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Urrrgh. Just finished work. I did try to get out of it by pretending I'd gone out and left my phone at home [giving it to mummy to answer]. Technically I didn't really know I was working, but had a feeling they'd ring me anyway. But because the bloke who rang my phone [Landlady's bloke, his 55ish to her 27 O_o] is such a top bloke I decided I'd go in anyway.


They had a rhythm and blues band practically right next to the bar, so everyone had to shout when getting their orders in.


I've been working 6/7 til 11 for the past 3 nights. Shall be doing it again tomorrow, for shits and giggles. However I've calculated I'd be getting paid about £135 for the week. Not that bad really.

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I had such a nice night, saying goodbye to half my mates that are off to Uni and that I won't see for a long while. I come home and my mum starts screaming becuase I'm late. I said I would be home late, I text her, and yet she goes off on one even though I have keys and could of come in silently without her noticing like when I was out a few weeks back. Instead she chooses to stay awake and moan at me. I don;t think me and my mum have evern had that big of an argument, but there was so much shouting it's ridiculous. In the end we just hugged and she's gone to sleep, but stil I feel as thought the night I should remember as fun will now be remembered as the night I argued with my mum. I feel so ridiculous for getting so emotional, but I've been drinking alot so I have an excuse. Btw, excuse any mistakes - I've trid to type slowly so I don't make many.


Someone cheer me up, please!!!

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I've had that kind of thing before. My mum might actually be faintly mental, but a while back I forgot my key and had to ring the bell. Annoying, yes, but logically you'd think it was exactly that, right? Not my mum- the first thing she thought was that I was the police coming to tell her I was dead. Some awkward hysterics later, all was well...


anyway: point is don;t try and apply logic to a mother worrying. It's just how shit rolls- particularly at your age where you're starting to stay out late and do your own thing.

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I've had that kind of thing before. My mum might actually be faintly mental, but a while back I forgot my key and had to ring the bell. Annoying, yes, but logically you'd think it was exactly that, right? Not my mum- the first thing she thought was that I was the police coming to tell her I was dead. Some awkward hysterics later, all was well...


anyway: point is don;t try and apply logic to a mother worrying. It's just how shit rolls- particularly at your age where you're starting to stay out late and do your own thing.


Thanks, you know, that has made me feel a little better however odd that may sound. I just wish she'd realise I'm not like my sister - whenever that gets through to her I'll be the happiest dude alive.

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My parents allowed me to drink as much as I wanted as long as I wasn't sick in the house, besides why do you drink so much haggis think of your liver boy! :P, you'll be fine, mum is probably worrying because well because that's what women/mothers do, you'll still have the memories of the night of before arguing with her.


My day, well I was going to be productive today, but instead i'm going to sit here and play black and white 2, maybe take the dvd back to blockbusters and grab some food, hopefully not fast food I've been eating too much of it recently..

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Yeah, my parents don't know I drink, which is hilarious. Hook it straight to my veins!!


How in blazes did you manage that?


My parents allowed me to drink as much as I wanted as long as I wasn't sick in the house, besides why do you drink so much haggis think of your liver boy! :P, you'll be fine, mum is probably worrying because well because that's what women/mothers do, you'll still have the memories of the night of before arguing with her.


My day, well I was going to be productive today, but instead i'm going to sit here and play black and white 2, maybe take the dvd back to blockbusters and grab some food, hopefully not fast food I've been eating too much of it recently..


Never done that. I'm a respectable young gentleman afterall :heh:

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heh well now you know it's just one of those things. My mum still drives me up the wall with some stuff.


'You drank HOW MUCH?


'three pints? what? What?!'


Haha, yeah I get this with my dad. He asks how much I drink (usually 2-3 pints), and he goes off on one saying how half a pint will usually last him an entire night out :/



In other news, I just woke up to find the front of my ankle with a bite on it. It's itchy as fuckkk.

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Haha, yeah I get this with my dad. He asks how much I drink (usually 2-3 pints), and he goes off on one saying how half a pint will usually last him an entire night out :/



In other news, I just woke up to find the front of my ankle with a bite on it. It's itchy as fuckkk.


I feel compelled to ask:


is your dad an elf? Is he known to help santa?



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does it make your epilepsy worse? Not heard of that before. My dad has it too, but his meds stop any seizures at all.

It seems that drinking actually causes my epilepsy [only from the age of 19 onwards]. Every time I've had a fit the night before I've been drinking.


I think it's got something to do with the alcohol raping my blood sugar, so I like to have a pack of Starmix to hand the next day to gorge on.

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My parents allowed me to drink as much as I wanted as long as I wasn't sick in the house, besides why do you drink so much haggis think of your liver boy! :P, you'll be fine, mum is probably worrying because well because that's what women/mothers do, you'll still have the memories of the night of before arguing with her.


My day, well I was going to be productive today, but instead i'm going to sit here and play black and white 2, maybe take the dvd back to blockbusters and grab some food, hopefully not fast food I've been eating too much of it recently..


She was worrying because I was drinking, she doesn't because for the most part she knows I'm sensible enough to only drink as much as I think I can take and not get completely wankered. It was just that apparently "problems have been building up lately (not with me)" and me coming in 40 mins late just "set her off". But yeah, it's fine. :)


Too much fast food!? There's no such thing! :D

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She was worrying because I was drinking, she doesn't because for the most part she knows I'm sensible enough to only drink as much as I think I can take and not get completely wankered. It was just that apparently "problems have been building up lately (not with me)" and me coming in 40 mins late just "set her off". But yeah, it's fine. :)


Too much fast food!? There's no such thing! :D


haha my mum gets the same, although I'm not surprised, the woman takes on too much! :blank:


There is! although it's probably ok as I only ate kfc yesterday and nothing else because as usual when my parents go away I forget.

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Went for a walk around the fields and woods behind my house. Was awesome, found some paths I've never been down in 16years of living here so did a bit of exploring. Also had a bit of a eureka moment while wandering around the woods, and found a tree that was growing at something like a 60 degree angle to the ground.


Good times.

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The person who lost their sim card should be more careful, but that doesn't mean Rok's in the right. They will be taught a lesson, although i think he went over board.


Is everyone here saying they wouldnt have used it at all?


I wouldn't have used it.


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

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