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Let us know how that works out for you Flink.


They'll love his cleavage, that's for sure! =P



Just had a cousin and aunt coming over to check out our new kitchen. They love it. And I got a sympathy hug from my cousin (related to the leg). =)


Even though we have our kitchen, we're -still- eating takeaway stuff. Tonight is chips. I can't wait to have normal food again, heh.

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They'll love his cleavage, that's for sure! =P



Just had a cousin and aunt coming over to check out our new kitchen. They love it. And I got a sympathy hug from my cousin (related to the leg). =)


Even though we have our kitchen, we're -still- eating takeaway stuff. Tonight is chips. I can't wait to have normal food again, heh.


You love eet. ;)


Is the whole kitchen done then? I need pictures soon. :D

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You love eet. ;)


Is the whole kitchen done then? I need pictures soon. :D


Yeah you know I love your moobs.


The kitchen itself has been placed, but now dad has to put in the ceiling again (even built in a radio with speakers, heh) and then we have to paint the walls. It's looking nice, so much nicer than our old kitchen. =P

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Guest Captain Falcon
Gee, I didn't realise this was the music thread [/onepagelate]


Off out to a mates house in an hour or so for generic good times. It should be good!


Well as long as you don't come back here and post in this thread about how your day was, good or bad, you'll be ok.

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Yeah you know I love your moobs.


The kitchen itself has been placed, but now dad has to put in the ceiling again (even built in a radio with speakers, heh) and then we have to paint the walls. It's looking nice, so much nicer than our old kitchen. =P


I'll need a bra!


Speakers in the ceiling?! Did I read that right?


I liked the old kitchen, though. I can't take all these changes. :(

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I'll need a bra!


Speakers in the ceiling?! Did I read that right?


I liked the old kitchen, though. I can't take all these changes. :(


We'll go shopping for one together, okay?


Yes, two tiny speakers in the ceilingggg. Looks quite cool (well you barely see them). And the old kitchen was okay, but this one is just a lot nicer looking, with appliances that actually work (ovennnnnn, we can make cakessss!). You'll love it when you see it.


Anyway enough chit-chatting. =P

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Ok, so I figured we ought to kick start the a chatroom. For now, you can go to http://webchat.quakenet.org/ and enter a username, then enter #n-europe as the channel, and you can bump heads with whoever's there.


Eventually you noobs will learn that getting the mIRC application is way cooler.


So yeah. This probably wasn't very clear at all. Someone else make sense for me, plz.

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I'm lovely and drunk, but in an amazing way. Tonight was so much freaking fun. I got drunk, without any money whatsoever. I love that I got so many people to buy me drinks. Also, Hot man + myself. I love him purely because I'm very drunk. Why do I ALWAYS feel the need to act straight around people I don't know? I so could have gone off with the guy, had I not. FAIL.



Edited by Slaggis
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I hate text etiquette.


It just feels really pointless that there were obvious sparks between the gorgeous guy from the library and myself and I just want to meet up with him and text him and know him, and everyone's telling me not to because it's not the done thing - you have to wait x number of days.

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Chat whilst you're in iSketch you buggers.


personal statements make my skin crawl. They make me feel like a liar and a charlatan, at best. I hate writing them.

Personal statements are alright, at least you only have to write them once. Not compared to... URGH... Cover letters...



I fucking hate cover letters...

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I had an emotional rollercoaster of a journey home from work. Saw 4 or 5 baby rabbits huddled around a parked car which resulted in an "Awwwwww!" and then saw a dead hedgehog which resulted in an "Awww...".


In total, I must have seen 10-15 rabbits on 5 minute cara journey home. I also see a fox every night at work. I fucking love living in the countryside.

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I'm still up since going out last night. Crazy summer ball. Well worth it. Talked to some girl asked to buy her a drink. She wanted to stay with her friends, she gave me the eyes though. Oh well. Still had fun with the little group thats still left at my halls. I'm really not tired anymore. 3 hours and its 24hours awake and busy for pretty much all of it.

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Ell; me and twozz are/were still up on teh chat. You fail at patience.


I've been up all night... Watched a few TV shows to pass the time. Now considering staying up 'til 10pm to re-set the regular pattern-sleep-thing... but then also just... not too bothered. Although! Theoretically I'm supposed to be catching a flight to germany in like 4 days so i really ought to sort my sleeping pattern out, and book some tickets.




Also; with the chat room; don't treat it like some entertainment animal you can just poke to be shown fun. If you enter and then leave after three minutes, you'll not get anything out of anyone.


*looks at ellmeister and eddage*


Don't be afraid to just leave the page open and idle. You can flick back to it every 15 mins rather than re-logging in every 15. Just think that if everyone does what you do (and signs in then quits dramatically quickly) then nobody would ever have a good chat.


Having said that, I would say that typically the best, most active time to log on is 'after tea', with increased activity up 'til, usually, about 2/3am I guess. I am keeping an eye out for people, so don't be shy.

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Tis most distressings. I'm trying to get a new wallet, and the pictures you see don't show the inside. I need a coin compartment! I'm going to Argos later to check one out, if it doesn't match my needs I'll get a duplicate of my old wallet. Conveniently from Argos also.

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