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Been a pretty "meh" day spent most of it watching Reaper which is a pretty good show.


Also Coolness Bears if you read this clear up some space on your private message folder! I am trying to PM you!


Sorry Mundi :) I have cleared them now!


my weekend has been quite good. I just had a delicious dinner! :D


But this History Coursework is eating away at my fragile soul... :blank:


My whole weekend has pretty much been that, it's doing my head in!! : peace:


Coursework is EVIL!!!


Once it is done i will revert back to being overly excited about everything! :grin: I will not let the Courswork win!!!


Other than that it has been lovely and relaxing and i've watched Juno twice :awesome:


"I could so go for like a huge cookie right now, with like, a lamb kebab simultaneously" :heh:

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My day was going alright, until a got an email from a friend of mine who was altering the short story I'd written. She's made it so awesome, I've never laughed so much in my entire life.


Also, Sociology work sucks! Damn my sexy teacher, damn her.

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Thankyou daft, I've been messing with brushes recently, I'm not too into cluttered signatures and couldn't find a decent picture of something so ^.^


Did you use one of those tablet things?


Also, Sociology work sucks! Damn my sexy teacher, damn her.


I just read that as scientology!! :p

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Today I was diagnosed with severe hypertension after nearly collapsing, and have been ordered off alcohol for the foreseeable future. Only problem is the person who diagnosed it is not only a trained doctor, but a professional Dominatrix, my arse is already black and blue from spending the last few days with her, I don't want to do anything to make her upset with me.


On the plus side I also picked up a 'best dressed' award.

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Weekend. Saturday, work. Meh. New manager woman was doing my tits in. Found out Dick was arrested Thurs night. Gloomy.


Sunday, work was okay. Spoke to Dick's girlfriend after, poor girl. Came home and we had friends over and drank a lot. A good start to my birthday week.

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So far... dreadful.

I'm at work, feeling so ill.


I'm tired even though i had 8 hours sleep, i feel sick, i was up at 3:30am last night with random stomach cramps, i have a huge headache and a sore throat to top it off.

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Well... so long as it keeps you off the booze anyway.


It's about the only thing that could, my doctor is an inept fool, I wouldn't listen to him, but she is the first Domme who has taken me even close to my pain limits, I'm not going to disobey her.


As for today, feel amazing, must still be running on the adrenaline from the weekend, only had about four hours of sleep despite being shattered last night.

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Yay, i have woken up today and i can hear out of my left ear :D Had a damn ear infection in it for the past 10 days :|


My chest infection is still going strong though... damn smoking :'(


Ive been on and off ill for the past 3 months now, i just want to go on holiday or something and forget about all this illness :(


On the plus side, iv'e sorted out my 21st :D my dad is giving me £500 so im spending it on my mates :) 16 of us in total are off to whitby for two nights in april, place even has a swimming pool, its going to be legendary :D

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There is sure something wrong with me, i ran to the toilet and nearly threw up (ie: started gipping... but nothing came out). I have an awful stomach, I can't go home...


Its not like theres any work to do, its just i'd rather not go home ill. I'll see if i'm better in a few hours.

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i'm watching the animal crossing movie and drinking a nice cup of tea...

my day officially can't get any better!! :grin::grin::grin::grin:


later on i'ma take a stroll to town (it's c-c-c-cold outside but i'm going to mark that down as a "refreshing walk" ~ positive thinking bluey in da house!) and change my stupid new mobile for a different stupid new mobile... mine has a crazy problem that the 4,5 and 6 buttons keep beeping during a call... rather off-putting *nod nod*

aaaand i guess i can go trade in my N64 while i'm at it.. cash please :grin:

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i'm watching the animal crossing movie and drinking a nice cup of tea...

my day officially can't get any better!! :grin::grin::grin::grin:


later on i'ma take a stroll to town (it's c-c-c-cold outside but i'm going to mark that down as a "refreshing walk" ~ positive thinking bluey in da house!) and change my stupid new mobile for a different stupid new mobile... mine has a crazy problem that the 4,5 and 6 buttons keep beeping during a call... rather off-putting *nod nod*

aaaand i guess i can go trade in my N64 while i'm at it.. cash please :grin:



animal crossing on ds is amazing...I just wish I'd get my arse together and buy a dongle, but the problem is it may not work :(

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animal crossing on ds is amazing...I just wish I'd get my arse together and buy a dongle, but the problem is it may not work :(


It's worth a shot. I need another AC friend, I only have one :(


Anyone concert last night was amazing, was so much fun and I didn't get home till just after 1. Good thing it finished when it did or else I couldn't get home cause the buses stopped early.

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It's worth a shot. I need another AC friend, I only have one :(


Anyone concert last night was amazing, was so much fun and I didn't get home till just after 1. Good thing it finished when it did or else I couldn't get home cause the buses stopped early.


I'll buy one at the end of the month from amazon, if it don't work I'll say it's their fault ^.^


I love ac, but it's well confusing to me haha. I think I just need to start from scratch, I bought it second hand so it's abit weird.


Then we can be friends :yay:


yeah that sounds weird.

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Had an AWESOME day! Lunch was great, and my last lesson, Pyschology, was even more awesome. I was laughing so much I cried, it was brilliant. My teacher was digging herself into a deeper hole everytime she spoke. She was going on about how she used to be in an awesome school, and from year 7 was selected by the headmaster as someone to go to oxbridge. She said he had a sound proof office and used to take children in there, and then she said something about him "creaming" them.



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animal crossing on ds is amazing...I just wish I'd get my arse together and buy a dongle, but the problem is it may not work :(


ahhhhh the AC movie is super cute >__< once i get all my weeding sorted, we should have an n-e a-c party!! you're all invited to my village!! :grin:

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