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Guest Stefkov

Don't worry. The rabbit was killed by a skilled 80 odd year old woman who lived on a farm back in her home country, Italy.



How I wish that was true...*sigh*. If only my grandma took care of animals and fed the family with them :(

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My day just went all wierd! I'm watching the omen remake on DVD, and I just got an email from ebay. I looked at my account, and the number of emails says "666". lol. I know it's a complete coincidence, but it still freaked me out. :heh:


I went on Galaxy the other week and my star bit count when I went on was 666. SCARY. :(

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I went on Galaxy the other week and my star bit count when I went on was 666. SCARY. :(


*Screams* I hate it when things like that happen. I get so easily freaked out, it's laughable.:)


If I get a long spike thing through my chest whilst standing in a church, someones getting sued.

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Guys, this is the "how was your day" thread and it is turning into the mindless drivel the MPOTD thread turned into. We do not need hourly updates on your day, it should be used as a self-reflective look at the day/day before. Not what you just ate, or how you're feeling now. Unless that is your whole day.


Thanks :)


Today has been pretty laid back. Scived off morning lecture and the afternoon one was pretty brief. Exchanged presents with one friend. Got a present for my housemate (100 of the World's Best Vibrators - woman who served me gave me a dirty look. Always fun) and one for a colleague. Cooked and made a list of things to do tonight which shall be capped off with watching Pushing Daisies in bed :D

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watching Pushing Daisies



Was a brilliant Episode, shame it's the last one of the season though =/


my days not been too bad, except the ASDA, bloody arseholes just Standing there in my way not moving at all, and prices of turkey jesus, I wasn't aware they were that bloody much 14 quid fro a turkey crown o0


Other then that it's been a nice day, spent it with my girl which is always good, and I've been on a Reaper watch all this week, bloody funny show, Sock FTW

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Guys, this is the "how was your day" thread and it is turning into the mindless drivel the MPOTD thread turned into. We do not need hourly updates on your day, it should be used as a self-reflective look at the day/day before. Not what you just ate, or how you're feeling now. Unless that is your whole day.


Thanks :)


Today has been pretty laid back. Scived off morning lecture and the afternoon one was pretty brief. Exchanged presents with one friend. Got a present for my housemate (100 of the World's Best Vibrators - woman who served me gave me a dirty look. Always fun) and one for a colleague. Cooked and made a list of things to do tonight which shall be capped off with watching Pushing Daisies in bed :D




Can we make a "How is your day going?" thread...or a "General conversation" thread. I like hearing random snips and snabs of what people are getting upto. :heart:

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Can we make a "How is your day going?" thread...or a "General conversation" thread. I like hearing random snips and snabs of what people are getting upto. :heart:


Exactly. I don't see the problem. So many new threads are still geting made, so it's not impacting on that. And, as ReZ says, it's nice to hear random commetns about something that just happened etc. :)

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I had one of the worst nights sleep I've ever had last night. Went to bed at 8 and watched Top Gear on Dave for an hour then went to sleep only to be woken up at 11.24. Couldn't get back to sleep until at least after 3.30. Felt absolutely awful all day.


It's not nice driving to work when you're exhausted.

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Day has been good for me. Got up late, narrowly got the bus at 7:20am to get to Chepstow for 7:45am. Spotted a breakfast bar and picked up some grub as i missed breakfast earlier.


Had a good day in work, spent half of it trying to fix a mates PC and the other half talking about the Christmas party tomorrow. Came home, had a few beers and a kebab for dinner. Now watching Waterworld and chatting online.

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If they hadn't deleted MPOTD everything would be peachy, now every "chat" thread will turn into MPOTD anyway.

Here's an hourly update for you: I hardly slept, because I needed to study, so I studied despite the fact that I had a huge headache. I slept like 4 hours (badly) struggled to get up, got up feeling nauseus, couldn't even eat, still I got dressed and all to go to school. I wait for the fucking bus in the cold, when the bus comes it doesn't stop, I go running after it, it still doesn't stop.The running made me feel much worse. I needed to go to a class, which was kinda important, but fuck it, I'm tired of crappy bad luck I'm just going to see if I can sleep despite the nause. Oh and I have to study a lot, cause I have test tomorrow morning, which I know nothing about and I need to get a 12/20 if I wanna pass, but considering Im skipping the class, I'll probably need a 13.

MPOTD material? Don't care.

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Can we make a "How is your day going?" thread...or a "General conversation" thread. I like hearing random snips and snabs of what people are getting upto. :heart:


That's what the chat room is for.


If they hadn't deleted MPOTD everything would be peachy, now every "chat" thread will turn into MPOTD anyway.


Do you really think so? Look how much better the forums are now than a few months ago when we had the MPT. There are loads of new threads which turn into big discussions now rather than being discussed for about 2 posts in the MPT. The forums are getting back to the way the were in the good ol' days.

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Do you really think so? Look how much better the forums are now than a few months ago when we had the MPT. There are loads of new threads which turn into big discussions now rather than being discussed for about 2 posts in the MPT. The forums are getting back to the way the were in the good ol' days.


People have basically been using this thread as the MPOTD thread anyway though.

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