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How the hell, after three weeks can someone be completely over a relationship that lasted almost 3 years?


The thing is that it was her that ended the relationship. Which means that she will have been thinking about it for longer than three weeks. It's not like she just dcided to end it one day. Therefore she's had longer to get over it as it was more of a gradual thing. Whereas it was a big shock for you. So naturally she will be able to move on more easily.


I just remember thinking one day "I could either spend the rest of the day being miserable, or I could cheer up. And I know which will be more enjoyable". I decided life was too short to be miserable and started focusing on the good things. It was like a revelation or something.


Being happier can be as simple as that. Except that doesn't make it easy. Some people can just decide to cheer up. Others are spiteful to themselves and don't make the effort to cheer up. I'm one of the latter and I envy you for being able to just do it.

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You will need a talking donkey and you'll be fine!


For some reason I just felt like I haven't seen various members post for a long time. Where has nightwolf gone? Has she just disappeared :o And gaggle64? Or am I just being dense and you lot just changed your signature so I don't recognise you :o

I'm pretty sure nightwolf hates my face, so you can blame me!


Jordan's bane.

First everything reminds you of her. You'll se her face in the street in every passer by... I've forgotten the rest of the quote, but the point stands. It's only been 3 weeks. I took over a year to truly get somewhere, and even then I'd still wake up and think of her sometimes.


She probably does care a little, but the point is that it's over so she's not going to both be the person breaking up with you and be the person consoling you about it. She's young, she's got growing up to do and experiences to go through -- and so do you.


Yes, it sucks, but your friends are the people that you need the most right now. Don't send them home, just tell them. Extend a hand and someone will grab it.


I started watching TV shows to cope/escape. I now cannot stop doing it anymore, and I don't need to 'get over' her still; it's just habit. Find yourself a distraction. You need things to do to pass the time, because that's the only way you'll feel better. Buy lots of ice cream. Get fat again then work it all off to feel good.


Mostly; stop talking to her. Let go. Write emo poetry and do not show anyone, because it'll be pathetic and evil. Perhaps burn it all on a drunken night down the beach with your best friend, and throw stones at a chalk outline of her on a groyne. Scream at the top of your lungs at the bastard moon that did nothing but sit and watch you for all these months and not warn you, not prepare you. Argue with your friends when they do that annoying thing again. Tell your parents the reason you're so rubbish is because of them. put those little trinkets of hers that you found into the drawer you never use. Take off the ring. break her CD. Write "I hate you" on a piece of paper and stick it to the back of your bedroom door. Listen to angry music while you walk straight towards strangers with your hood up, just to see them get out of the way when they see the madness in your eyes. Kick rubbish on the street. Don't take shit from anyone. Cry yourself to sleep. Think about what would happen if a family member of yours or hers died, and almost beg for it to happen just because you'll think it'll bring you closer together. Hate yourself for thinking that. Wonder if she'll go to your funeral. Hate yourself for thinking that. Picture the life you thought you were going to have. Imagine breaking up further down the line. Think of all the other girls you fancied while you were with her and curse her for ruining your chances with them.


Be a bastard. Hate the world. You'll get over it.

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Being happier can be as simple as that. Except that doesn't make it easy. Some people can just decide to cheer up. Others are spiteful to themselves and don't make the effort to cheer up. I'm one of the latter and I envy you for being able to just do it.


I used to be the same and probably still am a bit. I had just had enough of being miserable. I think it helped that I had a negative role model. He was miserable, racist and generally angry at the world. I decided I wasn't going to be like him and just made more of an effort to be happy.


I guess it just confuses me how people complain about being miserable, but then do nothing to rectify it. And it's something I'm guilty of too.

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I guess it just confuses me how people complain about being miserable, but then do nothing to rectify it. And it's something I'm guilty of too.


Couldn't agree anymore. Of course some things (like a death in the family for example) can't fall into that category but even then, it's a case of just getting on with life and finding happiness again.


