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This game seems to deserve its own thread. The reviews are highly positive and some are saying it's THE game for the PS3 at the moment. I was a little interested in it when it first came to show, but now hearing the positive stuff it's been receiving, I'll be certainly picking it up.:)







Published by: Sony Computer Entertainment

Developed by: Naughty Dog Software

Genre: Action Adventure

Number of Players: 1


Release Date: US 11/19/07

UK 12/07/07


Reviews: http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/932984.asp?q=uncharted


Taking full advantage of the power of PS3, Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune is developed using proprietary technology that promises to impress players with incredibly realistic characters and lifelike environments. Building on its legacy of extraordinary storytelling, Naughty Dog has created an elaborate plot that will have players guessing at every turn.


Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, brings players into a world ripe with realism and unexpected juxtapositions. A fallible hero akin to those depicted in pulp-adventure genre films, Nathan Drake brings a humanity and believability never seen before in video gaming, enabled entirely through PS3 technology advancements.


A 400-year-old clue in the coffin of Sir Francis Drake sets a modern-day fortune hunter on an exploration for the fabled treasure of El Dorado, leading to the discovery of a forgotten island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. In Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, the search turns deadly when Nathan Drake becomes stranded on the island and hunted by mercenaries. Outnumbered and outgunned, Drake and his companions must fight to survive as they begin to unravel the terrible secrets hidden on the Island.


Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune Features:


Find Drake’s Fortune: Use maps and ancient artifacts, uncover clues and unravel mysteries to find a forgotten island and a treasure that was thought to have never existed


Explore exotic locations: Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune sees players traverse through living jungles and spectacular 400-year-old ruins.


Co-operation is key: Drake’s companions and allies play an important role in

Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, through cooperative mechanics, gunplay and exploration.


Experience fast-paced gunplay: use a variety of environmental elements for cover, shoot enemies off of moving vehicles in high speed chases and more.


Drake's Fortune Fighting: Use an array of hand-to-hand fighting moves to put your enemy off balance. Anything from wild haymaker punches to running drop-kicks.


Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune animation: Naughty Dog's advanced animation techniques allow Drake to switch seamlessly can reload his weapon while dodging bullets and find cover behind a wall, all in one smooth natural motion.


Lifelike emotion: Drake's Fortune characters express lifelike emotion using gesture and facial expression through the use of Naughty Dog’s proprietary Wrinkle Mapping Facial Animation system.


High-definition range lighting: Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune delivers full floating point color calculations yielding an unequaled level of realism and detail.


Hyper realistic water: Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune boasts physics based Wave Simulation paired with cutting edge Refraction/Reflection rendering techniques.


a vibrant living environment: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune utilises next generation rendering techniques such as Bump Mapping, Parallax Mapping, Blend Shaders, Global Illumination, Runtime Shadows and Real Time Shadows, Naughty Dog has created a vibrant living environment.















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  • 2 weeks later...

GT Review




Im a big fan of Naughty Dogs work as I loved the Crash games they made and the 1st Jak games was/is godly ( didnt like the GTA style they used for the other games ) I have just watched the review and im very very impressed by this game.


I was supposed to pick a PS3 up for Ratchet and Clank but I got screwed out of £200 by pipex as they hadnt been charging me for my internet and forgot to tell me so I had to pay what I owed them resulting in me not getting another PS3. Depending on how healthy my bank balance is next pay day ( couple of weeks ) I may pick up another PS3 and get Ratchet and this as my 360 will be gathering dust now as there is nothing I want for it and the Wii doesnt satisify my traditional gaming needs. We will see what happens....

  • 2 weeks later...

I've only played the first 2 chapters of this (and the demo), but WOW! I'm really enjoying this game so far! I've not had as much fun exploring any environments since PoP: Sands Of Time and the graphics are eye-meltingly gorgeous! It's definitely the best looking game I've ever played and this, along with Ratchet and Clank, has finally justified my £380 (go Tesco staff discount) purchase.


