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I've also just got back from Cornwall, and i'm knackered :zzz:


I had my car scraped by a caravan while on the way home, about 1/2 a mile away after leaving the campsite... damn those tight cornish lanes! Now i have a nice white stripe down the side of my car, hopefully the majority of it will rub off.


Overall it was good break after the exams, t'was just a pity the surf was shit.

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MOVING HOUSE TOMORROW. Packed up nearly everything - all that's left is hopefully a box-worth of random stuff in the lounge, a backpack with some clothes and toiletries, a box of kitchen stuff and my bedding (to be bundled up and carried as it is :P)...


Got a bloke with a van shifting my stuff for about £15 tomorrow afternoon, but need to pick up my keys at some point. I'm basically looking at living by myself in a 5-bedroom house for about three weeks, with no internet sorted out just yet... I should probably try and sort that out, er, now... FUuuuuuck. HASSLE.

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I'll miss your old flat :( And if you're internetless sort me out with automatic irc op you swine flu ridden squatter (and not the homeless type!).


Woke up. Went for lunch with mother and her partner. Carvery thing so they cooked me something different. Everyone loves me that they go out of their way to help eh? ;) Then shopping with friend. Although the verb was hers.


Spoke to her too and she put a thought in my head; why would employers hire an out-of-towner if they can find someone else in town? So I may have to move to London in a short term accomodation and job hunt like crazy and hope I land something (now is the time Londoners offer me a place :p) or...I dunno. Catch 22 really. Being 22 should mean it all works out... for some reason.


Wait, I may have a cunning solution! I may just put my address on my CV as my friend's, who does live in London. And just pretend I live there. Then pretend like I moved when I start the job. I think it may work...

Edited by Ashley
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You need to register an account with Q, and then each time you log on you need to authenticate with Q (user/pass).


Once you have registered, I can command Q to auto-op you when you've authed.




If you use mIRC you can add the AUTH code to the commands, so taht you authenticate on start-up automatically.


So there. You asked for it! You'll have to auth and get back to me by 2pm tomorrow :P Else get on Shorty's case, I think he's getting internet sorted a lot sooner.

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Guest Captain Falcon
I've managed to acquire Spice Girls Greatest Hits... It's bringing back some memories.


It's amazing how many of the lyrics you remember after all these years.




Just when you'd forgotten how bad they were, suddenly it's once again been thrust upon you and now you have to go another half decade trying to forget them again - is that it?

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todays been okay, i an early sunday lunch, which was great as it was toad in the holl. i then went to town and applied for a job at officers club, i think my chances of getting are pretty slim mind you in this ecnomic climate but who knows.

i also just finished watching top gear which was hilarious and so was the new family guy. now considering going to sleep for some random reason.

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Had a family thing today to remember my grandmother passing away two years ago. People went to church first, but I skipped out on that as I hate churches (plus apparently it was really bad and boring and everyone regretted going).


We had a pretty nice meal at my uncle's house with the family (sadly my sisters couldn't join today) and we all sat outside in the sun. Had some vanilla ice cream with strawberries and whipped cream, yum.


Since I got home in the evening I've pretty much been playing Brawl, going through the Subspace Emissary again (PAL copy this time) to earn my characters again. Just finished playing, halfway through it I guess, or at least that's what the game tells me. Might play another game now (Advance Wars maybe) or just go to bed.

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Had a family thing today to remember my grandmother passing away two years ago. People went to church first, but I skipped out on that as I hate churches (plus apparently it was really bad and boring and everyone regretted going).


We had a pretty nice meal at my uncle's house with the family (sadly my sisters couldn't join today) and we all sat outside in the sun. Had some vanilla ice cream with strawberries and whipped cream, yum.


Since I got home in the evening I've pretty much been playing Brawl, going through the Subspace Emissary again (PAL copy this time) to earn my characters again. Just finished playing, halfway through it I guess, or at least that's what the game tells me. Might play another game now (Advance Wars maybe) or just go to bed.


Oooh, we should brawl over the net sometime! I might go through the Subspace again sometime soon too!

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Guest Captain Falcon
urgh subspace!


Indeed. Proof if ever it were needed that the smash physics engine as it stands is horrid for platformers.


Don't waste your time Pook - I'm sure there is paint that needs watching to dry somewhere...

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urgh subspace!


Haha I like Subspace (wheee cool videos!), apart from the Maze at the end. But it's a fun and easy way to earn new characters and trophies. =P


Oooh, we should brawl over the net sometime! I might go through the Subspace again sometime soon too!


I'll be sure to post my new code in the Brawl thread sometimes so I can play online again. Though I have to say I really suck at Brawl. =P

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Okay, so yesterday. It was my friend's birthday and she was off her head. I turn my head for a second and she's snogging her friend, another girl. She already told me she has a thing for girls as well but it topped off a pretty rampant night for her. She left many injured on the dance floor. :heh:


It was her birthday so we'll let her off, but Hell! was she pissed.


I, on the other hand, met the loveliest guy, the birthday girl's best friend. He is ridiculously cute, for lack of a better word. Anyways, add alcohol, for once I was keeping the drinking to a minimum, and mayhem ensued (Okay, not really mayhem). To cut a not especially long story short, after we left the club we walked around London until about 4 in the morning. He went back up to Sussex today but just texted me saying he's coming down tomorrow so we're going to catch a late film. So, awesome.


Good day/night.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Okay, so yesterday. It was my friend's birthday and she was off her head. I turn my head for a second and she's snogging her friend, another girl. She already told me she has a thing for girls as well but it topped off a pretty rampant night for her. She left many injured on the dance floor. :heh:


It was her birthday so we'll let her off, but Hell! was she pissed.


I, on the other hand, met the loveliest guy, the birthday girl's best friend. He is ridiculously cute, for lack of a better word. Anyways, add alcohol, for once I was keeping the drinking to a minimum, and mayhem ensued (Okay, not really mayhem). To cut a not especially long story short, after we left the club we walked around London until about 4 in the morning. He went back up to Sussex today but just texted me saying he's coming down tomorrow so we're going to catch a late film. So, awesome.


Good day/night.


Injured through flailed arms in faces or just broken hearted?


Either way, sounds like a good time was had by all.

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Guest Captain Falcon
She elbowed a fair few people in the face. I also saw someone limping away. :heh:


Well if you're going to do it, do it in style.

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Guest Captain Falcon
She definitely did that, with a hint of drunken grace I like to think. :heh:


It's a fine balance to achieve but when they do, it's certainly something to treasure.

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Just when you'd forgotten how bad they were, suddenly it's once again been thrust upon you and now you have to go another half decade trying to forget them again - is that it?

No, I find them catchy til this very day. Don't gimme that crap about how you hated them back then.


You loved them and you know it.


Colours of the world (spice up your life!)

Every boy and every girl (spice up your life!)

People of the world (spice up your life!)


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