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Bluey good look with everything mate.

Make the most of it. Be sure to make videos of your time over there.


My day has become sad. Data flow diagrams and psuedo code are the devil.


They are indeed the worst, specially transferring psuedo into another lanuage -_- i still can't remember how to delete a record in psuedo. And as for DFD, try a data dictionary, "what is a priest?" "well i think the examiner will know what a priest is sir, you are one too remember?"


LAME, Stef, whats your cwk on then?

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I have discovered the awesomness of facebook.


I've been laughing at lots of pics of me a friend has been posting, doing some pysch coursework. I've got to carry out my experiment on friday with 20 peeps. The the rest of the day involved sleep.

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Today I managed to make my hair awesome, thanks to hairspray :yay:

I also wrote an essay about some random artists, and got surrounded by chavs on a bus.


My day has become sad. Data flow diagrams and psuedo code are the devil.


That my friend, is the bane of my life.

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I have discovered the awesomness of facebook.


I've been laughing at lots of pics of me a friend has been posting, doing some pysch coursework. I've got to carry out my experiment on friday with 20 peeps. The the rest of the day involved sleep.


Be warned N-E he's adding us =O or rather, just me :)

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I have discovered the awesomness of facebook.


I've been laughing at lots of pics of me a friend has been posting, doing some pysch coursework. I've got to carry out my experiment on friday with 20 peeps. The the rest of the day involved sleep.


Yeah Facebook is awesome.

"Invite 20 Friends" to do something or to find out something.

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i'll be gone for a year... maybe more if i really like the job. and yeah, i'll be teaching with an eikawa company called ECC ~ if you click on my signature image, you can go to my blog all about it (there are links to ECC information at the side of the page, too :grin: )


I didn't know you were going on one of those teach in japan things! Is it all detailed in your blog, cos it's something I'm quite interested in doing once I have my degree(this is my last year), but I don't know ANYTHING about applying for it, who to apply with, how early I have to apply, and it's a big commitment, and I thought I'd worry after I get my degree.


Speaking of which, I've done NO WORK :shakehead. I read a few pages of a small book, planned out some shit in my head, did none of it, then spent 2 hours trying to rip the opening and end theme from Desmond's through my computer, 4oD(what a megabitch), and Audacity, encountering problems, not knowing what I'm doing, but finally getting it into an MP3 form for my phone :D I proceeded to ring myself numerous times also once I had finished. I tells ya, procrastination is the best motivation for doing productive stuff, as long as it's not what you're sposed to be doing, or in any way related.

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Guest Stefkov
They are indeed the worst, specially transferring psuedo into another lanuage -_- i still can't remember how to delete a record in psuedo. And as for DFD, try a data dictionary, "what is a priest?" "well i think the examiner will know what a priest is sir, you are one too remember?"


LAME, Stef, whats your cwk on then?

Thing is, in my course, we do the actual program itself, then when the programs done we do all the written coursework. Which means we've done the harder programming language, but then I've got to numb it down to do the psuedo code.

The coursework is just a simple add, amend, delete for a company. Last year we had to do 2 forms for the basics. This year we had to create a third form linking the two forms together, also we had to do backup, recovery and login stuff like passwords.

I've actually nearly finished the written part of it really. I just need to do these DFDs, hand draw my forms, get Backup and probably Recovery working so I can then go on to finish my testing and the last part of my User Guide.

All this by Friday. Sorry to ramble on, I really do type way too much.

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Thing is, in my course, we do the actual program itself, then when the programs done we do all the written coursework. Which means we've done the harder programming language, but then I've got to numb it down to do the psuedo code.

Sounds like my course too.