It's like people who complain about being unfit or out of shape or fat, yet they do absolutely nothing to try and change it. It's kinda ironic in a way.

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Couldn't agree anymore. Of course some things (like a death in the family for example) can't fall into that category but even then, it's a case of just getting on with life and finding happiness again.


Definately. There should always be time for feeling a bit low after any bad news, no matter how trivial. But the first step for me to feeling better is to realise how miserable I am and try to do something about it. Allowing yourself to stay miserable helps no one, least of all yourself.

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I agree on what Evil, Pookiablo, Goaferboy and Jayseven said and I dont think she would be happy with this talk is going on about her.


For the record: I don't hate her. I don't even know her.


And also for the record: I'm not trying to sound harsh to Jordan and say he is coping badly or anything. Just pointing out that the best way to cheer up is to want to.

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Woah what has Jayseven done to scare Nightwolf away? You made a girl leave! She was a nice girl who wouldn't completely label us all nerds! :p Silly Jayseven, you get a fish* slap on the face when we have the summer meet up!








Note: May not contain fish.

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Woah what has Jayseven done to scare Nightwolf away? You made a girl leave! She was a nice girl who wouldn't completely label us all nerds! :p Silly Jayseven, you get a fish* slap on the face when we have the summer meet up!








Note: May not contain fish.


Yeah but she's always so bloody miserable! I'm hoping she reads this, maybe it'll spark an angry response via the forums!

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Her last activity was yesterday but her last post was like 3 weeks ago! GO N-E TEAM! BRING HER BACK! We need Coolness :( He can make anyone do anything ;)



Yeah! I wish she would come back. She was all wolfy and night-like!


That was a pathetic attempt on my part. To be honest, I've absolutely no idea who you're talking about.

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Ooooh, I liking the stroking, hell, I like you guys, you can come over to my house and fuck my sister!


(To quote the great Full Metal Jacket)


This is my rifle.

This is my gun.

This is for fighting.

This is for fun.


Woah what has Jayseven done to scare Nightwolf away? You made a girl leave! She was a nice girl who wouldn't completely label us all nerds! :p Silly Jayseven, you get a fish* slap on the face when we have the summer meet up!


Note: May not contain fish.


What did you do Jayseven? :(

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Yeah! I wish she would come back. She was all wolfy and night-like!


That was a pathetic attempt on my part. To be honest, I've absolutely no idea who you're talking about.


You see this nightwolf? People don't even know who you are. Now get your fine ass back here and starting posting like you've never posted before.

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Yeah, what did Jay do? Im intrigued now!


Nightwolf didn;t seem like the person to pack up and leave over anything though so, i dont get it. She needs to bring her ass back.


As for you Jordan, think of it this way. She was going to meet someone at some point. Rather now than later, and you did have warning. She has closure as she has been thinking about the break up longer than you so, as much as it hurts, you just have to find your own closure.


Oh and talk to your mates when you're sad like Jay said, not send them away. Its nothing to be embarassed about.

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For fucks sake stop the fucking gossip


If people wish to discuss their life here than fine, however don't start gossiping about who may have done what or talking about others personal lives. Yes Jordan spoke about Letty but thats relevant to his life, everyone else is just acting like they're in the bloody square.


And now that I'm rhiled up and have dissertation to work if people carry on acting like busy-boddies than I'll rampage.

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For fucks sake stop the fucking gossip


I hardly see it as gossiping. Jordan posted about how he was upset and people offered him advice and support. Nobody was discussing him and letty in any detail.


If Jordan didn't want people to talk to him then he wouldn't have posted it in the first place and wouldn't have replied.

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Yes Jordan spoke about Letty but thats relevant to his life


I was talking more about the "ooh wheres Nightwolf, what is she up to? why has she left? what are the details? what did Jay do?" etc etc. If either of them want to share the details they will.

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