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Guest Stefkov

I waited until something eventful happened today to post, but it didn't.

I got up at about 1 ish, did my usual and had a shower. I watched Genshiken all day, plus the new Naruto and Bleach episodes. Played a bit of Space Invaders Extreme which is awesome.

Also back to my original av and sig with some minor changes. I guess it's the one people associate more me with so I'll leave it as it is.

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Played a bit of Space Invaders Extreme which is awesome.


Glad you like it, you can give me "special thanks"...if you have the DS version. :p


I'm not going to open my copy. I want to keep it in pristine condition. Plus it was free and I've already played it to death. :heh:

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Snag another copy since you work for them. :heh:


Annoyingly they are pretty strict. I was lucky to get one actually...even though I did the WHOLE localization for the PAL version. Even helped out on the French and German version. :D

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Annoyingly they are pretty strict. I was lucky to get one actually...even though I did the WHOLE localization for the PAL version. Even helped out on the French and German version. :D


Say it's a review copy for N-E that you're gonna send out... then keep it. ;) You know when you're localising it, do the Americanisms (color, realize, etc.) ever get changed? I know Nintendo don't bother (case point, Brawl).

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Say it's a review copy for N-E that you're gonna send out... then keep it. ;) You know when you're localising it, do the Americanisms (color, realize, etc.) ever get changed? I know Nintendo don't bother (case point, Brawl).


No and it really gets on everyone's nerves.


America in general are just completely incompetent. You should read some of their bugs, the mind boggles as to how some of the testers got hired. One of them reported the word "betwixt" as a misspelling of "between". :indeed:


We all had a good laugh in the office.


The problem now is that I see spelling/grammatical/formatting errors in EVERYTHING!!! :shakehead

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No and it really gets on everyone's nerves.


America in general are just completely incompetent. You should read some of their bugs, the mind boggles as to how some of the testers got hired. One of them reported the word "betwixt" as a misspelling of "between". :indeed:


We all had a good laugh in the office.


The problem now is that I see spelling/grammatical/formatting errors in EVERYTHING!!! :shakehead


Square now is alot different to square back in the 90's when it comes to translation. There be no more Spoony Bard's of any sort!

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I just realised that I was still wearing the friendship bracelet my ex-girlfriend gave me. It's been on my ankle for 2 years, I never took it off during that time, and now that I have... I don't really know what to do with it.


Throwing it away seems a bit... disrespectful, I suppose. But then keeping it is odd given what it represents.


Anyway, my day's been passable. I completely failed at writing anything, but I'm getting used to that. I might while the night away in search of new bands seeing as I still have tomorrow off.

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Guest Jordan

Eventful but cool sums up yesterday.


Letty came home, i was very happy, we got all lovey dovey when she came home. Felt like she'd been away for 5 months, nevermind 6 days.


She bought me some XBL points and Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword. Ate abit at hers and then headed back to mine. Did some random shit, by then it was like 9pm. Played Soul Calibur (XBL, with points)... its still kick ass. Played some Ninja Gaiden, which i am renaming "scribble fest." However, playing it propperly is way more fun.


So yeah, that was yesterday. Today, i'll either get my new laptop or not. At 1:48am it was sat in Glasgow, which is a good sign... but the delivery companies can be hella slow around here. So we shall see.

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Guest bluey
Letty came home, i was very happy, we got all lovey dovey when she came home. Felt like she'd been away for 5 months, nevermind 6 days

*checks calendar* god DAMMIT.


my day's been pretty good :grin: ..so far.

had a rather awesome start to the day (.....heh) went into town and had lunch with my housemate (well i say "had lunch with~" what i mean is "had lunch while she argued on the phone with her boyfriend about NOTHING and i sat feeling particularly smug and playing with the little chewbacca toy i got free with my can of pepsi) then got myself a crepe and had a chat with the awesome hippie lady that sells them (broken pigeon english ftw!) THEN i went and bought 2 tops and some groceries from the local shops and then i came home and had a nice chat with my mum on msn ^___^


now i'm gunna watch a movie and drink lemon tea and watch the GIANT crows rifle through the neighbours garba....*cough!* rubbish...


i love (my) saturdays.

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^^Do the Japanese have different 'rest' days or something?


Well I've been packing. Going for two weeks around mainland Europe. Also quite stressful getting somewhere to stay for the first night, luckily one of my dads friends lives there, so got some floor space for the night. Then off to Chamonix for a day :D


I might install a blog on my webspace, but then :effort:.

