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I was sitting in my chair lolling along, and like gradually I felt heavier, like this has happened before but its just my arse going numb and I move about and Im fine, but it was quite...strong, I looked around, moved my head around and saw my colleague reacting in a similar way so they said "Do you feel weird" I said "Yeah....???!?!!!" and then it went, I stood up and a few other folk were like "WTF"


Huge WTF moment.


That is so fucking weird.


Edit;/ Seriously any scientists in the house?


Was it like the feeling you get when you go up in a lift? The only other phenomenon I can think of which can cause weird experiences is infrasound, sound so low you can't hear but it can do weird stuff to your whole body(also where the brown note story originates from).


My mind was just BLOWN.


Anyone ever heard 'Boten Anna' by Basshunter? Turns out he totally sold out :o


His new song "Now You're gone" is a propper song! Its not about Warcraft 3 or Vent or bots! :(


It hit number 1 in the UK charts too, crazy. I wonder if people actually know the roots of the song :p

Have you been living on some crazy island far far away or something? The song's been out quite a while! I remember when I first saw it come on, I thought 'Oo, basshunter' and thought it might be something new, but its pretty much like a lyrically reworked Boten Anna and I think he's gay now.

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Have you been living on some crazy island far far away or something? The song's been out quite a while! I remember when I first saw it come on, I thought 'Oo, basshunter' and thought it might be something new, but its pretty much like a lyrically reworked Boten Anna and I think he's gay now.


Considering i don't listen the trash that is Radio 1 and happend to hear it randomly yesterday... i guess i do live on crazy island.

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Fucking *****! I hate customers! FUCK!


Basically, on pensions, you can transfer them and get 25% of it as a cash lump sum. Some fucker husband calls and is asking about some transfer/letters they've received. I said "Okay was this a transfer from a Halifax plan?" He said "Can I speak to someone who knows about Managed Pensions" I was like...stfu, but I checked on the system and it wasnt from us it was from a different company, and I said "I cant see that its from Halifax, and I have this amount *Reads amount*" and again he said it, so I said "I do know about these, and Id appreciate it if you didnt insult my intelligence" and said how we dont pay TFC so he said it again, didnt let him finish the sentence and just shoved him through to the other company.


Fucking dick head.


Was it like the feeling you get when you go up in a lift? The only other phenomenon I can think of which can cause weird experiences is infrasound, sound so low you can't hear but it can do weird stuff to your whole body(also where the brown note story originates from).


Wasnt exactly like that, but that theory sure makes more sense than any others (see;Aliens)

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Ugh, i can´t stand Basshunter, it was funny and witty when he got famous first but now.

I worked in the same part-time job for about a year and every time I was at work I heard Botten Anna like 2 or 3 times on the radio. I think I know the memorized the lyrics and the song is in Swedish -_-


Oh god know i got that song stuck in my head again

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Fucking *****! I hate customers! FUCK!


Basically, on pensions, you can transfer them and get 25% of it as a cash lump sum. Some fucker husband calls and is asking about some transfer/letters they've received. I said "Okay was this a transfer from a Halifax plan?" He said "Can I speak to someone who knows about Managed Pensions" I was like...stfu, but I checked on the system and it wasnt from us it was from a different company, and I said "I cant see that its from Halifax, and I have this amount *Reads amount*" and again he said it, so I said "I do know about these, and Id appreciate it if you didnt insult my intelligence" and said how we dont pay TFC so he said it again, didnt let him finish the sentence and just shoved him through to the other company.


Fucking dick head.




Wasnt exactly like that, but that theory sure makes more sense than any others (see;Aliens)


I hate people like that. Over Christmas a customer asked me when we were getting Wiis or DS and I said I didn't know. And she said "Can I speak to someone more helpful than please?" to which I said "Its not that I don't know because I lack the knowledge, but rather head office don't tell us thus nobody knows thank you". Arrogant people.


Today has been all about the tidying. Room is looking better, just gotta wait for housemate to wake then I shall hoover. And I should do assignment work.

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People just are utter pricks, i also work in a line of customer service.


People just don't understand fuck all, you tell them one thing they do something else different or they ask for a "specialist".

