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So far my day is going very well. Seem to be on top of work before a week off and pub lunch time in 15 mins. Pick up my new car tomorrow which I am very excited about as well. Not sure my day could get much better in fact!

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i seem to have suddenly and inexplicably lost my voice O_O was talking to a customer on the phone and all of a sudden my throat started to hurt, so i coughed and now it's really scratchy and my voice is just.... gone.



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i seem to have suddenly and inexplicably lost my voice O_O was talking to a customer on the phone and all of a sudden my throat started to hurt, so i coughed and now it's really scratchy and my voice is just.... gone.




Oi! This actually happened to one of my friends this week. She just sorta lost her voice and we're not sure why it happened. Talking was difficult for her but since she just loves to talk of course she kept trying (often sounded very funny X3 ).

But yeah, I'm not sure what you can do to get it back. I'd say rest, but that might not be an option. I do hope you get your voice back soon though! =O



My day so far has been okay. Walked to the bus stop and saw a squirrel cross the street, yay. Had a class until 12:30 on animation; we were supposed to make a walk cycle of a character, but since that's too much/too difficult to do in one day, we just had to draw an animal that jumps. I have a jumping hippo!

Also, lovely weather today. Spring is finally arriving and that little fact makes me a bit happy. =)

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Bluey - No voice is a good cover! That way you'll definitely not say anything bad to your boss.


my red xbox arrived!! After thinking the bastards just hadn't bothered to ring the bell at 11 (they left a red slip saying to wait 72 hours!) I was all prepared for a weekend-free of distraction.


BUTNOWIHAVEXBOX! And resi 5! If Dan Dare is smart, he'll come over and join us in double-screened xbox madness! The red slip was for a bunch of xbox games from McPhee, which I'll pick up monday.


Hawaiian getup tonight, but clearly I am too distracted to go out and buy a shirt.

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re: spring arriving!


Good shit. I imagine we're slightly behind you but I saw a wasp this week, which was encouraging. Admittedly, it was out way too early and was dying...but yay!


I saw a bumblebee last week! =D

But yeah, some trees are starting to grow leaves/flowers and the birds are singing a lot again. Plus the sun has finally started coming out a bit more again, which is great! Can't wait for Spring to properly arrive, it's my favourite season with its lovely colours and smells. =)

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Bluey - No voice is a good cover! That way you'll definitely not say anything bad to your boss.


my red xbox arrived!! After thinking the bastards just hadn't bothered to ring the bell at 11 (they left a red slip saying to wait 72 hours!) I was all prepared for a weekend-free of distraction.


BUTNOWIHAVEXBOX! And resi 5! If Dan Dare is smart, he'll come over and join us in double-screened xbox madness! The red slip was for a bunch of xbox games from McPhee, which I'll pick up monday.


Hawaiian getup tonight, but clearly I am too distracted to go out and buy a shirt.


I might...but I also need to buy some new trousers, and possibly dust my room. Yep.

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I'm sure many here will be devastated to lose me for a few daysings whilst I get my ass to Mars Blackpool for a friend's birthday.




Have a good time in Blackpool, don't do anything i wouldn't do (to be fair, what do i do thats bad)


Good thing Springs coming, it will finally kill off this annoying bug thats still doing the rounds since Christmas time, some people are still getting it.

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He's (I assume) at a company update presentation this afternoon. The first half of which is very boring and I am partly responsible for it.

*shrug* nah i think he did that last week... but i'm sure he'll happily blame you for it, even retrospectively :smile:

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Oh really? I must be confused with where on earth he actually works then. I assumed he would be in todays. Either way, he'll have had one hell of a good time in it.


My day: Still pretty good, slightly tipsy now but not long until hometime and one week off work - woohoo!

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slightly tipsy now but not long until hometime




Oh...pub. I see. Work is always best when drunk. Although I've never been more than slightly drunk here' date=' and that was only once.


I've already told tales (well nothing to tell) of the Waitrose drunk/stoned epicness.[/color']

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Today was a good day for me, didn't do much, however I made a new friend. Her name is Mary, and she is a cleaner, don't ask, its also going to be a good night, as I plan on either finishing LBP story mode or starting SH5: HC or even going back and playing Some classic games like RE3 or SH1. Ohhh so many choices



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So far today its been great! got myself a red 360 with RE5, Gear of War 2 and Street Fighter 4 just out of the blue really hadnt planned it or anything just happened. Got it this morning after my first lecture. Im surprised that im loving it loads! ^^ . I wonder how my mum will react once i tell her :/

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So far today its been great! got myself a red 360 with RE5, Gear of War 2 and Street Fighter 4 just out of the blue really hadnt planned it or anything just happened. Got it this morning after my first lecture. Im surprised that im loving it loads! ^^ . I wonder how my mum will react once i tell her :/


pretend you don't have one. She might not notice.

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Guest Captain Falcon
So far today its been great! got myself a red 360 with RE5, Gear of War 2 and Street Fighter 4 just out of the blue really hadnt planned it or anything just happened. Got it this morning after my first lecture. Im surprised that im loving it loads! ^^ . I wonder how my mum will react once i tell her :/


She's not a gamer then?

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pretend you don't have one. She might not notice.


If only it were that easy, easter break next week and im going back home i guess she'll find out then. Or i could just call her now, which probably wont happen :P


She's not a gamer then?



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