Ashley Posted December 20, 2009 Posted December 20, 2009 I noticed! Frankly, I cried so hard it hurt. Jayseven I regularly put pittance on my plastic. Put 51p on there the other day. Went to a shopping centre and didn't buy anything. But I find crowdedness strangely calming. I suppose its watching everyone else panic. My friend text me asking if I wanted to come round. Haven't heard from her in months and knew she'd just have some issues to talk about, but lets face it I don't have a busy social calendar. And yes, she spoke mostly about her shit but I understand why she felt she can only tell me. Although she did smoke so I had to get back and shower and change. URGH. Do smokers not realise what it smells like? But her flatmate's boyfriend gave me a lift home. SCORE! Oh and father is being a dick. No change there.
Eenuh Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 Today has been an okay day I guess, though again not interesting. Most interesting part was me playing in the snow and making a snowman heh. Too bad I had no one to play with. Even my dog didn't seem too interested (poor thing was probably freezing). Spent about 4 hours at work, yay for money. Though on the walk back home I managed to fall over face first on the parking lot. Stupid snow hiding obstacles. =( Decided to start on some school work tonight but so far it's not going well heh. Also worried as the Eurostar has been cancelled the last few days. It better work again when Jim comes here. =(
gaggle64 Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 It's 2am and I have written nothing today. Again. Why hath thou abandoned me o fickle muse?! *tears his shirt open dramatically*
ReZourceman Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 Goafer is offensively awesome. He came all the way out to my house to pick me up because my car's intestines are frozen solid. So anyway he came to pick me up, and we hardcore hit up Milton Keynes. Went to the LEGO shop and was devastated to find they didn't have what I wanted. We then went to the Xscape and were going to have Nando's (never been myself) but there was a wait so went to KFC. We then went to the arcade. Goafer raped me at Sega Rally, and I got my sixth Lickylicky. I went....ape shit. We then ate ice cream (holy hell it was good, between us = cotton candy, blue raspberry, rainbow sherbet and nutty coconut) and watched Avatar (holy hell it was good) We then walked to the car. We were cold. And drove home, roads were crazy, but it meant more talk time.....and the EPIC moment that occured. We were listening to the Sunday Surgery on BBC Radio 1 and someone either called in or the doc read out "I get really shy around boys", cue Goafer and I, absolutely 100% simultaneously saying "I get really shy around boys" and then laughing, also in unison. Amazing. (Also this was technically the Winter NE Meet) Pictures
Shorty Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 So I got in the car and the car was all like "LOL IMMA SPIN MY WEELS HERE". Some dude was like "NO WAI" and pushed the bitch up teh hill. I was all "CHEERZ DUDE". Then I get round the corner, see oncoming traffic, put my foot on the brake (gently) - it doesn't do shit. Insert panic. I hit the curb as teh only method I can see to not roll down the hill face first into a Mercedes on the day my breakdown cover expired (I no, rite?). Abandon car here. So now I'm back at home in teh warm. Probably going to be working from home. We then went to the Xscape and were going to have Nando's (never been myself) but there was a wait so went to KFC. Dudes, you should have waited.
Happenstance Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 As I mentioned on Facebook, that is one of the creepiest smiles I have ever seen in my life! Sorry I couldnt come with you guys but ive got 50p left in my wallet so cant afford to do anything until I get more! We'll have to sort out something soon though.
MoogleViper Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 With the way you two have been recently I'm surprised he isn't touching the male statue.
Shorty Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 I think they're both girls, dude. Skirts and boobs = giveaway. Of course it could be Eddie Izzard.
MoogleViper Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 I think they're both girls, dude. Skirts and boobs = giveaway. Damnit. So it is. I really should look harder.
Shorty Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 Maybe, or maybe I should not be looking quite so hard.
Wesley Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 I like how she's smiling with ReZ but looking annoyed with the big G. So my boiler has broken for the 4th time this month and we're waiting on the gas man. Fucking useless. Also, last night a friend put on their Facebook status that they were in hospital and couldn't sleep because people were being loud. I asked why he was in hospital and this morning he sent me a private message thing saying he tried to kill himself. :/ Awwwwwkwarrrrd. Wish I hadn't asked now. Does anyone know what the date is for uni results 2010?
