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i'm not doing a lot recently... it'd really be getting me down by now if i weren't waiting to do something big and exciting :grin: i got a really friendly email from the recruitment officer at ECC today ~ i'd asked for confirmation that i was waiting for some certain paperwork from them. from what i've seen of the company so far, i think i'm going to really enjoy working for them :smile: it's encouraging.


something really weird and spooky just happened to me O_o i put some flowers in a vase downstairs, and i remember thinking "hey, this vase has been in my room for ages, it's finally made it's way back to the cupboard in the kitchen and i take it back upstairs again ~ hah!" but when i got upstairs - the empty vase was still on my windowsill O_o (que twilight zone music!)

turns out i'd just never noticed we has two identical glass vases... *shrug*

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Guest Stefkov

Today I realised that this year's modules/work we have to do for Graphics and Photography are shit. So I've come to the conclusion that I will work to the most minimal of my standards and work towards a C. If I get any higher I will be happy. As long as I get Cs I will get into any of my Uni choices so I might aswell lay back.

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Today has been shit!


A planned powercut from 9-4 and its the only day I finish nice and early from college. Luckily I charged my ds up last night, so I completeed Advance Wars whilst waiting for it to come back on, but I was so bored!!!



Hopefully tommorrow should be better =]

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Here's my useless information of the day!


Completely not hungover, I listened to an hour-long lecture on slavery and romanticism, followed by 4 hours of looking mega-cool smoking and reading in the freeezing cold, then an hour of my comments being ignored by my peers in group-work before they stealzor'd them for their own personal, gay gains.


Thankfully a fire alarm shut them the fuck up, and before they could say "help! I'm really, really stupid and I suck leaves" I was already most of the way down the 10 flights of stairs, cigarette docking in my mouth, moistened closed and awaiting the spark of TRUTH. Unfortunately it had to settle for the sizzle of a lighter, for my coolio zippo's out of flint. But hey, a walk home punctuated with wolfmother, mewithoutYou and ocean colour scene, foregrounded by a fire engine's conveniant occurance in which I was aided to cross a hectic road massively faster than usual. Thank you, detritus peons of university! You helped me get home that much faster.


Coming up next; four days of BISH hunting, poem reading and Dickens HATING, spiced up with the ever-useful vials of alcohol in gin form.



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Completed Legendary earlier with 3 friends, 4 achievements for 425 :D


And I passed the 1k achievement point milestone, woot!


But I'm the only one out of all of us that has the "Finished the fight!" thing on our service records, and I was the one that was hosting. Will they get it soon or not? :wtf:

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Me and my two housemates were walking to ASDA today, as we were walking my housemate Will noticed two guys on push bikes peadling on the road in our direction and some guy screaming at them. They'd obviously done something bad so my housemate tried to stop them, the first got away but he managed to knock the second scally off his bike, however he then legged it and got away.


We walked on to try and find the guy who was shouting at them but he was no where to be seen, so we ventured to ASDA. On the way back we stopped by the shop near where it happened as we thought they might have stolen something from there but they said they didn't know anything. Anyway as we walked on I noticed a car with the top half of the door bent back. The scallies had tried to break in to the car, anyway we left a note in the guys carwith our details and walked back with shopping and a bike.

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Guest Stefkov

Finally finished the coding for my program today. One thing was holding me back, a simple edit but it wasnt working.

Had a driving less and I forgot a lot of things. Not as bad as the girl after me though. She hit the kerb making me smack my head on the roof of the car.

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Currently having a good day, until the power went off in work and the servers went down. Lost all the work of the day, now must re-do all of it again.


Tonight, well i did plan to go on my 360 but it is bust so i guess the pub again later on or maybe read a book.

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Had a driving less and I forgot a lot of things. Not as bad as the girl after me though. She hit the kerb making me smack my head on the roof of the car.

How come you were in the car?


The current status of my day is 'meh'. Lost Odyssey hasn't arrived. My Threadless shirts haven't arrived. I found a really nice/quirky jacket online, but typically it's out of stock for the foreseeable future. I also handed my CV in at my local independent game shop, but the guy behind the counter gave me an odd look which seemed to say, "You don't have flesh plugs, badly dyed black hair or listen to nu-metal. Why are you here?"

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Good god. Some people are so dense.


I just had a woman on the line whos got a form to fill out, and she didnt know what we meant on the form when we asked her "occupation" whats that? She said....I was speechless for a second then said...."Errr...thats your job"


Jeeeez. Life doesnt get easier.

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Guest Stefkov
How come you were in the car?

The people who I've been learning with, I thought all did it this way but, you get picked up at home or wherever by the previous learner.

They sit in the back seat, you take the other person home. You then have your lesson and then nearing the end you get to the next person for when the hour is up. Then that person drives you home.

Head still hurts.

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They sit in the back seat, you take the other person home. You then have your lesson and then nearing the end you get to the next person for when the hour is up. Then that person drives you home.

I'm glad I didn't have to do that. My instructor simply left time between lessons so he could make it to the next comfortably. It was bad enough just having him bearing down on me, I'm not sure I'd have been able to cope with some random person in the back seat.


Yes, I hated learning to drive. Now I just hate driving.

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No post due to fucking gay weather last night. So no Devil May Cry 4.


Probably not tomorrow, be Saturday now. FUCKS SAKE. I've been waiting all fucking day to play that.

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