buy a game for) and I'm thinking about Resistance as well. But other than that I don't know what is good. Any help would be appreciated. And I'll play mostly anything except Fifa and PES as they plain suck as does football in general.


Uncharted is a must and can easily be found for £15 or less. If you have any interest in SRPGs then Valkyria Chronicles is one of the best games of the year and can be had for £20 quite easily — it does have a lot of cutscenes, but that's par for the course. If videos of LittleBigPlanet do anything for you then it's a must-have, and again easily bought for £20 or less. MGS4 is fantastic, but if you have no interest in the series then I think you're right to have some trepidation about the cinematics. On the other hand it can be tracked down for around £15-20, so you'd probably get your money's worth even if you didn't care for the story. If you can get Resistance 2 for £20 or under then I'd recommend it, but otherwise I feel it might be worth waiting for Killzone 2 early next year instead.


And that's a very hefty chunk of text. Anyway, I'm assuming from your signature that you have a 360, so I haven't given any multi-format suggestions.


You should have bought Pacific Rift. It is monumentally better than the first Motorstorm imo and so much more fun to play. Better visuals, more varied, quicker loading times, splitscreen and loads of other fixes.


Also you can't argue with the brilliant Monstertruck shunting matches online - Especially funny on the cliff edge level lol.


^ I only had enough to get the first one as it was only £9.98 and I only had a tenner left. ::shrug:


And thnx for the suggestions. Have been looking at Burnout Paradise a lot but I think I'm gonna be getting it on the 360. No particular reason behind it. Just gonna get it on that. Might look into Valkyria Chronicles as I do like a good solid RPG and I don't really have anything at the moment on any of the 3 consoles to fit the bill.


If you like RE4, definitely get Dead Space. It's not a PS3 exclusive, so if you have a 360 or good PC, you can get it for those as well. Either way, awesome game, it comes highly recommended.


I'd also recommend Mirror's Edge (again not an exclusive), but that seems to be a love it or hate it game (I love it). Check out the demo to see if you like it.


You can't go wrong with what's already posted, though I have yet to play Uncharted. But I'll definitely get it! It's on my list.


EDIT: Just saw in the How Was Your Day thread that you already have Dead Space. Awesome.


^ Good choices but got Dead Space for xmas on the 360 and got Mirrors Edge on release. :heh: It's alright though. Probably should have said what I had on the 360 but hey-ho. Both games though. Although Dead Space isn't as scary as I thought it'd be and I'm playing it at midnight in the dark.


Defo try Valkyria Chronicles. I got it for xmas and then my damn PS3 broke on Boxing Day but the few hours I've spent with it were amazing - get my replacement PS3 next Monday and its the first game I'll be playing.


Also, if you liked Dead Space try, SIREN: Blood Curse which you can download off PSN or buy on BD.


I played the demo and i didn't see the RPG in it. I might rent it later. I still wanna rent Sonic Unleashed and MGS4 first. Really I dunno why anyone buys PS3 games instead of renting them XD

Except LBP...


There's a demo available of Valkyria Chronicles? Will download it tomorrow and give it a go. I just like RPGs in general, all types, so I'm hoping it's good.


Question though. Does anyone have the PS3 version of Prince of Persia and if so can you create multiple save files on it? The only reason I ask is that unfortunately for me, my brother has commandeered the PS3 and the game and I would rather start my own file than play through his.

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