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Gah, I'm pissed right now cause nothing is going the way it should. Trying to print out the test version of my brochure for Graphics Design and it just doesn't align at all and blahhhhh. And I don't know how to fix it or get it to work.


And I have to go to actual work in a bit so I'm running out of time. This day is going to suck! >.<;

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Guest Stefkov
It's mostly work, but I've just gotten to the point where I want to be at uni now and these 5 weeks just are bleh.

I've been that way since high school. I've just been strolling through college to finally reach Uni where I will finally do a subject/course what I want to do.


My day: Went to Science and Industry Museum and took quite a few photos. I wanted to go to that Bodyworks on show there but it wasn't the day.

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Guest bluey
Wow.... just got a whole bunch of Sonic tracks and it has taken up a section of my day that it shouldn't have but I don't CARE!!!! *rocks out*


only an extra half hour... the rest of that time you can blame on that girlfriend of yours :wink:


...i got my CD i ordered from amazon today! ON A SUNDAY!!!

japan is freakin MENTAL!! ha!!


*also rocks out - but to relaxing ghibli music* ... :wtf: hehe


i had an AWESOME day today!! i got surprised at work with FOUR private lessons booked for me... two of them were booked by one lady who needs essay practice and really high level media and business conversation tuition... and the other two were two little girls each taking a private kid's class....

these were trial lessons - they'd all taken a lesson with the teacher already at the school - and they were trying a lesson with me, then deciding who they wanted to be taught by for the year...



they all chose to have lessons with me :yay:

i'm really happy!!!!


and my adult classes seem to be going a lot smoother now that i've had a few to practice with and kinda know how to act a bit better. before now, the students were like "heh....you're new, eh?" but now i feel like i'm more in control and not looking like so much of a n00b. heheh. (although i TELL them i'm new 'cause they all seem to really enjoy asking about how long i've been in japan... i tell them to guess and they're all like "two years? one year? 6 months? SHORTER?!?!?! EEEHHH??!?!?!" hehe ~)

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Guest bluey
How long are you there for?


Also, what kind of training did you receive? It sounds like an awesome experience, but it would suck if you were just put infront of people and expected to know how to teach.


i'ma be in japan for a year.

the training period was 2 weeks ~ but it was INTENSE. it's a conversation school and you work mainly from a textbook / free conversation ~ so training was learning to use the textbook and how to grade your language properly to suit the student. they really covered all the bases and possibilities with training.. especially the kids training... worst case scenarios, that kind of thing.


i have another kids class tomorrow... i'm sooo looking forward to it!!! jamba was right, i think i might enjoy class more than the kids will! :grin:

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Hmm im all up and down lately. Its odd. Thursday I was in a pit of nihilistic despair (emo album title waiting to happen) and that lingered into Friday. And then Friday night I did something stupid because I was bored. Yesterday I went out and kept shifting between "this is a good night" to "I wanna go home" but it turned out alright. And today the best part has been coincidentally all of us (who lived together until last week) running into each other and chatting. I dunno, take the good with the bad. See the benefits, the beauty in every inch. All of that.


Hmm and I just got happy because 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall' is now listed as Coming Soon on Vue's website. Will try and get everyone to go see it the Friday night (as im away the weekend).


And tonight is a Mario Kart & Dexter night. Should be funsies :D

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Went to the party last night, left about 10pm because i felt seriously out of place. The only 2 reasons to why i went was because of a promised Hog Roast and cheap booze.


The party in general contained 3 types of people senior's (65+), metal head cases (people with problems i.e Linzi) and normal people (i.e. me). By about 9:45pm i had enough and moved myself into the bar. 10pm, i left along with Linzi after telling her the reasons why i hated the party, and went clubbing for the rest of the night. Came home about 1am, went back to hers and got myself home at 3:30am.


Today, recovering from last night and preparing for work tomorrow.

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Hmm im all up and down lately. Its odd. Thursday I was in a pit of nihilistic despair (emo album title waiting to happen) and that lingered into Friday. And then Friday night I did something stupid because I was bored. Yesterday I went out and kept shifting between "this is a good night" to "I wanna go home" but it turned out alright. And today the best part has been coincidentally all of us (who lived together until last week) running into each other and chatting. I dunno, take the good with the bad. See the benefits, the beauty in every inch. All of that.


Hmm and I just got happy because 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall' is now listed as Coming Soon on Vue's website. Will try and get everyone to go see it the Friday night (as im away the weekend).


And tonight is a Mario Kart & Dexter night. Should be funsies :D


search results for "pit of nihilistic despair" are pretty cool :)


Went to bed at about 10am! Finished x-files season 2. Got first 6 of season 3 ready to watch, but people demanding I house them for entertainment tonight so I can't watch 'em all.



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Finally found a pair of grey converse I like on ebay, for about 11quid, got until 7oclock so hopefully I bag them for 14quid.


Also found monkey island thats not been bidded on, so hopefully I'll get that too, so that'll be nice ^.^.


Gonna have to stick some shoes on for sale, purely because some are brand new, like my winged converse and I've just not been able to wear them =[

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Which one?


curse, I have escape, so for a giggle I ebayed and found it, it's not finished til the 16th so I'll see if I can get it for a pound, though p&p is 3quid haha.


Old games seem to be ok with my laptop...so hopefully escape will be ok without having to download things.

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curse, I have escape, so for a giggle I ebayed and found it, it's not finished til the 16th so I'll see if I can get it for a pound, though p&p is 3quid haha.


Old games seem to be ok with my laptop...so hopefully escape will be ok without having to download things.


Curse is the best one in my opinion.

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search results for "pit of nihilistic despair" are pretty cool :)


Went to bed at about 10am! Finished x-files season 2. Got first 6 of season 3 ready to watch, but people demanding I house them for entertainment tonight so I can't watch 'em all.




Where do you find all the time to watch so many episodes? O.o;

I'm still on season one, just finished 'Darkness Falls' yesterday. So four more to go in this season.

I can barely find the time to watch one per day, and even then I have to watch them at night, right before going to bed (so after midnight somewhere). =(


Anyway, still can't get my Graphics Design thing right. So I'm just gonna glue the pages together and ask for help on this later or something. -_____-;

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Where do you find all the time to watch so many episodes? O.o;

I'm still on season one, just finished 'Darkness Falls' yesterday. So four more to go in this season.

I can barely find the time to watch one per day, and even then I have to watch them at night, right before going to bed (so after midnight somewhere). =(


Anyway, still can't get my Graphics Design thing right. So I'm just gonna glue the pages together and ask for help on this later or something. -_____-;


Erm.. Well I was watching x-files from about 6pm yesterday to 9am this morning, including the extras. I can't help it. I have a condition or something. I don't really have a concept of "wow it's getting late", and seeing there's "only" 6 episodes left after having watched 8.. well I'm past the half-way point.


Main problem is I run out of stuff to watch so quick! I've only got the first 6 episodes of season 3, so it'll take me a couple of weeks to download the rest. Will probably start re-watching DVD series that I've got, like Lost...


Season 3 episode 1 is good! Another To Be Continued. I think I've got enough time to squeeze in the next episode, get dressed, go buy booze in time for people to come over. If not then they'll have to wait!


EDIT: Scratch that. Mates are ghey.

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