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I still feel like that lots but becuase I came to realise that it was mostly my body talking not my mind, then I could just let it go. When I get down now, I just remember that it's because I'm tired or run down, not because there's anything wrong.

Unfortunately I think it might be more than that. The cause was right there in front of me all along, I just couldn't see it. Now that I have I kind of wish I hadn't; there isn't really anything to be done about it.


On the plus side I did manage to write something in the end. Granted it's very short, loose and I'll probably end up deleting it in the morning, but until then you can give it the once over should you so wish.

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Unfortunately I think it might be more than that. The cause was right there in front of me all along, I just couldn't see it. Now that I have I kind of wish I hadn't; there isn't really anything to be done about it.


On the plus side I did manage to write something in the end. Granted it's very short, loose and I'll probably end up deleting it in the morning, but until then you can give it the once over should you so wish.


Oi, don't delete anything! I'd like to read it once I have time, which I hope to be tomorrow evening/night, when all this drawing stuff is over. =O


Getting close to 5 and I'm still drawing. Cousin come over and stayed 'til 3:30 am, which was nice (a lot of that time she spent writing though, away from me =P ). Hope to finish two more drawings, then sleep for an hour or three and then get back to work. ='3

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Guest bluey
Oi, don't delete anything! I'd like to read it once I have time, which I hope to be tomorrow evening/night, when all this drawing stuff is over. =O


eenuh, it's pretty short but well worth the read. awesome imagery and very lyrical, aimless ~ i'm really impressed :smile: i especially like "Helpless, Hopeless, we stand alone together."


..i'd post some of my writing but i'd just get banned :indeed:

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Oi, don't delete anything! I'd like to read it once I have time, which I hope to be tomorrow evening/night, when all this drawing stuff is over. =O

Okay then, I guarantee its safety for a 48-hour period starting now — you might need to hibernate for a while so I'm allowing some leeway.


I once thought I was a master procrastinator but your cousin is hardcore. I'm sure it will all work out in the end, though; how could any judge resist your art style? Good luck!


i'd post some of my writing but i'd just get banned :indeed:

Why, does it feature David Tennant wearing nothing but a pair of socks?

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Guest bluey

Why, does it feature David Tennant wearing nothing but a pair of socks?



*opens word*


i may be gone for some time O_O

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Okay then, I guarantee its safety for a 48-hour period starting now — you might need to hibernate for a while so I'm allowing some leeway.


I once thought I was a master procrastinator but your cousin is hardcore. I'm sure it will all work out in the end, though; how could any judge resist your art style? Good luck!



Oh, I read it already though, Bluey convinced me. And I favourited it, so now you're not allowed to delete it, ever! =)


Haha, I don't think my cousin realized just how much work would crawl into this little thing. If we get it done in time, I will be amazed, especially since we only decided to participate about a week ago. =P

And my art style for these drawings isn't too great, especially as I'm only using a simply black and white ink technique. But honestly I don't care what happens, I'll just be glad we did it. ^_____^

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i may be gone for some time O_O

To be fair, I'd go gay for David Tennant. The man's so hot he melts petty boundaries of gender and sexuality.


Oh, I read it already though, Bluey convinced me. And I favourited it, so now you're not allowed to delete it, ever! =)

Oh, thank you. I think there's a lesson to be learned here: think less, write more.

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Guest Jordan

Holy christ work is busy.


Also thinking about buying some more RAM for my netbook (which i've named Sprout, my last was called Lettuce so you know, a Sprout is smaller than a Lettuce...)


It currently has 1GB, but it has a really easy to access expansion slot so i might stick another gig in. Its only £14... Hm. But I wonder if i can actually afford it.

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Yesterday: Caught the 8am train from Chesterfield to London St. Pancras, arriving there around 10 ish. Caught the tube to Madam Tussauds to find the mega queue which took almost 2 hour to get the ticket place. Walked around there for afew hours, took afew pictures, drank afew drinks. After that we went to Oxford Street, had a McDonalds (Those new mint Cornetto McFlurrys are very nice) then went shopping.


