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Went to an European market this morning, where all the foreigners where desperately trying to sell me stuff. Strangely I couldn't find any Belgian chocolate, but didn't want to leave empty-handed, so brought some bread, which was horrible.


Got home, and I've just spent 90minutes on Wii Fit, and now my stalker has decided to make an apperance :-





Some stupid family at the top of the village, decided to buy a chicken for their children many weeks ago, but it can't keep away from our garden. It visits about three times a day and it even "hops" onto the window shelf at times. So annoying, and it won't stop coming, no matter how many times you "shoo" it away. Must resist killing it....

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I know I'm late, but Dante, I'm so very sorry to hear about your dad. If you need to talk about it, we're here to listen.







I just realized I basically have two days (and a half counting this one) to finish about 6 assignments... which is impossible unless I don't sleep at all. Fuck.

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My day has not been so good. Just found out that one of the guys stabbed in Sidcup is a brother of my mate from work. He is in a criticle condition in hospital after being stabbed in the neck. WTF.


The news aren't even telling the proper story either.


About a week ago one of them got their phone stolen by a black guy and they confronted him to try get it back but he ran off and said I will be back. A week later he turns up with some mates who have knives and bang one kid killed and two in hospital.


What the hell is going on. Some people just do not appreciate peoples lives.


The only way to stop this is if anyone is found carrying a knife you get thrown in jail with a long sentence.

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ah bugger eenuh but you can do it!! =]


I'm amazed at how I can get buy so many things at so cheap when I'm skint. I was given 30quid from a friend for an early birthday thing and so far I've managed to accuquire


- a top

- 4 bracelets

- a packet of fake hair (to finally start making synth dreads)

- 2 sets of 10mm plugs for my lobes

- one 5mm plug for stretching


and I still have money left haha ^.^ Now to find out where the heck my parents are..they don't spend 4/5hours at cheshire oaks usually. damn parents.

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Guest bluey

i just had my first bowl of rice in the 3 months i've been living in japan... O__o and i could only manage half of it!! i seem to have turned well and truly japanese (stomach size wise...)


...i had two lessons with my favourite student today!! we were talking about nicknames, and i was saying that all the japanese staff have english nicknames so i wanted a japanese one - so she named me "mika" (mee-kah)


...apparently i look like a "mika" :hmm"

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Well it's been raining all day and when it hasn't it's been awfully windy..


there goes the plan to go to the centre and buy some note pads for revision...I could use with a few pens aswell; i'm pushing it with just taking 1 pen into the exam with me...

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i just had my first bowl of rice in the 3 months i've been living in japan... O__o and i could only manage half of it!! i seem to have turned well and truly japanese (stomach size wise...)


...i had two lessons with my favourite student today!! we were talking about nicknames, and i was saying that all the japanese staff have english nicknames so i wanted a japanese one - so she named me "mika" (mee-kah)


...apparently i look like a "mika" :hmm"


Now the question is, which Mika;


s_a9fc2f26ffb8f5f9201dac454545c86e.jpg or mika.jpg


Just done an epic washing up job. It was getting on my nerves. I imagine the french girl who refused to do it because its the irish guys will moan at me and see it as giving in to him but I just don't give a fuck. They should thank me. If it was left like that when everyone leaves this week their deposit would be cut. I didn't pay one so it wouldn't be any skin off my whatever body part that expression uses.


Anyway. Watched more Jericho. Two episodes of season one left, will watch later. Going to cook a curry and do some assignment work. Fun fun fun.

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Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, beta-oxidation - done.


Amino acid synthesis and transamination, nitrogen fixation and degradation, the Z-scheme, Calvin cycle, electron transport chain, glycogen synthesis and degradation, pentose phosphate pathway - still to do.


Though it may not sound like it, I'm about halfway through metabolism, so things aren't going too badly. Yay for learning the Krebs cycle in 20 minutes.

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Guest Stefkov

Supergrunch what are you going into when you've done your Uni course?

All the stuff I read you're learning looks hella cool.


Today I woke up at half 9 (by my clock, it's 15 minutes slow) and stayed in bed till gone 12. Had breakfast then had lunch an hour after. Such a lazy bank holiday.

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Guest bluey
Now the question is, which Mika;


s_a9fc2f26ffb8f5f9201dac454545c86e.jpg or mika.jpg


..the guy one...

i actually prefer that!! haha. i kinda like his songs, and i want his shoes in that picture... *stares intently at shoes*




...oh god i'm such a girl O_O!

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Done bugger all today, though I have my biology tutor round in an hour or so for a couple of hours. Fun times.




Finally arranged to go see the new Indy film. I could only find one person that actually wanted to see it, so I'm off with my best mate which should be a laugh. Cinema trips are always fun.




I'm always asking for advice on here but I need some more. Basically, a close friend of mine has been talking to an older guy (26 years old, and she's only 16) and she against our advice went to see him today. She hasn't even told her parents. I'm shitting myself because I'm worried (as are the others that know) that he's either some perv or a groomer type guy. She seemed almost oblivious to this idea being a possiblity and went anyway.