Ashley Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 In other news...not much. Cleaning and art stuff has been my day. Currently watching Spirited Away And now in the mood for a Nandos. Bastard ReZ!
nightwolf Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 Got home at 12 after doing the most boring journey ever, because the two passes I'd normally take are effectively ice rinks with sheer cliffs I had to go the motorway, I think my dad is somewhat impressed at how easy I'm finding driving, places even my dad wouldn't drive without using a map. Yay. So yeah, home is nice, my dads repainted my room to yellow so its all nice and bright and cheerful in my room, plus he put all the christmas decorations up for me because my student house doesn't have any. Shame he's been roped into working til 9 though, he was supposed to finish in 15 minutes, grr at waitrose can't wait til he starts working in construction again, ok so he hated it, but he was good at it, he earned lots of money and he could come home at good hours. Going to spend the rest of the evening on my parents laptop looking for a laptop for myself, going to go out and buy one the day after boxing day, I can't particularly afford it, but I'm slightly sick of not having anything but that silly laptop that I personally ruined so I need something else, should get paid soon anyway so I'll only go about 200-300 into my overdraft, then student loan jan, woot. Should go pester people in my laptop thread, wahey.
Eenuh Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 My mouth is all numb haha. Just got back from the dentist; she put in a real filling in my tooth (where a filling had fallen out weeks ago). And she noticed another filling seems to be sitting loose too. =/ Hate my teeth. Asked her if there's something I can do about them but there really isn't. =( I had a bit more fun in the snow today. After clearing out the dog's pen of snow (which took me aaaaages), I decided to give mister Snowman a girlfriend. =) Isn't she prettyyyy? =D
Ashley Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 That's awesome Reminds me of this; Hope your teeth/mouth feel better soon
Gizmo Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 Damn snow has scuppered my plans of going to see Avatar tonight. Buses are unreliable and my Dad is refusing to let me drive. To be fair I probably would crash, but meh, Avatar!
Wesley Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 That snow bitch took away my best friend! Okay, so I spent most of the weekend filling out a very lengthy application form for a placement. I then sent it without signing it. Now I can kiss that goodbye and and be annoyed that I wasted my weekend. Yay!
Paj! Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 Going out tonight first to meet chair and the other bestie at Waverly station, then head along to a pub for a sort of school-year reunion thing. Probably won't be that great. So we'll probs leave and come back to mine and play Brawl/MK. (what our lives revolve around really, if we're honest)
ReZourceman Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 So essentially it was a man date. There was nothing manly about what we did. I like how she's smiling with ReZ but looking annoyed with the big G. It's all about the hand placement. Work was surprisingly tolerable, despite two RIDICULOUS things happening on the STUPID AS FUCK systems/plans that we frankly aren't trained on, so don't have a clue what I'm/we're doing. It started to snow looadddsssss as I was leaving work. Possibly more than I've ever experienced. We got caked.
Molly Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 (edited) ^^ That was some heeeeavy snow. So my Dad just called, him and about 6 other cars are stuck in a ditch of snow, he also has no petrol. I can't help and the AA can't do anything either. Apparently a local farmer is bringing his tractor to help. Mad. I rang mum to tell her (She's up North picking up my Nanna for Christmas) and she was ridiculously blasé about it, just because she was talking in front of her family. I basically hung up on her cos I was so pissed off. RANT. My bestie friend who lives in Manchester is moving to Leeds with her job. She was the main reason I visit Manchester really, so I guess I'll now be going to Leeds. @ ReZ, I think you change when you get on film. And not in a good way. :P Edited December 21, 2009 by Molly
ReZourceman Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 @ ReZ, I think you change when you get on film. And not in a good way. :P This is good. It basically shows people that I'm not an asshole in real life.
Dan_Dare Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 Rez and Goafer's big day You know how I know you're gay?
Molly Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 This is good. It basically shows people that I'm not an asshole in real life. Either that or I'm extremely forgiving! :p
ReZourceman Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 You know how I know you're gay? "Our bromance is developing quite nicely" as someone at work....put it. *Looks down* Either that or I'm extremely forgiving! :p I'm hurt. Physically.
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