After that we went to Harrods which is the most overated shop ever. Why do they sell normal food (Co-co Pops) for expensive prices (almost £4!) when there is a Sainsburys across the road? So yeah, that shop made me feel a commoner, although even if a was rich i doubt i would spend 20k on a watch.


Now i've got a really bad pain in my back which i blame for a mixture of standing up 10x more than usual and only having 2 bottles of water to drink all day.

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So yeah, fell asleep at 6:30 am and woke up again at 9 (but was told by my cousin in a text message to sleep), got up at 10. Had a shower and am drawing again now.


Apparently someone was at the door with a package for me at 10, but I never heard the doorbell. So either they were there before 10, when I was still asleep, or they were there when I was taking a shower.

I assume the package contains Okami... but now I can't go and pick it up until Monday. They won't let me pick it up today (wtf?) and they don't work on Saturday. *sad face*



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Guest Jordan

Wow. Thats pretty fail Eenuh! Ah well, atleast you have Flinky's sexy (metaphorically, of course) PM's to cheer you up.

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Wow. Thats pretty fail Eenuh! Ah well, atleast you have Flinky's sexy (metaphorically, of course) PM's to cheer you up.


But they're no Okami! =(

*needs it now*


*remembers she needs to work*

I guess I can wait, but it still sucks. Means more X-files for me tonight/this weekend.

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eenuh, it's pretty short but well worth the read. awesome imagery and very lyrical, aimless ~ i'm really impressed :smile: i especially like "Helpless, Hopeless, we stand alone together."




I'm curious as to what bluey writes about!


Today, well I only just got up actually, I had a nightmare again at 4am and couldn't sleep til about 6am, so I'm feeling abit dead, but I had to get up to sort of feel abit more human for the driving lesson at 2pm.


I hope it doesn't suck as much as it did monday otherwise I'm cancelling my test.

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I realised this morning that I'm in dire need of a hair cut, but I abolutely loathe my barber. Just the sort of guy who thinks that anyone who doesn't have a shaven head has realy long hair; he'd have a field day with me. I'd much rather go to a unisex salon, with a nice, female hair dresser *sigh*.

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I'm looking forward to Justice today, everything seems to be coming together.


I'm going, both my sisters are coming, my cousin and her boyfriend are coming and now two of my friend will be there (cos I had a spare ticket :) ).


It's forecast to stop raining by then but even if it does rain, it might be like swimming; more fun in the rain. :D

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I'm looking forward to Justice today, everything seems to be coming together.


I'm going, both my sisters are coming, my cousin and her boyfriend are coming and now two of my friend will be there (cos I had a spare ticket :) ).


It's forecast to stop raining by then but even if it does rain, it might be like swimming; more fun in the rain. :D


If you see Coolness there, give him a hug from me. =P



Two more drawings and a bit of touching up to do and it's doneeeeeeeeeee!

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I'm looking forward to Justice today, everything seems to be coming together.


I'm going, both my sisters are coming, my cousin and her boyfriend are coming and now two of my friend will be there (cos I had a spare ticket :) ).


It's forecast to stop raining by then but even if it does rain, it might be like swimming; more fun in the rain. :D




Justice, Strawberry Jam and toast


I see no reason in this summer season


that I should not be looking forward to this day the most! :grin:


/silly rhyme. :p


As you can probably tell I'm also excited about seeing Justice tonight! I really hope the weather holds up. :D Though It could be fun in the rain too. :yay:


If you see Coolness there, give him a hug from me. =P



Two more drawings and a bit of touching up to do and it's doneeeeeeeeeee!


Aww thanks. :heart:


*hugs* (it's not the same...)


WOOOO! : peace:


I'm about to have some strawberry Jam and toast! (the wallpaper helped ;))

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