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Guest Jordan

Well, i just heard something disturbing.


PC World sent my laptop via DHL, its currently sat in Glasgow and was just handed over the the islands and highlands sea guys. Meaning it'll be coming by boat. The one company that handles DHL's deliveries boat only travels once a week on a fucking Friday. If i have to wait till Friday to get something royal mail could deliver over night, i will be pissed. Very pissed.

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Guest Stefkov
Well, i just heard something disturbing.


PC World sent my laptop via DHL, its currently sat in Glasgow and was just handed over the the islands and highlands sea guys. Meaning it'll be coming by boat. The one company that handles DHL's deliveries boat only travels once a week on a fucking Friday. If i have to wait till Friday to get something royal mail could deliver over night, i will be pissed. Very pissed.

I was just thinking it would be quite funny if they dropped it into the sea.


I woke up an hour ago and watched Cars. I should be doing something else today but I'm not sure if I am.

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Being lazy again today, I was going to try and make some more dreads but decided against it. So I'm sat at the computer again.


I will get off my arse and go to manchester at the end of the week, so it makes up for it. I'm just tired. -.-

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I was just thinking it would be quite funny if they dropped it into the sea.


I woke up an hour ago and watched Cars. I should be doing something else today but I'm not sure if I am.


MY friend dropped his iPod into the sea :(

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Heh, stayed up way too late (I think it was 5), then managed to sleep through my two alarms that I had set up for 10 in the morning. So I woke up at 2. =P

It's raining like crazy outside, perfect day to do some work.


Now someone, send me a ton of motivation please so I can get started! =D

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Went to some job centres today. All of them had jobs that I didn't like (I'm very picky, too picky perhaps), except for one job centre. I gave them my name and number. I hope I'll get a call from them sometime.


I also set the date for my driving exam, the 20th of August. A bit too far off for my liking, but I guess I still have a lot of time to practice now.

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Guest bluey
^^Do the Japanese have different 'rest' days or something?


nah, the weekend is still the weekend here, but i work on saturday and sunday ~ i have tuesday and wednesdays off... so i re-named all the days of the week so i dont get horribly depressed every sunday when i have to wake up at 7am :heh:

...mondays are my friday ^___^

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If you do it, Flinky will send you a sexy text..?

Pfff, I don't need to do anything to get those. ;P


Went to some job centres today. All of them had jobs that I didn't like (I'm very picky, too picky perhaps), except for one job centre. I gave them my name and number. I hope I'll get a call from them sometime.


I also set the date for my driving exam, the 20th of August. A bit too far off for my liking, but I guess I still have a lot of time to practice now.


Good luck with the job hunting, hope you get one! And also good luck with the driving exam... I was gonna start with my theory this summer but I doubt it will happen. =P

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Gargle. it's practically a friend's birthday every day this week. Today it's three - but two other people are having a joint party which is/isn't going to be a party. I dunno. Too poor for booze, I think.


my painting job still has life in it -- will get a call mon/tues to certify/nullify whether I'll cry or not. Ho hum. Been having cravings for Rock Band pretty much ever since I left Sheffield :( I don't know anyone drunk enough to order a copy with all the peripherals, dammit!


I just realised that I was still wearing the friendship bracelet my ex-girlfriend gave me. It's been on my ankle for 2 years, I never took it off during that time, and now that I have... I don't really know what to do with it.


Throwing it away seems a bit... disrespectful, I suppose. But then keeping it is odd given what it represents.


Don't throw it away, just stick it in a drawer that you never use someplace. I was wearing a ring my ex gave me for a fair old while, and it got to me... but then two years? if it holds no significance then feck it.

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Pfff, I don't need to do anything to get those. ;P



What's happened to you Eenuh? It's like you've lost your innocent shy self in the past few months..you're all..rawr now o_o which is strange. Good for you :D


..Not that that's a bad thing! It all started in the Post your Room thread; I knew you were in trouble when you posted your drawers! :heh:

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As much as I love being at home by myself (my family are down South until Wednesday evening, left Saturday morning) it pisses me off that there's no one here to answer the phone when it inevitably rings early in the morning and its some marketing company who are phoning us illegally.


I got in from work at half 12 last night, first night there and it was for special guests and family. Free booze so everyone there was wrecked. We thought it went pretty well all in all. Got £20 worth of tips as it was free for everyone so thye just gave massive tips.


Now waiting for a phonecall about when I need to come i nagain as they hadn't made the timetable up lsat night.

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