flameboy Posted March 31, 2012 Posted March 31, 2012 ReZourceman said: The....new.....Rick Roll? Really?! It's already tiring in this thread...imagine if it somehow leaked into every thread we posted in...
Aimless Posted April 2, 2012 Posted April 2, 2012 As it's just a rumour I'll consign it to here for now, but I thought it warranted mentioning that allegedly CD Projekt are going to be announcing a PS3 version of The Witcher 2 this week; they've a conference on the 5th. Perhaps nothing will come of it, but if it is announced the game comes thoroughly recommended.
flameboy Posted April 4, 2012 Posted April 4, 2012 Daft said: I think flameboy wins. Yup I win! Not just on this thread but on every thread I've posted to over the last few days! Anyway like cube said head over to PSN and download these great games now:
flameboy Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 Some what ironically when I go to download: I can't! I downloaded the Shank demo but can't download the unlock and I can't download NFS at all. It just comes up with a blank screen rather than the download part. It's just these games because I went and checked and managed to download other demos.
dazzybee Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 For shank do you need to dowNload the trial and then the unlock? Is that how you get it to work? God I wish the ps3 wasn't the worlds slowest wireless device imagineable. So tempted to get a lead
flameboy Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 dazzybee said: For shank do you need to dowNload the trial and then the unlock? Is that how you get it to work?God I wish the ps3 wasn't the worlds slowest wireless device imagineable. So tempted to get a lead Yup you do. Yeah I went wired a long time ago.
Deathjam Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 flameboy said: Yup you do. Yeah I went wired a long time ago. Yup wired is the way to go. Anyways my ps3 is still dying a slow death and at the moment, it sounds like a bloody jet engine, so anyone know of any good deals going about? Online would be preferable as well as it being brand new, second hand has burned me too many times in the past. I don't have uncharted 3 (I know I know that's a crime) so a bundle would be nice too. Had a look around but haven't seen anything for sub £200.
Sheikah Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 The base price for a 160GB PS3 console at Sainsbury's is £160 here (possibly in-store too). Then it would be fairly easy to pick up UC3 somewhere for less than £40 to be under a total of £200. Not sure how long it will be that price for though.
Tales Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 I did not like Shift. I assume it's aiming for realism, but realism isn't fun in this case. Haven't tried Shank and I doubt I will. The minis are ok, maybe I'll play them some more but I doubt I will finish them. Bring on next month.
Deathjam Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 Tales said: I did not like Shift. I assume it's aiming for realism, but realism isn't fun in this case. Haven't tried Shank and I doubt I will. The minis are ok, maybe I'll play them some more but I doubt I will finish them. Bring on next month. Awesome! OK very tempted but I did replace my ps3 hard drive with a 300gb originally. I know I can transfer the data from one ps3 to another, but how do I transfer the actual physical hard drive from one to the other, without losing data. Im thinking I will need to backup everything to an external hard drive, then swap out the old for the new the put in the 300gb hard drive and use the restore function? If I don't do this and insert it from old PS3 to new PS3, the new one will want to format it before it can use it. Right?
Sheikah Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 Deathjam said: Awesome! OK very tempted but I did replace my ps3 hard drive with a 300gb originally. I know I can transfer the data from one ps3 to another, but how do I transfer the actual physical hard drive from one to the other, without losing data. Im thinking I will need to backup everything to an external hard drive, then swap out the old for the new the put in the 300gb hard drive and use the restore function? If I don't do this and insert it from old PS3 to new PS3, the new one will want to format it before it can use it. Right? Yeah you will want to backup before replacing hard drives, as it will need to be formatted by the new PS3 before you can use it. Some copy-protected content I think may not be able to be backed up (rather can be transferred only from PS3 to PS3 using an ethernet cable). Most stuff should be ok though.
Deathjam Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 Sheikah said: Yeah you will want to backup before replacing hard drives, as it will need to be formatted by the new PS3 before you can use it. Some copy-protected content I think may not be able to be backed up (rather can be transferred only from PS3 to PS3 using an ethernet cable). Most stuff should be ok though. Thanks. It's ordered so think I will just transfer everything over via the ethernet connection. 160GB should be enough....even though I only have barely over 100GB free on the current machine...
Happenstance Posted April 7, 2012 Posted April 7, 2012 I see Persona 3 FES is coming to the US store as a Playstation 2 Classic. Hope it comes to the EU store at some point. Im enjoying playing the portable version on my Vita but I do think it loses some of its charm and connection with the characters with the 3D stuff removed.
Deathjam Posted April 12, 2012 Posted April 12, 2012 MY god. I thought getting a slim ps3 would make my console problems go away. Instead it has just double them. Spent the whole day either figuring out why the data transfer utility wasn't working, or actually waiting for the damn thing to finish only for it to get to 50%, then fail saying corrupted save data but not WHERE it was and after waiting for something like five fucking hours. THREE TIMES it's failed, even after rebuilding file structure in safe mode, deleting unneeded game saves, games and files to make room. This console generation has been such a ballache sometimes. Really considering whether I will bother taking part in the next cycle. And funnily enough I am not even finished. Decided to make sure ps+ understands that I want my save games in the cloud, so I am putting in the disk for every game I have (I think I have over 20 -.-), accepting the prompt to load the save data, then exiting and repeating the process. It's a shame some have to download a 500mb+ patch to get them to start. Thank god I did GT5 ages ago.
