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Guest Stefkov

They guy who I picked up for my driving lesson was pretty funny. I've never actually seen it done but he indicated left and turned right.

I wish I was in the car behind so I could have laughed at him.

Aced the driving lesson though.

I've just had a carrot for lunch. THe rest of my day is busy. Damnit.

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Yesterday was a pile of dogshite. Got home after working hard all day and no sooner had i sat down on the sofa, the phone rang. Turned out an emergency meeting was called at the club of which i am on the comittee. So had to go down straight away still in work clothes. Waited for nearly an hour for the meeting to actually start, was supposed to have started 6:00pm, but started just before 7pm. It lasted 10 blumin minutes and i couldn't go home afterwards as i was on duty which started at 7:30. Then about 10:15 i could finally take a sit down and enjoy my pint of which i bought it about 9pm, chatted to all my mates who were out except 1 who i decided to give up talking to or acknowledging or lending money to for Lent, see how long that lasts i think, currently on 3 days of seeing and not talking to her. Of which at 11:30 when me and 2 others walked her back she had a go at me and was shouting her head off at me, and i faced her and said bye to my other mates and walked off home to bed


So all in all, yesterday evening was a pile of the above.


Currently my day has been great, been extremaly busy and will be enjoying a night off later on.

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Hmm im ill and my plans for mafia night tommorow have all fallen through im going to have to go and stay with some psycho. Bluey knows what im talking about. Godamnit my chances of pulling tommorow are now lessened and just at the time when single girls will be in post valentine depression must get a man mode.




Oh yeh I have an awful cold and loads of work and no valentines but im in a pretty good mood I think its because ive been watching so much sopranos I love that show.

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my dongle is here yay ^.^ it better work!


edit: it works ^.^ dear god I'm a happy bunny!! =]


Oh cool. Add me then i'll add you when I get home :) All under Avatar.


Had my first lecture. Started of really hard and jumped right in (damn you maths) but my next lecture is at 5 but it's an intro lecture and recap of last semestar which I aced so I might just go home just now.

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Waking up this morning was hard. My night yesterday was great, some totally non- homosexual male bonding went on, with a bit of girl bonding to =]


Got started on by chavs because I slapped my friend in the face by accident. Then was accused of being a drug dealer. Fun times :D Endured the biggest hangover I've had for a while and then woke up realising I need to go out buy a card and a present for the girlfriend :(


Hopefully tonight goes well :D

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Today was one of the best days ever :D:D


I went and revised at The PeerieShop, then I went for my interview at Shetland college (Art and Design 1 year course) - they gave me an unconditional offer before the interview was even over!! :D


I then went charity shop shopping with my mum, and I got the best ever pair of boots for £1.50 :D


I then came home to find some beautiful flowers waiting for me!

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I've been at my laptop for the large majority of the day, and yet I've written a total of 100 words out of a target 1500, which I later realised was actually a target 1600 anyway, which basically leaves me exactly where I started :(.

I shan't sleep until I get 1500 words written, preferable 2000 with a bit of shit mixed in. My degree is gonna be so terrible :(

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Well, just had a day of watching Star Wars.


We got the 3 new films done, then kinda lost interest and straightened the awkward guys hair. Fucking hilarious. They were trying to persuade me to let them straighten mine, it'd probably look good, but they can go fuck themselves if they think they're touching my hair with those hot ceramics ¬_¬

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