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To be fair, dazzybee, you are being rather irrational. Sony haven't purposefully done anything to harm your TV.


Also, if the TV is brand new I'd be much quicker to lay the blame at its door; perhaps you got a duff unit. I didn't think plasma burn-in was an issue these days, and it certainly shouldn't happen due to a simple neon font.


I'd suggest contacting the place where you bought the TV and see if you can get an exchange, and it might be an idea to Google the product code of the television to see if anyone else has had similar problems.

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Yeah they're both under warranty Owen.


I have had a lot of problems with Sony products as I know a lot of people have. And it is no coincidence that this happens as soon as I get the PS3 when Ive had the Wii and 360 for over a year!! But yeah, I'm not saying it's a major fault or anything, but just really annoying!!


I just think calling me a fucking gimp because I have a plasma TV is the sign of someone being a bit of ****!

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Yeah they're both under warranty Owen.


I have had a lot of problems with Sony products as I know a lot of people have. And it is no coincidence that this happens as soon as I get the PS3 when Ive had the Wii and 360 for over a year!! But yeah, I'm not saying it's a major fault or anything, but just really annoying!!


I just think calling me a fucking gimp because I have a plasma TV is the sign of someone being a bit of ****!


Agreed there is no need for it. At the same time though I don't think you really need to have a go at Sony for your problem.


I don't think I've ever had a problem with a Sony product actually. My old phone worked fine, camera is very good quality, my car stereo is a Sony one, and I've never had a problem with all 3 Playstations. I've even got quite a good Sony CD wallet. :p


If I was you I'd probably be far more annoyed at the TV as that is the thing with the actual problem. I've not heard of anyone else having problems with any of the PS3 themes.

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Yeah they're both under warranty Owen.


I have had a lot of problems with Sony products as I know a lot of people have. And it is no coincidence that this happens as soon as I get the PS3 when Ive had the Wii and 360 for over a year!! But yeah, I'm not saying it's a major fault or anything, but just really annoying!!


I just think calling me a fucking gimp because I have a plasma TV is the sign of someone being a bit of ****!


I can understand why your angry to be fair, i mean if it's a brand new plasma, i'll be the same!


I have a 47" Samsung 1080p LCD TV and i'm always worried it's going to break, i couldn't afford the extra insurance either! I'll be heartbroken if something happened to it, all my technology stuff is my life! :D


I think Aimless is right, ring the shop you bought it from and demand another one, i'm sure the screen shouldn't of got screen-burn like that, from something so quickly!


Also, when you first get it (you probably know this already) i'm sure you have to leave it on for a while, and change the channels often (so that the programme logos don't burn into the screen), so that the screen warms-up or something?

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Anyone going to buy Everybody's Golf? I've been after a golf game for a while but haven't heard good things about Tiger Woods so thinking this might be a better option. Looks really good though.


No, sorry mate! Theres so many other games out this month, i was going to get it, but i'll stick with Wii Golf for my quick golfing fix!

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VGP? : peace:


Thing is though dude, if downloadable content is released for that game, which seems certain, you will have to purchase the content of the USA store because it's a US game! Theres only this entropay thing which works (an online visa company) and i'm not sure you'll be to keen on using that, and the USA PSN cards were scheduled for Q1 08 but are no-where to be seen!


I have a USA version of Warhawk and cannot buy the Omega pack! I wish i purchased the UK version now to save all the aggro!


Ah right, so even though I have a USA PS3 (which I should be playing properly for the first time tomorrow) I should still preferably go for buying UK games? Which is fine as it's region free for PS3 games as far as I'm aware but region locked for downloadable content? hmm ok, I'll go for the Pal version then, thanks Owen. :smile:

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I think that's mainly for stuff that is heavy on the PSN. I know RR7 doesn't do that as I have a US version and the UK stuffed worked on it.


Ah so it's still probably best to get the US ltd ed of MGS4 anyway?

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Ah so it's still probably best to get the US ltd ed of MGS4 anyway?


NO! Because if you get it from US it will get shipped to you on release date. If you get it from UK you will get it on the release date or sometimes a day before


But if you want the US limited edition badly then im sure you can wait a few days for it while everyone else plays MGS4

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NO! Because if you get it from US it will get shipped to you on release date. If you get it from UK you will get it on the release date or sometimes a day before


But if you want the US limited edition badly then im sure you can wait a few days for it while everyone else plays MGS4


Nah s'ok I'll get the Pal version, thanks. :smile:

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GOW PSP is by far the greatest PSP game to date! I've been playing it bit by bit over the weekend and it's sensational! A huge achievement and shows what the PSP is capable off!


It's exactly like the PS2 games and the sense of scale is amazing!


Thought i let you all know! :D

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Lots of gimps actually. Nothing wrong with buying a plasma tv, espcially if you don't watch tv very much and would rather game instead. :indeed:


They seem fine for gaming, I very seldom bother with watching TV and mostly game but even so I would stick with an LCD because my experiences with them have been really good. :smile:


Each to their own though.


*back on topic*


Can't wait to see what games look like on my USA PS3 in hopefully a few hours when the voltage regulator arrives (yes I got one following the advice of a fully qualified electrician, I know 90% of people say you don't need one but I've been told theres no harm in using it and may even make the unit last longer *shrugs*) either way I can't wait to play it later. :D


Gonna trade in Motorstorm probably later plus a 360 peripheral to get a copy of Uncharted hopefully. :heh:

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Wait so Plasma is considered better for TV and LCD for gaming?


Anyway, I posted this in tech but no help yet, maybe you guize will know.


Is there a way/what software do I need to record game footage directly from my PSP?


Efforts with a digital camera lastnight were fruitless.

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Guest Jordan

No, the time it takes for the TV to 'redraw' the image onto the screen. Mines 2ms, which is probably the lowest you're gunna get at the moment.

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Guest Jordan

Its fairly simple really, all it means is:


Your pixels can change colour, obviously. The responce time, is the time it takes a pixel to go from a colour, to black (or white) to colour. The faster, the better as it stops ghosting.

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Ahhhh! errorrrr errrorrrr. Lol. ;)


Now help me with the above query re PSP, Tech-Man.


Hmm Idk if this helps but it might...




if it doesn't the only other way I could think of, off the top of my head, would be if you had a new PSP (the one that lets you connect via component or something?) and connect that to a TV capture card, then capture the footage via some generic capture software? :confused:


If any of that makes sense I'll be amazed but it's the best i can think of off the top of my head. :smile:

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