Gentleben Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 I am Rainbow Knowledge man . Oh wise Rainbow Knowledge man, please tell me how to travel to the end of the Rainbow so I can claim my pot of gold. About to start my shift at work. It's either going to fly by or drag on forever more-I've got to get me some power to control time.
Dan_Dare Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 Off to my assesment for gender reassignment in a bit, almost ready, just got to slap on a bit of make up, really nervous about it though. good luck! I have my interview at 11:30. Already suited to sit and fidget for a bit... slightly nervous, but I should be looking at a job from this, which will be most excellent.
ReZourceman Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 Right, I never pretended this was going to be quick to explain, but that doesn't mean it isn't easy to understand, and I find it pretty damn interesting. First, we have to consider the nature of light. Light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, along with radio waves, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays. (the frequency of a wave determines where it comes in this spectrum) Electromagnetic waves travel through a vacuum at speed c, 299,792,458 m/s. However, when they pass through other materials, they slow down a little, more or less depending on the material in question and the frequency of the wave. Thus when going from something like air to water or glass, the wave slows down a little. When the wave enters the slower medium at an angle, one side of the wave slows down before the other side, and this causes the wave to bend a little - imagine the wave as a horizontal line of people running into the sea at an angle: the sea would slow the people who reached it first, and thus the direction of running would alter in angle a little when entering the sea. This phenomenon is called refraction, and is shown below: When light enters certain substances, like water and glass, different wavelengths are refracted different amounts. Light is a mixture of wavelengths, and each wavelength corresponds to a different colour - this means that blue light (highest wavelength) is refracted the most, and red light (lowest wavelength) the least, and so we get a spectrum, as you can demonstrate with a prism: Incidentally, some (or all, depending on the angle) light does not penetrate the substance, and instead reflects off. So how does this apply to rainbows? Well, the following picture shows what happens to some of the light entering a raindrop: The light enters, is refracted, reflects off the back of the droplet, then leaves, and is refracted once again. This produces a spectrum. But why do you percieve this as a large arch in the sky? The answer lies in the way you percieve the situation. Although every raindrop is producing the spectrum, you are only in the right position to see the spectrum produced by some of the droplets - the spectra you see are in a spherical band across from the Sun, which you of course see as an arch because the bottom is covered by the horizon. (you can in fact see completely circular rainbows in planes) Anyway, this picture demonstrates this: As you move around, different droplets produce the same effect. Sometimes, light (especially when strong) reflects twice withing droplets, causing two spectra to be produced - this results in double rainbows. The outer bow has the colours reversed, as it has been reflected one more time. Thats bloody amazing. Thanks for taking the time to do that. This is freaking awesome....I didnt know rainbows could be fully circular...that must be freaking amazing. Theoretically....could a rainbow refract one way, then halfway through a different directional rain could refract it the a snake? Maybe not. That is qual' though.
rokhed00 Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 good luck! Thanks, it all went well, and my referal to the gender identity is sorted now, so that's one step closer.
martinist Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 Off to my assesment for gender reassignment in a bit, almost ready, just got to slap on a bit of make up, really nervous about it though. awesome, pics after op...i wanna see how pretty you've become.
rokhed00 Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 awesome, pics after op...i wanna see how pretty you've become. Be a bit of a wait, they make you wait at least two years before they give you the op.
nightwolf Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 At least even with the waiting you can finally get somewhere, woo! Just this minute got out of bed, stupidly lazy, not pleased as somebody woke me up through text -.-. Going to go out and buy a few bits and bobs, then lecture at 3, hopefully it finishes slightly early, as much as I like learning about flash, I'm really not in the mood today.
Daniel Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 Day off from uni today so im going to get some work done this afternoon, look over some lecture notes etc. Pretty boring day lined up
Eenuh Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 Congrats on getting one step closer to your goal rokhed. =) At least even with the waiting you can finally get somewhere, woo! Just this minute got out of bed, stupidly lazy, not pleased as somebody woke me up through text -.-. Going to go out and buy a few bits and bobs, then lecture at 3, hopefully it finishes slightly early, as much as I like learning about flash, I'm really not in the mood today. Haha wow, you seem to have a lot of free time. How many lectures do you have? Sitting in one of my classes and it's really boring again. Got another one lined up after this which will probably be even more boring. Whooo. >.<; But one good thing, it's likely I'll be going to see Bloc Party in February, since dad managed to buy some tickets today. Yay!
jayseven Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 Just got uuuuup! 3 mobile yesterday called me to sort out an upgrade. They said that tomorrow (i.e. today) they'd text me RE: Delivering the thing. The dude said I'd be able to specify the address as well as date of delivery, which is essential because my bills get sent back to brighton! So I got a text this morning and it was all "so yeah we're delivering it super-speedy-today! I get teh feeling this is the start of a long and epic quest to Get The Phone. So now the day begins... not got anything to do 'til 5! How best to waste my time? Read a book? Write out my awesomeideaslol? Play word challenge? ... or eat a pot noodle in bed whilst watching Mad Men? HMMMMM! Hmph, it's annoying that I always get insomnia for a week or so after going back to uni. I have a meeting with my director of studies in 5 and half hours... I can put commas where I like dammit - well, within reason. I tend to maximise them, and like Oxford commas and all that. I suppose the fragmented style they produced is really indicative of the fact that I was trying (and failing) to read a book at the same time.... Hehe! To be fair, I'm pretty sure I use commas far too much. I'm surprised you've never assaulted any of my posts, as I'm certain I'm igramattical. See? I just made that up.