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Guest bluey
I didn't know you were going on one of those teach in japan things! Is it all detailed in your blog, cos it's something I'm quite interested in doing once I have my degree(this is my last year), but I don't know ANYTHING about applying for it, who to apply with, how early I have to apply, and it's a big commitment, and I thought I'd worry after I get my degree.



i started my blog just after being offered a job with NOVA, but shortly afterwards i heard about their financial troubles and bailed out ~ (then they went bust! lucky escape! bluey: 1 NOVA: -millions) then there's a bit about my trying to salvage interviews i'd had lined up before accepting my position with nova - and some quite detailed stuff on the ECC application/interview...

if you have specific questions though, i'll do my best to answer them :smile: the blog is for keeping friends and family up-to-date, and to help people who are thinking of doing the same thing! so i'm happy to answer questions :grin:


each company has their own separate application period... the easiest option used to be NOVA, but they were rubbish (the macdonnalds of eikawa schools... treated their staff like crap, apparently..) but with them gone the standards have really risen and it's slightly tougher to get a teaching position (which i think is great.) obviously i'm of the opinion that ECC are the nicest eikawa to work for.. the company has a really nice ethos and from what i hear they're a pleasure to work for (the recruitment team are friendly, at least!) then there are similar companies like GEOS, AEON, and Amity...

the one most people try for is the JET Programme because it's a government sponsored scheme which places teachers in public schools rather than privately run "eikawa" english-specific schools. JET is REALLY hard to get into (i tried and i FAILED~ heheh) because it's government sponsored, you dont have to pay for your own flights, or accommodation... they pay for everything... very jammy. i know the application process for JET takes a long time and they only accept applications during a small window of time once a year.

everywhere is different application-wise... but whoever you work with - you'll NEED at least a bachelors degree in any subject - it's a requirement for the working visa, not the company you're applying for.



......if anyone has any other questions (or suggestions for my blog!!) please ask! i wanna make my blog better!!

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Hmm, I just had a rather neat idea for a story. Well, more accurately I added enough flesh to a bare bones idea that it now resembles something interesting.


Now the way I see it there are two main problems with ideas:

1) They're cheap. Thoughts are easy, manifesting them into something presentable is the hard part.

2) Time wears them down. All it takes is 24 hours and suddenly they've lost their looks, all attractiveness out of the window.


Bearing these points in mind, I find it's best to make as many records of your thoughts as you can whilst the feeling's there. Maybe it's only a one-night stand, but at least you have something to remember it by.

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Hmm, some of that(ok, maybe alot :heh:) went a bit over my head, as I said, I've got NO idea where to start. I only really know vague things about JET, which is what I learnt from a teacher back in school who'd done it, and taught us a bit of Japanese. I went on their website a few years back, and it did seem rather tight on restrictions and stuff, so I decided to leave it for a while. I assume the Bachelors isn't important whether it's BA or BSc or even BEng, as long as it's a bachelors? And what about if it's even a crap bachelors, like only a pass(I have no intention of getting less than a 2-2 mind). I guess I'll start looking into it after I get it though, I'm thinking if I do it, it'll be after next summer sometime, but I wanna start getting prepped early, cos as I said, I know nothing! :(



EDIT:Hahaha, three hours later I'm still awake, and currently wondering if any deaf people across the land are awake. At the turn of 4oclock, The Hits seem to have 'Signed by The Hits' which I always assumed was just another name for another chart/excuse for playing music. How foolish I was! It's actually actual signage, as in, person in the bottom right, and it's brilliant watching them dancing and signing to songs. There's such a range of music, and some of it looks like they just shouldn't be dancing to it.

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I've spent the day in Keswick, after been tricked by a mysterious wizard (my tutor). If the Lake District is heaven, Keswick is like waiting to die.


I went to Keswick in October for a reading weekend. I've never actually encountered so much racism. Me and my Pakistani mate kept getting really wierd looks, and one guy outside a chippy said "they're fucking everywhere today." We kept on joking about it being like something from RE4. Lol. Lake District is awesome though, especially Grasmere.

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Guest Jordan

I feel (gaming wise) really empty today.


I cancelled my European No More Heroes copy, infavour of (whenever) my Freeloader decides to show up. That made me realise, theres no other games i want this month.


I've nearly finished Phoenix Wright 2, I kinda want the third one but at the same time its only really the court bits I actually enjoy. The investigations are tedious. Apollo Justice sounds awesome, with the investigations being all touch screeny. But, story wise i wanna do it in order.


Then theres FF: CC Ring of Fates that i wanna pick up, but apparently the frame rate is abismal. Which really turns me off, to be honest. Annoying, since i enjoyed teh first game. I looked through the top 20 lists for DS, 360 and Wii games. Realised i had basically all the ones i'd like (i like anything but most RPG's and some puzzlers) and then sat there thinking "Now what?".