I love it and can't wait to play it some more tomorrow night!


Wow, this game really has me floored!:o


Not just the excellent graphics, but the fact that it has shooting and is not a sci-fi/WWII-adventure with a fetish for the colours gray and brown.


The animation is superb, the voice-acting class and the gameplay, while not the re-imagining of adventure gaming, is well above average. This is just what I needed: a game that makes me feel like Indiana Jones! :grin:


It's a good period for PS3 for me. Call of Duty 4 slipped by, Ratchet and Clank found it's way to me, Folklore has left me both incredibly surprised and enthousiastic and now this! :bowdown:


Uncharted, Ratchet and Folklore are great!


Not forgetting Singstar, Warhawk, Resistance, Motorstorm, Heavenly Sword!


I haven't regretted buying my PS3 as yet!


This does look extra special though! Ratchet and Singstar are my fav PS3 games at the mo, but i'm 99% sure this will over them!


A man who is so much more of a better character than Lara Croft will ever be. He has so much more personality than that womb holder!


TBH even saying Tomb Raider in the same line with Uncharted just brings Uncharted's greatness down. Uncharted is just so much better in every place possible!

  • 2 weeks later...

So I started playing this yesterday and in true McDonalds fashion, im lovin it!


Now im only playing on a normal 28" Widescreen TV ( sorry Caris I know I need to get an LCD ) but the visuals are simply amazing.


In one of the early levels where the Nazi sub is I climbed to the top of the cliff and walked underneath the waterfall. I then stood there just panning the camera around looking at the sun and all the scenery around me, it was breath taking.


Another thing I love is how Nates clothes look wet when you jump into some water and then dry off again as you run around.


Its so much more fun and fluid than the Tomb Raider games and I just like some of "puzzles" Nate comes across. Now Lara would have to look for a key or climb around various ledges to get behind a doorway, Nate just blows the hell out of the wall to get past it. Genius!


Im only on to the 6th chapter at the moment and seeing as my copy of Heavenly Sword seems to have gone missing in the post ( I hate Royal Mail ) then I will be playing this for quite a while.


Well I have just finished it and it was a fantastic experience.


Everything from the voice acting, visuals, music and story were great even if the story was cliche it was still brilliant.


I managed to get 35 treasures on my 1st run through which im happy with but there is still many of the "achievements" that I still need such as killing so many enemies with various weapons. Methinks after I have beaten Heavenly Sword I will go through this again on easy and get the remaining treasures ( use a guide this time ) and see what other rewards I can pick up on the way.


Looking at the rewards it seems that Naughty Dog will probably convert the Medals into Trophies once HOME arrives. I remember reading an interview with Insominiac ages saying that they would probably do something like that with the Skill Points in Ratchet and Clank and Resistance.


Im hoping that Naughty Dog decide to continue with this series as Nate is such a great character. Once again they delivered and they did it with the first lot of Crash games, Jak and Daxter now this. Everything that Naughty Dog and Insominiac touches turns to gold IMO.


Owen, come Christmas day your in for a real treat when playing this :)

Played the demo of this today, seemed to be pretty good, may have to pick it up if I can get it at a decent price.


Gameplay it's £32.99 which is the cheapest I can find. However slap this £5 voucher code on ( dt7aquwhf ) and it becomes a very good deal :D


Done! Not 100% complete but i finished it and im happy at that. In all honesty i cant see too much replay value with it, it was a little frustrating at points when the enemies just keep coming.


Hell of alot o fun took me a little under a week to finish it, 40 treasures and about 3/5 of the medal things unlocked.


I wont say much here for people still playing but a couple of those last chapters had me crapping bricks. It was the noises.... on my new TV.... with my GF.... in the dark = SCARY :D

  • 1 month later...

I agree with forums members that this game is spectacular in terms of story, graphics, voice acting. But it lacks severely in terms of aiming, and in crucial, tight spots, in terms of the camera too. My problems were always where intense shootouts are coming into the picture. I died way too many times in tense situations, because I couldn´t hit the enemies with the PS3 controllers analogue stick.


