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i'm having a pretty rubbish day.......

scratch that - its been really quite rubbish....


started out ok - and the weather is still lovely... but i went to the bank to try and pay my rent and somehow ended up being escorted out :wtf: i dont know what i did ~ why it happened.... i just asked for help (i was really polite too) and the lady started doing that "I'M - GUNNA - TALK - REALLY - LOUD - AND - SLOW - BECAUSE - YOU'RE - FOREIGN" thing, then the bank security guard came and took me outside... it was scary and embarrassing... :cry:

i didnt know what else to do but to come home... on the way back i tried sooo hard not to cry from the shock of it all... and thinking about how my housemate went in the other day and got helped yet i just got thrown out...


bluey is mad... sad....not glad.... feels had! :sad:

when i got back one of my japanese housemates was like 'argh! are you ok?' although he didnt know enough english to express this any other way than "becky-chan!! ....do you....feel....uh....tension???!"


fuck yeah i do... i need a hug u________u




Did you forget to take your balaclava off?



Anyway I was planning on playing golf but the weather is shit.

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I wish I hadn't come home now, I've gone from feeling loved and wanted to a piece of shit. I went to visit friends just so the wife could have sex with some bloke, and because it didn't work out it's all my fault. Why am I always made to feel bad because she can't make things work with anyone? Why should I feel like shit because I make time for my friends. I just can't handle things the way they are anymore.

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....do you....feel....uh....tension???!


I do now....



...My boss just rang me up and asked me to remove the videos of the quiz night! (The ones that took me like 6 hours to edit) anyway yeah because, from what I remember that he said some people saw it or something and...felt uncomfortable did he say? Cant remember if he said that, but he said it was inappropriate or something.




The only thing I can think it would be is because I plastered the HBOS logo over it...Does that sound right? Crazy. Yes the people that work in Aylesbury NEVER HAVE FUN. We cannot have footage of them HAVING FUN.


Fuck that shit man. Gonna be slightly awkward when I go back now...oh well its 2 weeks away, maybe people will have forgotten.




Time to pack.

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i'm having a pretty rubbish day.......

scratch that - its been really quite rubbish....


started out ok - and the weather is still lovely... but i went to the bank to try and pay my rent and somehow ended up being escorted out :wtf: i dont know what i did ~ why it happened.... i just asked for help (i was really polite too) and the lady started doing that "I'M - GUNNA - TALK - REALLY - LOUD - AND - SLOW - BECAUSE - YOU'RE - FOREIGN" thing, then the bank security guard came and took me outside... it was scary and embarrassing... :cry:

i didnt know what else to do but to come home... on the way back i tried sooo hard not to cry from the shock of it all... and thinking about how my housemate went in the other day and got helped yet i just got thrown out...


bluey is mad... sad....not glad.... feels had! :sad:

when i got back one of my japanese housemates was like 'argh! are you ok?' although he didnt know enough english to express this any other way than "becky-chan!! ....do you....feel....uh....tension???!"


fuck yeah i do... i need a hug u________u


Hugs Bluey.

I am cursed with bad luck.

Can I have one?

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I wish I hadn't come home now, I've gone from feeling loved and wanted to a piece of shit. I went to visit friends just so the wife could have sex with some bloke, and because it didn't work out it's all my fault. Why am I always made to feel bad because she can't make things work with anyone? Why should I feel like shit because I make time for my friends. I just can't handle things the way they are anymore.


I know you are into strange things my old pal but why are you letting the wife have sex with other men anyway? :blank:

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Just found out that i could be expecting a visit from the police (no, not the band) because of my actions on Friday with me breaking a door off it's frame. I was requested to do this as my mate couldn't get into her room as she lost her keys, we got let into the house via the housemate.


I shall be telling them everything which could result in my mate getting evicted if she keeps covering up the truth, why can't she have told the workers that she lost her keys and asked me to break the door down instead of saying i just broke down the door for no apparant reason, could have avoided the whole situation i'm in now.

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Selfportrait is going pretty well. Apart from the fact I probably placed the eyes wayyyyy too far apart. Poop.

I'm not sure if there's a way for me to fix it, or if I should even try fixing it. @____@;



Good news: I sold another shirt. Yay for money I'm not getting yet! XD

We also lost power for a while, making me melt here in the attic since my fan stopped working (and it's really warm and humid up here).

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Guest bluey



bluey ~ held the world record for longest living dog at 29 years, 5 months and 7 days.

ya learn something new useless every day...

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My day hasn't really been productive. You see I get an extra day off work being the Queens birthday. So I decided to have a relaxing day, played some MK and some Lost winds and watched semi-pro. Then I decided I should clear up my desk as it was a mess......BIG mistake, an hour later I was still clearing up paperwork, receipts from months ago. Terrible.


However I have now made more room so I can finally hook my lovely stereo speakers up to my computer to listen to music and watch movies with good sound for once. :D


I'm off soon to see Dirty Pretty Things........which reminds me I better go get dressed.

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Guest Jordan
My day hasn't really been productive. You see I get an extra day off work being the Queens birthday.


What? Hows that fair? :(

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Guest Jordan

Ah well, atleast i don't have to endure the terrible music you're going to be listening to tonight ;)

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What is it you actually do, Platty? I remember you saying something about the MoD? I suppose you'll have to kill me if you tell me?


MoD and yes I would have to kill you. :heh:


Na nothing too exciting really.



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Have you ever touched the Queen? (With sexual intent)


My Dad used to be in the Arches (Queen's personal bodyguard, they stand around looking important with fancy clothes, a bow which has the string tied to the shaft and no arrows and a hat with a feather in it). One time it was really windy and his hat blew off just as the Queen was walking past. The Archer's aren't allowed to move unless they have to so he just had to stand there, so the Queen said to somebody in the crowd "well pick it up for him then" and this woman scurried over to pick it up for him. :heh:


True story.

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My Dad used to be in the Arches (Queen's personal bodyguard, they stand around looking important with fancy clothes, a bow which has the string tied to the shaft and no arrows and a hat with a feather in it). One time it was really windy and his hat blew off just as the Queen was walking past. The Archer's aren't allowed to move unless they have to so he just had to stand there, so the Queen said to somebody in the crowd "well pick it up for him then" and this woman scurried over to pick it up for him. :heh:


True story.

The Queen ordered someone to grab yours dads helmet. Thats fucking awesome.:bowdown:

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