nightwolf Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 haha eenuh, I only really have 4/5 lectures/seminars a week, nothing more than 2 hours or so. I really need to get round to reading that weird donald duck thing, but it's not until tomorrow, so I'll end up reading it in the morning! I also bought a small black mens hoodie from primark, talk about needing an xxs! In women's sizes I'm a 14, which is pretty average, so buying mens hoodies makes me feel slim haha ^_^ Remind me to send a pot noodle your jayseven!
jayseven Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 Weird donald duck thing? I will remind you. But I kinda bought a couple myself as I was just so damn desparate!
Twozzok Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 Just got back from my intor to programming pratical class. Why do they think multiplying 2 numbers in C should take us 2 hours to do >_< Was done in about 10 minutes (5 if you include waiting for Visual Studio to load)
nightwolf Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 Weird donald duck thing? I will remind you. But I kinda bought a couple myself as I was just so damn desparate! Reading material, some people had to read about children having sex and others donald duck. My tutor for that class is very weird.
Supergrunch Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 Thats bloody amazing. Thanks for taking the time to do that. This is freaking awesome....I didnt know rainbows could be fully circular...that must be freaking amazing. Theoretically....could a rainbow refract one way, then halfway through a different directional rain could refract it the a snake? Maybe not. That is qual' though. No problem - you might be interested in Unweaving the Rainbow by Dawkins, which explains how our understanding of spectra and rainbows has led to us being able to work out what stars are made of, and eventually develop quantum theory. Regarding your question: stuff refracts and reflects all over the place, but the more it does this the weaker the light gets, so generally the only rays you can see are those that reflect once, or when the light is strong, twice. Hehe! To be fair, I'm pretty sure I use commas far too much. I'm surprised you've never assaulted any of my posts, as I'm certain I'm igramattical. See? I just made that up. Ungrammatical. Seriously though, linguistics is a descriptive subject, and so "grammatical correctness" is determined by the way the majority of educated speakers use the language, so while there are rules, especially when writing formal English, arguing about things like split infinitives and whether to use "which" or "that" before a restrictive relative clause is a bit silly really. This is especially so for split infinitives, which have never been ungrammatical in English - the idea comes from some bizarre idea that in Latin infinitives are one word, so you shouldn't put words inside any English infinitives. Anyway, I met my director of studies. I'll be having tiny lectures from now on, which is cool.
Jav_NE Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 Been playing Little Big Planet all day. It's so cool. I'm trying to unlock a bunch of objects and stuff so i can create a level. The sun shining has picked my mood up too
rokhed00 Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 At least even with the waiting you can finally get somewhere, woo! Congrats on getting one step closer to your goal rokhed. =) Thanks
ReZourceman Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 No problem - you might be interested in Unweaving the Rainbow by Dawkins, which explains how our understanding of spectra and rainbows has led to us being able to work out what stars are made of, and eventually develop quantum theory. Regarding your question: stuff refracts and reflects all over the place, but the more it does this the weaker the light gets, so generally the only rays you can see are those that reflect once, or when the light is strong, twice. Wow, awesome. Answer for everything. You do rule.
Eenuh Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 haha eenuh, I only really have 4/5 lectures/seminars a week, nothing more than 2 hours or so. Oi, lucky, haha. I have classes/lectures between 25 and 29 hours a week, and soon they'll add another lecture (three hours, but one hour clashes with another lecture so I don't know how they'll fix that). Still in class, want to go home... Started my diet today and I craaaaave some chocolate or something, haha.
nightwolf Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 I had the same in college, except it took me ages to get there and back, so it's a nice break to have. Obviously it'll be busier in the next year, but it allows me to get a job. Which reminds me...WHY HAVEN'T GAMESTATION CALLED? :'( damnit..
jayseven Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 Just remembered! Time to begin our EPIC ROCK BAND MARATHON! 58 songs, how far will we get? Dun dun dunnnnnnnnn...
Pookiablo Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 Just remembered! Time to begin our EPIC ROCK BAND MARATHON! 58 songs, how far will we get? Dun dun dunnnnnnnnn... Oooh, our household shall be doing the very same event too very soon - it's gonna be pretty awesome! (unless we fail the last song or something....).
Molly Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 I was meant to have Fire Marshall training today and its been cancelled! *shakes fist*. I really thought it would progress my career....thats a blatant lie. Anything to get out of doing my actual job.
Daniel Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 Bought a new 60GB xbox console today and it came with this warning
ReZourceman Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 Bought a new 60GB xbox console today and it came with this warning Erm....yeah....? You obviously havnt read the setup manual yet. On the 60GB models you have to put them in a microwave for 1 minute to activate the circuitboards. I was meant to have Fire Marshall training today and its been cancelled! *shakes fist*. I really thought it would progress my career....thats a blatant lie. Anything to get out of doing my actual job. I wonder why they didn't chose me to be Fire I not responsible?
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