No ones actually heard back from her as yet so we have no idea what went on. She's one of the most intelligent people I've ever met (Head girl, can speak 5 languages now and gets A's constantly) yet she didn't have the common sense to allow one of us to go with her.

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Done bugger all today, though I have my biology tutor round in an hour or so for a couple of hours. Fun times.




Finally arranged to go see the new Indy film. I could only find one person that actually wanted to see it, so I'm off with my best mate which should be a laugh. Cinema trips are always fun.




I'm always asking for advice on here but I need some more. Basically, a close friend of mine has been talking to an older guy (26 years old, and she's only 16) and she against our advice went to see him today. She hasn't even told her parents. I'm shitting myself because I'm worried (as are the others that know) that he's either some perv or a groomer type guy. She seemed almost oblivious to this idea being a possiblity and went anyway.


No ones actually heard back from her as yet so we have no idea what went on. She's one of the most intelligent people I've ever met (Head girl, can speak 5 languages now and gets A's constantly) yet she didn't have the common sense to allow one of us to go with her.


I've been in the situation the girls been in (ok so he wasn't that much older), give her until 6oclock then start bugging her with calls and texts just to check she's ok.


I can understand why you are worried, specially if she didn't meet him in a public place or anything.

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..the guy one...

i actually prefer that!! haha. i kinda like his songs, and i want his shoes in that picture... *stares intently at shoes*




...oh god i'm such a girl O_O!


They're both men....

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Guest bluey

I'm always asking for advice on here but I need some more. Basically, a close friend of mine has been talking to an older guy (26 years old, and she's only 16) and she against our advice went to see him today. She hasn't even told her parents. I'm shitting myself because I'm worried (as are the others that know) that he's either some perv or a groomer type guy. She seemed almost oblivious to this idea being a possiblity and went anyway.


No ones actually heard back from her as yet so we have no idea what went on. She's one of the most intelligent people I've ever met (Head girl, can speak 5 languages now and gets A's constantly) yet she didn't have the common sense to allow one of us to go with her.

do you know WHERE she was going to meet him?? if not, there's not a lot you CAN do apart from try calling her and if you get no answer repeatedly - or if her phone's switched off... personally... i'd call her parents and *accidentally* tell them... like "oh i needed to ask her about homework or something - i know she's out with that 26 year old guy she met on the internet right now but i'da thunk her phone'd still be on"then she cant get too mad at you if you accidentally rat her out for her own sake ^_^


They're both men....

eek!!! (p.s. answer my pm!!)

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Supergrunch what are you going into when you've done your Uni course?

All the stuff I read you're learning looks hella cool.

That's what I thought, before I started doing it... I like the principles, but the minutia of all the reactions get a little absurd, especially when you have to learn them all, and this is coming from someone who liked learning everything in detail for A-level biology. Out of the stuff I'm doing, I much prefer evolution, which is more about understanding and less about blind memorisation. Either way, as long as I do well enough in these upcoming exams (touch wood), I'm changing to linguistics next year.

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Merf, mom just lost my SIS-card, which I need for the pharmacy. The doctor prescribed me some stuff against stress but now I can't go and get it since I need that card, which I gave to mom today but she doesn't remember where she put it. >.<;



Quick question (since people won't see in the creative gallery): which colour scheme is best? And do you know of any other ones I could try?




And yeah, it's a simplified Midna. Need to make a 3D model of her (with different colours).

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Quick question (since people won't see in the creative gallery): which colour scheme is best? And do you know of any other ones I could try?




And yeah, it's a simplified Midna. Need to make a 3D model of her (with different colours).


I say the yellow and green ones are the best, maybe try a red body with a silver head?

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I've been in the situation the girls been in (ok so he wasn't that much older), give her until 6oclock then start bugging her with calls and texts just to check she's ok.


I can understand why you are worried, specially if she didn't meet him in a public place or anything.


Yup it was at "his flat" apparently. The worst thing is it's miles away, in Peteborough. She's going to a place she doesn't know, to see a man she's never met and without anyone with her. I offered to go (I know that whole area like the back of my hand) but she refused.


She's like "we love all the same things and I've never liked someone so much". She just sounds like a love struck teenager (which is exactly what she is, obviously) but she should bluddy well know better than to leave her mates worrying about her.


As I told Han, if she hasn't got back to us by later tonight I'll call her parents.

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The middle one!


Pfft came home from an awesome evening out with the bros and hos to find my hamster has died =/ Ohhhhhh well. Made me miserbale for quite a while.


To keep my mind pre-occupied I've been thining what to ask for my birthday, but still haven't come up with anything! Instad I decided I'm going to find loads of old games I wanted to play but either never got around to or just didn't have money. Just looked for one and I couldn't find it in stock anywhere :( FFS.

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