I couldn´t draw the gun, point, and just hit the damn enemies like I would have done for real. In this game that is not possible. The Wii mote makes it possible, but to me the PS3 controller´s stick doesn´t. I would describe the problem I have with aiming with that stick by using the word "waver". That is what it felt like. I turned the stick towards the rapidly incoming enemy, but I always initially missed the target by always going too far to either side of the target. Trying to make up for the inaccuracy, I then manually sought to correct the error, wavering with that annoying stick for aims, costing me too many precious seconds so, in close combat situations, I got constantly mauled and killed. This happened throughout the whole of the game, where I was really close to enemies or being surrounded. Consequently, I felt really bad in almost all of the shootouts.


In one of the last chapters, where Nate is inside an abandoned U Boat base, I died constantly because the NPC monsters kept coming at me so fast in the dark, often at blind angles, and with turning and pointing being simply too slow to be usefull in such a constricted space. I needed a lock-on system to hit the enemies in the dark, and feel GOOD about blasting them. I didn´t, I felt miserable. I got to turn all three switches on, get lighting, only to be attacked close-up by another monster (they kept coming like noone knows from where) which came around the corner with no prior warning, or in any visible light...which I couldn´t aim and hit it with that stick fast enough. So I died, again and again, and had to start all over. I think I went with that for 10-12 times, and then I got so mad that I threw the game out. I had at that point endured hundreds of re-tries throughout the game´s many chapters. This was like the drop that made it all over for me.


In any normal encounter when surrounded by enemies, I would adjust my aim to whatever comes at me. Couldn´t do it here since Nate turns too slow, or the bloody stick makes it impossible to just lightningly fast point, and shoot at the rapidly incoming targets. I didn´t see the treasure at all. If I ever play this kind of game again, it will only be if it has a lock-on system, or if it comes out on Wii. Yes, a lock-on system folks!


Nintendo´s got it right as for solving aiming problems in shooters. Naughty Dogs doesn´t. I find it incredible that they didn´t include a lock-on system in a game where shootouts takes place so frequently. The flow of the shoot-outs is badly interrupted when dying so many times for reasons of aiming errors. And where enemies need so many rounds of shots before actually dying. Sorry, if that puts any of you off. But I have had it with games that get ultra-high review scores for otherwise excellent in-game feautures, but where nobody deals with little, hugely annoying facts. Such as the exclusion of a truly needed lock-on system that forgetfull, or overconfident developers, tend to just leave in games before they ship to retail. Lock-on has been invented, Naughty Dog.


Having a lock-on system would have made the game stupidly easy. There was a great satsifaction in shooting someone in the head knowing that you made it happen. I never had a problem with the controls and I went through the game many times over including on the hardest difficulty level.


You want simple controls? Go play Wii Sports!


.... Waah? :D


I just skimmed over that, but seriously lock on targetting? This isn't Zelda where you need to lock on to a target to be able to easily dodge their moves and it would take out alot of the 'skill' required to shoot enemies.


Imagine Gears of War with lock on targetting, dear christ... it'd be a joke. What other third person shooters do you know that use this? Oh and this game isn't coming to the Wii, Naughty Dog are an exclusive Sony 3rd party.


Too easy with lock-on? Head-shots feeling great because "you did it". I can follow you. But try dying close-up tens of times because you can´t hit the target. Then you will know what I am talking about. Lock-on didn´t feel "too easy" in Metroid Prime!


Instead, I find a lock-on system more fun because I can just give the enemies hell, and walk away feeling I could give them something back. And see the whole game. In my opinion, you just gotta have some sort of compensation for the fact that you don´t have a light gun to aim with making it way harder to point and shoot naturally (!), since using a stick to move the crosshairs over on targets feels incredible unnatural for a weapon(!!).


I would have not minded an option to turn lock-on in that game on and off. Then gamers could choose how they wanted to engage the enemies.

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