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Want to compare units? That's not an innuendo :P


This isn't really a woman thing. I think my relationship just served as an excuse to feel whatever way I did. As for halo co-op... well dude srsly - I have the next 3 days to do so, so just PM me whenever you want to do it. As for 3 - I can't dl much as I seem to be downloading at approx. 5kB/s.


Ok i am beyond drunk but I will try to help


Number 1 ok fair play


Number 2 I will be online tommorow and on sat


Number 3 tv shack is awesome just leave it for a bit its really fast.

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Well, i had fuck all sleep after i woke up. Which is great. I'm knackered and i have a fuck load of work to do.


Great, just great. I'm gunna be in a terrible mood all day.

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I'm back from the Doctors! :)


The pain in my stomach is constipation which has been making me feel sick.


So now i have to drink more, eat more fruit and veg and get more exercise!


I also got a tasty special orange drink to help break it down. Much better than the horrible stuff i have been given before. :D


I'm not really ill so Woo free day off school! :grin: should probably do some work...

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My day is going from shit to worse.


Urghhhh... How the fuck am i supposed to deal with something i don't understand.


I replied to a customer about an issue, having spent an hour with one of our QA guys and him not really explaining what the issue is sent me off to answer the guy back.


Now, i'm under a fucking pile of work at the moment, so i write up a responce in 5 mins with all the details i had and reffered him back to the previous notes i had made with the QA guy. I sent it back to him to have a look at before i sent it out and i just got an ear ful about how busy he was and how terrible my responce was.


This coupled with what happend after i left work last night... fucks sake. I'm knackered and i really don't need this...

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Guest Stefkov

I let the cat in and left him by himself. I leave him be, 10 minutes later I hear my dad shouting. I run down. Seems the cats eaten some of the prawns left on the side.

Just keeping it quiet :P

Apart from that two of my lessons, my only lessons involved listening to people talking about music then Gladiators involving different races.

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my day has been good so far :smile:

i got something nice and unexpected in the post, then i went to london to pick up my visa from the japanese embassy - it's pretty ^__^ then before i came home i bought a caramel latte and a cookie! they were both extra yum!! aaaand now i'm home nursing my "i've-been-on-a-train-too-long-playing-phoenix-wright" headache and chilling out before i go to work. i'm going to watch "willow" with a nice cup of tea in a bit ^__^


letty! NICE hair... how does it work~ is it woven in? i'm confused but in awe @__@ and yay for boob cake! i feel i should join this trend of over-sharing and tell all you semi-strangers my measurements: secret. :grin:

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my day has been good so far :smile:

i got something nice and unexpected in the post, then i went to london to pick up my visa from the japanese embassy - it's pretty ^__^ then before i came home i bought a caramel latte and a cookie! they were both extra yum!! aaaand now i'm home nursing my "i've-been-on-a-train-too-long-playing-phoenix-wright" headache and chilling out before i go to work. i'm going to watch "willow" with a nice cup of tea in a bit ^__^


letty! NICE hair... how does it work~ is it woven in? i'm confused but in awe @__@ and yay for boob cake! i feel i should join this trend of over-sharing and tell all you semi-strangers my measurements: secret. :grin:


Well, what I did to attatch them was to tie my hair into 2 buns as high up on my head as I could, then used elastic to sort of 'tie' the falls on. Theyre mega heavy though!! I cant see myself wearing them for long periods of time :D


Yay boobcake :heart:

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I should qualify that I wasn't having a go at The fish, nor was I trying to suggest the view I associate with the phrase is one he holds. My contempt is purely squared at the phrase itself.


I know, and I kind of agree, but, well, compared to the alternatives, it seemed the most suitable...

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Well, what I did to attatch them was to tie my hair into 2 buns as high up on my head as I could, then used elastic to sort of 'tie' the falls on. Theyre mega heavy though!! I cant see myself wearing them for long periods of time :D


Yay boobcake :heart:

hmmmm i like. my friend just got some really nice blue felt falls... i'm jealous... since i have one of those "real job" things now i'm not allowed to dye my hair crazy colours >__<

i'm wondering if teaching jobs in england would let me have crazy hair... :indeed:

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hmmmm i like. my friend just got some really nice blue felt falls... i'm jealous... since i have one of those "real job" things now i'm not allowed to dye my hair crazy colours >__<

i'm wondering if teaching jobs in england would let me have crazy hair... :indeed:


No they wouldn't :heh: the look great letty though are you wearing them for download?


I've seen a nice green set similar to yours that I'm in love with but again can't ever wear them unless I grow my hair...-.-


My day's been good ^.^, I managed to get my programming done (although I missed the research bit but I can do that on the referral), got a secterays number to call and let her boss know that I'm re-vamping a website for him. Then I got picked up by my dad ^.^ and I don't have work til sunday :yay:

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No they wouldn't :heh: the look great letty though are you wearing them for download?


I've seen a nice green set similar to yours that I'm in love with but again can't ever wear them unless I grow my hair...-.-



Hopefully, but I dont know if I could last a whole day with them in!

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Hopefully, but I dont know if I could last a whole day with them in!


phooey! Oh well, they do look great on you though! I need to stop going on the heavenly hair forums they give me too many ideas and I still haven't come up with anything to keep my hair looking less I just woke up in a bad way..:indeed:

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Guest Stefkov

I have never seen that used.

Hong Kong Phooey shot straight into my head though. I didn't even watch it.

Tonight will not be fun, as soon as it's someones birthday everyone has to keep everyone that comes through the door company..:(

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Now I pick up my comics on Saturdays! So imagine my suprise when someone on HCRealms reps me saying this.


(Scroll to the bottom, to the top rep comment)




:yay: :yay: :yay:


(Its my favourite comic, this should be noted)


You realise nobody can see that unless they're a member of those forums, yeah?

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