Hero-of-Time Posted April 13, 2012 Posted April 13, 2012 Deathjam said: MY god. I thought getting a slim ps3 would make my console problems go away. Instead it has just double them. Spent the whole day either figuring out why the data transfer utility wasn't working, or actually waiting for the damn thing to finish only for it to get to 50%, then fail saying corrupted save data but not WHERE it was and after waiting for something like five fucking hours. THREE TIMES it's failed, even after rebuilding file structure in safe mode, deleting unneeded game saves, games and files to make room. This console generation has been such a ballache sometimes. Really considering whether I will bother taking part in the next cycle. And funnily enough I am not even finished. Decided to make sure ps+ understands that I want my save games in the cloud, so I am putting in the disk for every game I have (I think I have over 20 -.-), accepting the prompt to load the save data, then exiting and repeating the process. It's a shame some have to download a 500mb+ patch to get them to start. Thank god I did GT5 ages ago. The joys of this generation.
flameboy Posted April 13, 2012 Posted April 13, 2012 Hero-of-Time said: The joys of this generation. Imagine next generation when you to try and migrate all this stuff to a new console.
Aimless Posted April 13, 2012 Posted April 13, 2012 flameboy said: Imagine next generation when you to try and migrate all this stuff to a new console. To get it out there early, I wouldn't count on PS4 being backwards compatible. The rumours surrounding its basic makeup seem fairly consistent, and without an evolution of Cell — plus a switch from nVidia to ATi on top — the chances of emulation are slim. Could be they allow for some piece of optional hardware you slot in to the underside in order to play PS3 content, but that's seeming like a best case scenario. Microsoft's next console will probably have better footing on a technical level, but even then you're probably looking at a similar situation to playing original Xbox games on 360.
flameboy Posted April 13, 2012 Posted April 13, 2012 Aimless said: To get it out there early, I wouldn't count on PS4 being backwards compatible. The rumours surrounding its basic makeup seem fairly consistent, and without an evolution of Cell — plus a switch from nVidia to ATi on top — the chances of emulation are slim. Could be they allow for some piece of optional hardware you slot in to the underside in order to play PS3 content, but that's seeming like a best case scenario. Microsoft's next console will probably have better footing on a technical level, but even then you're probably looking at a similar situation to playing original Xbox games on 360. Yeah I think it's very unlikely too....which to be honest does outright suck from a digital point of view. I mean I don't think they have to offer us backwards compatibility for the actual discs. Because at the end of the day you can always buy a new machine and play those discs (in some form or another disregarding DLC) That is a still relatively modern phenomenon...I mean sure Gameboy did it...but NES-SNES-N64 didn't Master System-Mega Drive-Saturn-Dreamcast (ok there was a convertor for mega drive) didn't. It's for digital games that it outright sucks if the the machine breaks you've lost it and if they stop supporting downloads of those which is surely gonna happen one day however distant in the future; you can never get them on another machine. I'd even wager sorting out all this stuff is at least having some impact on when and how they announce the next gen. I think more so the Microsoft (for reasons like you said it's just more expected) they have to either announce yes it can be transferred or at very least be able to pitch questions about it otherwise there will be a backlash.
Rowan Posted April 17, 2012 Posted April 17, 2012 Looks like the Sony E3 conference is going to be at 3am British Summer Time. Bit of a shame that!
Cube Posted April 17, 2012 Posted April 17, 2012 Rowan said: Looks like the Sony E3 conference is going to be at 3am British Summer Time. Bit of a shame that! It's at 2AM Microsoft - Monday June 4, 6pm BST Ubisoft - Monday June 4, 11pm BST Sony - Tuesday June 5, 2am BST Nintendo - TBA The good news is that the Monday and Tuesday are bank holidays in the UK.
flameboy Posted April 17, 2012 Posted April 17, 2012 Cube said: It's at 2AM Microsoft - Monday June 4, 6pm BST Ubisoft - Monday June 4, 11pm BST Sony - Tuesday June 5, 2am BST Nintendo - TBA The good news is that the Monday and Tuesday are bank holidays in the UK. Result I think that's half term week for work!!!!!!!!!!! Handy for getting up to date on news and stuff, will make scheduling podcasting about it all easier too!
Daft Posted April 18, 2012 Posted April 18, 2012 Don't forget that Sony's conferences always start late.
Retro_Link Posted April 18, 2012 Posted April 18, 2012 Really looking forward to E3 now! Always a great time on the forum, and staying up at all hours! My one wish... The Last Guardian!
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