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Shows not many people watch


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I USED TO LOVE THAT! I'd totally forgotten about it!


Wow. Thanks for reminding me about it. :yay:


A few years ago I was watching Cartoon Network pretty late and this show called "Home Movies" started, the art style (or lack thereof) gave me low expectations but the show is very much dialogue driven and surprisingly entertaining.


So recently I delved back into it and I'm enjoying it a lot, here's a clip from season 2 (yes, this is indeed animated in flash).

BTW don't draw too many conclusions from this clip, the jokes are pretty varied.

and a bio stolen from wikipedia:




So what shows do you like that no one watches?

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Haha, so I went to the wikipedia to learn about Pushing Daisies and i read the first paragraph of the plot and my first thought is "this sounds a bit like dead like me" and then bam I scroll up and see this: "American television dramedy created by Bryan Fuller (creator of Dead Like Me and Wonderfalls)"


Dead like me is an awesome show that got two seasons before it was canned but because of a fairly large fanbase it's getting a movie and if that's popular then there'll probably be a third season. I first got into it when Sky were showing it on Sky one, it's about a girl who dies and then has to be a grim reaper - take peoples souls before they die.

Georgia Lass is aloof and emotionally distant from her family and shied away from her life. After dropping out of college, she takes a job at Happy Time Temporary Services. On her lunch break of her first day, she is hit and killed by a toilet seat from the de-orbiting of the Mir space station. She is informed shortly after her death that, rather than moving on to the "great beyond", she will become a grim reaper in the "external influence" division, responsible for reaping souls of people who die in accidents (many of which are of Rube Goldberg-style complexity), suicides and homicides.

I'm not sure why Dead Like Me was so fun to watch but I think it boils down to the characters and some decent writing. I definitely recommend it.


EDIT: So I watched the first episode of Pushing Daisies and the Ned (who looks just like John Cusack) is going to have the worst case of blue balls ever, I feel sorry for him.

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his sexual past and drive is explained later on, and touched on in the first episode (theres gotta be a reason Olive said "I used to think masturbation meant chewing your food....I don't anymore").


I never did watch DLM, always wanted to but yeah, it looks fun.


Wonderfalls is fantastic. Lee Pace (Ned on PD) is in it too, but Wonderfalls is really great fun.

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I love all those shows like British Transport Police and Traffic Cops - they're really genteel and civil shows about genteel and civil cops busting common, low key crime with the power of firm but fair reasoning. Makes a change from their explosively sensationalist American counter parts like S.W.A.T. ("When people are in trouble, they call the cops, and when the cops are in trouble, they call S.W.A.T!!") and in all honesty I feel like I live in a safer country as a result.

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Mystery Science Theater 3000. I've watched maybe 10-15 episodes of this, and considering it's over 10 series long... It always amazes me how few people have seen this :)


Oh yeah MST3K is absolutely brilliant, such a shame Sci-Fi stopped airing episodes years ago. Probably the funniest show ive ever seen.



Anyone seen the new show called Chuck? It started airing this season in the US and has been really good so far. Its a spy type show where the main character is just a normal guy. Bit like Jake 2.0 if anyone ever saw that but a hell of a lot better.

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Mystery Science Theater 3000. I've watched maybe 10-15 episodes of this, and considering it's over 10 series long... It always amazes me how few people have seen this :)


No, but for some reason it made me think of Unexplained Mysteries or something like that. Cheesy American programme from the 80s or early 90s of crimes, dissapearances etc that haven't been solved. Like Crimewatcher, but unintentionally camper.



Anyone seen the new show called Chuck? It started airing this season in the US and has been really good so far. Its a spy type show where the main character is just a normal guy. Bit like Jake 2.0 if anyone ever saw that but a hell of a lot better.


Not yet, but it is my plan to do so over Xmas.

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No, but for some reason it made me think of Unexplained Mysteries or something like that. Cheesy American programme from the 80s or early 90s of crimes, dissapearances etc that haven't been solved. Like Crimewatcher, but unintentionally camper.




Not yet, but it is my plan to do so over Xmas.


That reminds me of a show that tried to be a little paranormal; having reconstructions of 'kidnappings' - like a guy on a motorbike went missing between one state and another and even though there were no witnesses or anything, the show somehow explained that he must've (on his motorbike..) picked up TEH WICKED HITCHER OF TEH WEST who must have proceeded to gut him and eat him alive and hide his never-again-found body again.


Lies. But groovy, so acceptable.

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I LOVED Sliders back in the day :)

And Life On Mars was the best thing to come from the beeb in years.

Eerie Indiana was pretty special back in the day too.


My current favourite programme ( has been for a few years now) is.... Still Game. Best comedy I've seen in years. The wonderfully developed characters and portrayal of old age against modern influence/ideals is an astounding comedy tool in the right hands.


I'd recommend anyone check out some youtube clips. If you can understand Glasweigan :)


I'm proud to say this is my favourite programme ever :D

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