Katamari was so... annoyingly short and the DLC levels probably aren't coming out here. PSN Europe updates are constantly shit, meaning nothing new to play today, XBLA games are unimpressing me at the moment and buying points rather than using actual money really turns me off buying new content sometimes.


My PS3 is getting basically no action, because i have nothing to play on it... because theres nothing decent to buy for it. I was going to get Ninja Gaiden Sigma... then i realised i'd already bought Ninja Gaiden twice. Motorstorm and Resistance don't impress me or warrent a purchase and i already have Folklore, Warhawk (via PSN), Ratchet and Clank and Uncharted.


360 wise, i've not really had much fun recently outside of N+. Like i said, Beautiful Katamari was short, Kingdom under Fire is just so... grinding and Devil May Cry 4's Dante must Die mode is so hard its a complete annoyance.


*sigh* I need something new and i just realised this is one of my longest posts ever.

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I feel (gaming wise) really empty today.


I cancelled my European No More Heroes copy, infavour of (whenever) my Freeloader decides to show up. That made me realise, theres no other games i want this month.


I've nearly finished Phoenix Wright 2, I kinda want the third one but at the same time its only really the court bits I actually enjoy. The investigations are tedious. Apollo Justice sounds awesome, with the investigations being all touch screeny. But, story wise i wanna do it in order.


Then theres FF: CC Ring of Fates that i wanna pick up, but apparently the frame rate is abismal. Which really turns me off, to be honest. Annoying, since i enjoyed teh first game. I looked through the top 20 lists for DS, 360 and Wii games. Realised i had basically all the ones i'd like (i like anything but most RPG's and some puzzlers) and then sat there thinking "Now what?".


Katamari was so... annoyingly short and the DLC levels probably aren't coming out here. PSN Europe updates are constantly shit, meaning nothing new to play today, XBLA games are unimpressing me at the moment and buying points rather than using actual money really turns me off buying new content sometimes.


My PS3 is getting basically no action, because i have nothing to play on it... because theres nothing decent to buy for it. I was going to get Ninja Gaiden Sigma... then i realised i'd already bought Ninja Gaiden twice. Motorstorm and Resistance don't impress me or warrent a purchase and i already have Folklore, Warhawk (via PSN), Ratchet and Clank and Uncharted.


360 wise, i've not really had much fun recently outside of N+. Like i said, Beautiful Katamari was short, Kingdom under Fire is just so... grinding and Devil May Cry 4's Dante must Die mode is so hard its a complete annoyance.


*sigh* I need something new and i just realised this is one of my longest posts ever.


Step one) Check if you have a PSP.


Step two) If you dont then buy one.


Step three) Buy Disgaea.


Step four) Play Disgaea.

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Guest Jordan

I am probably buying a PSP at some point for God of War, Papaton and Wipeout Pulse... but i'll probably get a hacked one.


Oh and i don't like RPG's. Especially Nippon Ichi RPG's...

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Guest Jordan

I don't like the gameplay, i don't find the characters particularly interesting or the whole "omg lets grind levels!".


As for Advance Wars, i've played and bought a couple of them. Not my thing, i like real time stratergy but really no way turn based. Does my nut.

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Checked my results from last year and I got a C in the module I need to get a B- on to do an extension >_< Im gonna go speak to the lecturer anyway as he seems understanding, and he knows I have an interest in Japanese cinema anyway. So if I explain that the module was advertised as a multi-national one and turned out to be just Britain and India (which I didn't care for) then he may be swayable...Worth a squint.


Yesterday a friend came round and we played games all afternoon. Then I made an epic curry and we were going to watch Memento Mori (as a house) and drink but I was the only one who drank and, despite aluding to having to crash earlier on, he left >_<


And then I have woken up early today, made the 20 mile treck back to my parents to suprise my mom with her slightly late mother's day present and she's not here. Doy.

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I don't like the gameplay, i don't find the characters particularly interesting or the whole "omg lets grind levels!".


Grrrr! Its not about level grinding (Although you can of course) but the characters are awesome! And you make your own! And its funny! Plus theres no feeling like getting a geo panel combo in the thousands, and it killing all enemies on map.


You're a meany.

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