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i went to a camera shop yesterday to ask how much the high quality (H type) XD card i just bought online for £9 was - the guy said he only had the M type in, and that was £40... i knew M was a lower grade, but i asked what it stood for... he was like "M.........mmmmmm......." so i joined in and said "...mmmmmmmmmmmediocre quality???" we decided it meant medium quality, and that was fujifilm's way out of labeling something "lower quality" :grin: it was a geek-fest chat!


today i shall be mainly tidying and cleaning the house (ready for my goodbye party on saturday!!!) then i'ma go to tescos and buy chips and dips and booze and probably a bag of ice! (ready for my goodbye party on saturday!!!) haha.

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People just are utter pricks, i also work in a line of customer service.


People just don't understand fuck all, you tell them one thing they do something else different or they ask for a "specialist".


As a colleague of mine said, "Its the clients that don't take 'yes' for an answer" Heh heh.


But yeah. Utter utter tossers. Its the one thing that gets on my wick is when people call me unhelpful. Swear at me, bitch me up do whatever you like but dont call me unhelpful, or I will be. Makes my blood boil, and now Im all stressed. Roll on lunch - Subway - lulz - then only 3 hours till home time.

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Heres an idea. Set up a sentry outside...


It's been going on for the past year+ and NOTHING gets done. Get this, the police caught them behind the shop TWICE in 2 weeks drinking alcohol, loads of it and they were pissed out of their heads. These kids are about 16. yet all they did was pat them on the arse and take the beer away, pretty fucking sad. One of the staff was nearly assaulted by some drunk kid one night. It really takes the piss, yet time and time again we complain, but fuck all gets done.


That's the co-op for you, god i hate that place. I really need a new job and fast >.<

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Oh no no, Erm lunch is at 1, then when I get back only 3 hours till I leave. (at 5pm)


This is how I get through the day. "In 4 hours, there will only be 1 hour till home time" etc. Im sure you're familiar.


Wheres Dom work?



You see, i have lunch at 12 and then work through it till 5pm... because i fail. Apart from today, when i need to go into town to get some money, which takes 20 minutes to walk there and back (boring as fuck).


Dom works at a co-op, he wants to kill all the customers and fancies 3 of the girls that work/have worked there. I've met one, she was kinda cute :p

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Hey atleast people don't come in everyday and nick stuff, god that's a pain! Manage to stop one the other day, though later on some kids came in and stole beer ¬_¬


the other day i was working the late shift at blockbuster ~ i noticed some teenaged kids at the front of the shop being a bit loud - but i didn't care enough to tell them to stfu ^__^ but a few mins later i notice some police men carting them off!! then a policewoman comes up to me and explains that they'd stolen some alcohol from the off license round the corner and they were just arresting them :grin: me and my friend were like '....ha! pwned.'


...my ear hurts... :hmm:

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Guest Stefkov

Had my haircut earlier. Hair is the most annoying thing. There just one point, one length that suits me. Not too short, like a skin head, and not too long like getting down to below my ears. It's just in between and it annoys me. If only I could just stunt my hair growth at that point...

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well.. for one


dexter = really cool :)

(though i only watched the second half cause the flatmate wanted to see gordon ramsey.. may watch the repeat on tuesday)


mum is in hospital again! though this time the usual one was too full so they moved her up here till coleraine !!


so dads coming to pick me up tonight to go see her - its really annoying that even though shes so close due to lack of public transport/ me having a car i cant go visit here without dad :(

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well.. for one


dexter = really cool :)

(though i only watched the second half cause the flatmate wanted to see gordon ramsey.. may watch the repeat on tuesday)


Gordon Ramsay was awesome last night. Love that show. Dexter is on record. :)


mum is in hospital again! though this time the usual one was too full so they moved her up here till coleraine !!


so dads coming to pick me up tonight to go see her - its really annoying that even though shes so close due to lack of public transport/ me having a car i cant go visit here without dad :(


Sorry to hear that, whats wrong with her?

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Why won't those damned Egyptians leave me alone, three messages this morning, I don't want to be your friend, I don't want to C2C with you and you are far too far away for sex.


On the plus side though had a few deliveries today, new shoes, a new dress and skirt, so that's cheered me up a bit.

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Why won't those damned Egyptians leave me alone, three messages this morning, I don't want to be your friend, I don't want to C2C with you and you are far too far away for sex.


You know, there are just some things we don't need to know.


Oh and is one of those Egyptians Arab Freak? :p

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