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A good day today, which makes a nice change. Had a decent lie in, played some SCIV. Took a shower then my mate came up and we had a good few hours of solid Xbox'ing. SCIV is awesome multiplayer.


After that I lounged around a bit, watched some TV, played a bit more SCIV, and then I arrived here.


Tomorrow I'm babysitting my little cousin which should be awesome.

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Today has been good. Read a fair bit of Kafka on the Shore. Baked four sponge cakes and loads of rock cakes. Work wasn't too bad. Abused/sexually inappropriate with one of the staff, which is always nice. And managed to get Saturday sorted.

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Today was OK.

might have broken a printer, but compensated by being reunited with my favourite locally brewed beer and other shenanigans I shall keep away from gossip hounds :)


oh and got back to the book I've been reading, which continues to be excellent.

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Is it this book?


Tonight = Frasier, random phone conversation, cakes, msn and reading. Not bad.


Oh and this.


That tree house stuff is great! Reminds me very much of the big Robinson family tree house in Disneyland (seems like that is where this plan originated from even), which I always thought was awesome! =D


Anyway, I think I finished the sketch for my commission, yay! I hope they like it so I can start on the actual drawing soon.

And whooo, X-files season 4, start... NOW!

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Eenuh! I've watched two episodes of season 4 and... got bored :S Let me know if I should get back into it or not-- I just found the first episode disappointing, and people keep telling me yep, that's x-files through-and-through... always a let-down...


Well as for my day! Met up with an old hardcore mate - the mate who has been living in the spectrum of narcotics for the last two years, but whom I always believe is honest and true towards me. Drank a bottle of rum, had a spliff, caught up and talked a mixture of shit and meaningful shizzle about life and women (we've nearly cracked it! I swear...), then got some more mates down to the lagoon and drank some more... then headed to a park and drank, met a racist south african (as if there's any other?) and waddled in our collective self-pity.


Tomorrow and the rest of teh weekend = REVISE YOU BASTARD! I hate the world. And your mum.


Frankly I'm disappointed.

Sry :( Will try harder tonight! already had 200g of cheese. Feel sick. But I do it for you <3

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*salutes, and slightly massages gaggle*


On a side-note; I fucking hate these new widgets/'scubas' in beer. I mean, I generally hate beer anyway, but these just make the cans stupidly fizzy so you lose half of it to foam when you open, plus you get the bit at the end that is churned into foam and can't drunk that either.

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My day yesterday was pretty damn good as mentioned before. But this morning I was awake so damn early. Before dad infact and he gets up to be out the house for 5am..


Ouch, but in about half an hour I get free reign on my car, so I'm going to be arming it with lots of cd's ^_^ and go for a drive.


I'm also on my way going to find somewhere for me to park (I fail at parking in spaces, only along the curb..) hopefully maccies will be empty!


I'm a wimp. I'm also realising how good my music taste was when I was 14-15. Because of all these cd's haha

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I had a really bad nights sleep last night. We had our window open and there was this van outside at 1am that was loading goods and then driving off then driving back and loading more goods. So that wasn't cool.

Then Est woke up at about 3am shouting about a giant spider on the wall (she was dreaming), which made me then dream about having spiders on me in bed (I felt them on my head and on my side).

And to top it off I dreamt that I went to the Shetlands to meet Jordan and Letty. When I got there there were a load of lads from school and the singer from Maximo Park was there (he was in my year at school). I went to shake his hand but it was a tiny little Jeremy beadle plastic hand.


Not cool. Now knackered.

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reminds me of a few months back when, having had a joint or two while watching the excellent Planet Earth with friends, I got home and went to sleep- only to promptly freak the fuck out when I had a bad dream about giant insects landing on my face because we'd watched the episode about south american caves full of things with far too many legs.



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and it reminds me of when we had a one night stop over in Switzerland on the way to New York. Stopped in a hotel and only had like seven hours there anyway (from arrival to leave again) but then at 2am they started tram-line repair work which as it turns out is massive fucking crazy loud. Urgh.


Today = town for birthday related gifts and stuff. Oh and I got a phone call from a letting agency going through the usual routine (because I enquired online) and I asked "do you rent to students?" "urrr no" "kthxbye".


Oh and DD I may check out that book/author. I do like a good spy story.

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I'd recommend him, then. He writes particularly dark and realistic tales about the cold war (he was actually a spy in East Germany at the time) so don't expect James Bond. His spies don't like fast cars and women, or martini...or themselves. It's ace. Start with The Spy Who Came In From The Cold

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I did some urban exploration last night. We broke into some abandoned oil refinery that's been rumoured to be a creepy as fuck place. It wasn't though, no Scooby-Doo antics. But it was certainly interesting, looking through old documents which are rotting and bugs are crawling out.


Sorry, but no pics. We had no camera. Not that you're missing much.

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I did some urban exploration last night. We broke into some abandoned oil refinery that's been rumoured to be a creepy as fuck place. It wasn't though, no Scooby-Doo antics. But it was certainly interesting, looking through old documents which are rotting and bugs are crawling out.


Sorry, but no pics. We had no camera. Not that you're missing much.

Sweeeet. Its actually pretty awesome urban exploring eh (although I have little ie one experience) I explored a derelict cinema recently. Think I posted on here....we found the reel case for Ghostbusters 2 :bowdown: (amongst other things)

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I swear to god driving is ace.


Although I tried to park in macdonalds and failed miserably so went and parked somewhere else. Only to go to another town for kfc and park beautifully first time between white lines.


Haha, people kept pointing out that one of my brake lights is broken, haha ^_^ as if I didn't already know, hopefully getting that fixed tomorrow.


Dan you are strange, you can't eat bloody anything you can't at strange hours :P

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My last day of work experience at Leith School Of Art. It's actually been really fun, and I like having stuff to do, even the dishes, which I actually offered to take over from the woman who normally does them.


I was a helper in a Bookmaking class, and I made two liitle sketchbooks from interesting paper and materials, which was fun. Plus loads of people I met were tied to Edinburgh Academy, my school, including old teachers I used to have!


Going back in an hour or so for the end of week exhibition.

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