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Spaced Being Remade For US TV


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I just don't get how they will make it anything like Spaced, like Pegg said, "the show was very much about being in London in the late '90s at the millennial turn and being in that country influenced by American culture."


I enjoyed the American Office but really don't see this working and without Pegg's backing I hope it fails...and ruins the careers of everyone involved. (Yes, I am annoyed.)

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cant they just take it as it is!:shakehead we get thier imports and dont insist on giving characters bowler hats , the telegraph and have them standing at bus stops peering at thier wristwatch .


As Daft has stated this is very late 90's and very english , how much will be retained? , it just cant be the same . Im glad pegg doesnt think much to it but im shocked he has no say in the matter , i thought he co wrote it so isnt it partially his?!


Ah, nothing to fret about. Chances are that it'll just be forgotten, like the many other British sitcoms remade by US TV stations. For example, does anyone remember the US of Red Dwarf? Didn't think so.


this is the first time ive heard of a us red dwarf :heh:

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No, just no.


The US Office destroys the UK version.


I completely agree and it has the added bonus of not having that Gervais c*nt in it. (Although I'll admit he was good in the original.)

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I hated the US Office and I actually dislike most American comedy.


Friends is OK...but only because I grew up with those characters so it has nostalgia attached to it.


Funnily enough I find the lead actress in Bones funnier than most American comedy.

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I wonder what everyone's thoughts on a US version of Peep Show are? It's been tried, and it failed, before, but Armstrong and Bain weren't involved it much at all. They're developing a new version though, so its very likely we'll see a news of a pilot, and perhaps a series, for a US Peep Show by the end of the year.

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I don't understand why different interpretations of the same show need to exist at all. To be honest they're not even "interpretations" but more cheap copies with a few "new ideas" mixed in. Just make a whole new show.

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It's very difficult to come up with an entirely new sitcom concept that works and is popular. If there is already a tried and tested formula that has been a success in another country then a production company may aswell have a go at an adapting that formula for their market.


There's been plenty of fantastic new sitcom ideas to come from America recently anyway, Arrested Development, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Sarah Silverman Progamme, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia and to a certain extent 30 Rock, which although not entirely new in concept is still brilliantly written.

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There is justice


The US version of the cult Channel 4 comedy Spaced has been axed, according to Deadline Hollywood Daily.


Fox reportedly turned down the chance to pick up the show for a series despite a "phenomenal cast" - including Josh Lawson, Sarah Rue, Will Sasso, Federico Dordei and Yara Martinez - and backing from new Terminator director McG's Wonderland Sound and Vision company.


The show's original creative team of Simon Pegg, Jessica Hynes and Edgar Wright refused to support the remake after Fox allegedly made no attempts involve them in the new version.


Posting on his MySpace blog, director Edgar Wright said: "In normal circumstances, it would be strange to celebrate a pilot not being picked up. But the last 9 months or so have not been normal at all. They've been painful, upsetting, frustrating and deeply depressing. So, it's nice to know that sometimes things work out."

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who actualy gives a fuck? even if they remake it and it sucks no ones forcing you to watch it. i can understand the cast being angry that they werent consulted, thats not cricket.


as for us office, its alright. steve carrol is well cast but it feels a lot more dummed down, kinda like news round compaired to the news (except itv news)


i dont get why theres a us coupling. i always thought coupling was a uk spin on friends.

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Hollyoaks beats the crap out of all our other soaps.


and its litteraly awfull. the corniest, worst acted thing ive seen. very little depth to any one, as they all seem to be steriotypes.


if i wasnt living with a girl id never watch it, unless i turned the telly on for Snow a little early.

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