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Mafia Game #3 - Stranded in Mushroom Kingdom


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Some bits I forgot:


A suited man approached Lara Croft. "I have a proposition for you Ms. Croft..."




A tall moustached man wearing blue shouted at the paper thin dog, who was terminally depressed after having not won the affections of Sunny Funny. This only served to make the dog angry.




McMad posts this:

"I am so pissed off with you LazyBoy!"


And with this, the dog began pummeling the man with his paper thin fists. Seeing this was inneffective, he pulled out a gun from his waist band. He could be a rapper if he tried hard enough...



LazyBoy is dead. He was Dr. Eggman, a villain whose robots had been destroyed.


There will be no lynch today. The day will last longer so you can discuss the happenings.


There are 19 players remaining. 10 is a majority.


/ nando /


Coolness Bears










Paj Meen Ah





the fish


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I see. So he's one of the guys that can't talk, but still plays. I guess he's good, if he killed Eggman. BUT, McMad COULD be an even more evil character, who was pissed with Eggman because all his robots were dead and was useless to him, so he removed him.

I think McMad could be evil.

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-Cube, who was Zelda's killer?


I didn't see the killer.


-gaggle64, what did you do last night?


Sounds like Mrs. Croft was recruited by someone...perhaps by the bad guys. Anything to say, Gaggle?


And The Fish appears to have the mission of taking out those with detectove-like roles.

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Day 8 is now over


With the dog's little outburst, and the pile of dead bodies from the night, the heroes had felt uneasy about lynching. There couldn't be another death yet.


There are 19 players remaining. 10 is a majority.


/ nando /


Coolness Bears










Paj Meen Ah





the fish



Night 8 begins now

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I see. So he's one of the guys that can't talk, but still plays. I guess he's good, if he killed Eggman. BUT, McMad COULD be an even more evil character, who was pissed with Eggman because all his robots were dead and was useless to him, so he removed him.

I think McMad could be evil.


An evil mafioso wouldn't get rid of a lackey, as useless as he might be. I trust McMad.


I'm still waiting for gaggle. Maybe he has something?

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Night 8 is now over


A flash of red light. A monkey scuttled along the ground, and with his light fingers grabbed a bag of sand which was hanging from a man's waist.




Again the tall moustached man shouted at the depressed dog, but the dog didn't do anything, just sat there sulking.




A woman lay asleep. She had no powers now, and was only waiting for morning to come, and eventually to find a way back home. A suited man woke her up.


"How would you like the opportunity to play in Mushroom Kingdom's premier football team?" the man said, with a twisted smile.


Seeing as the woman had no other allies, she accepted his offer.




The light skinned Sim didn't know how he had got himself into this situation. He had been ordered to kill his best friend, and he hadn't dared to argue with the "Godfather". He clutched the gun in his sweaty palm, his mind thinking nothing, only fear.


He wanted to run away, but he couldn't. He was in a strange world, and was bound by contract to obey Giovanni, the leader of the villains. If he didn't he would have Bowser to answer to...


His hand shook as he pointed the gun at his best friend. He had tried to explain, but he had broken down into tears. His best friend was a good man, and didn't deserve to die.


He couldn't cope anymore. He pointed the gun at his own temple. He was dead before he could feel any more emotion.


The fish is dead. He was the sim Vladimir. He was a light skinned, toned adult whose star sign Taurus made him violent and rebelious. He had joined the villains, and rather foolishly, the leader had sent him to kill his best friend.


His best friend let out a scream of disbelief. He shook the body, desperately hoping the man was still alive. No response came, and with that, the man picked up the gun, and shot himself.


Jonnas is dead. He was the sim Brian. He was a dark skinned, skinny adult whose star sign Libra made him level headed and peaceful. He was good, but could communicate with his evil best friend Vladimir.


If either of the sims died, the other would commit suicide.


And that boys and girls is why you should never dabble in the schemes of evil. It only gets you and the ones you love killed.


There are 17 players remaining. 9 is a majority.


/ nando /


Coolness Bears









Paj Meen Ah







Day 9 begins now

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