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did he fall off the conservetory roof by standing on the plastic which is covered in soapy water, thus breaking his pelvic recy and needing to spend the next few weeks on cruches, forcing you to take over houshold tasks and genraly fuss over him? if he did then theres an amazine coincidenc, my dad did the same.


No. My father decided to send me a drunken text calling my mother a coward and a cheat (adulterer), the former an opinion (when in fact she doesn't speak to him because he sent vulgar texts to her colleagues) and the latter a lie. Numerous times I have told him the truth and numerous times I have told him how hurtful it is to have your own father disregard something you say over the local busybody who is uninformed and just meerly backing up his view.


I've wrote him an epic letter saying this, but longer. And I managed to use the word "patently", always the sign of a good letter.


Sorry to hear about your dad though. He okay?

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hes fine ta, just sits around watching the olympics and having me fetch him stuff. hes always had a go i dont do anything, now hes dependant on me and my dvd collection.


the way id deal with your dad, if i were you is either to do the harsh approach and swear, tell him to shut the fuck up (always makes parents listen, sudden swears) and that your not willing to get caught in cross fire, or do the old shut him up thing, reply to the text "i know, but shes a cracking shag!" I garentee he wont know what to say.

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Meep, 4 and a half hours until I have to get up to leave for Spainnnnnnnnn. =D

I think I have everything packed (I hope so!) and am ready to go!


I'll see you guys again in two weeks; don't miss me too much! =P



(though I know I'll miss this place a lot!)

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Hope you have a great time, you deserve it. :)



My day was ok. I went to bed at my normal late-ish time, and was planning to get up at around 11, to get ready for work. I get a call about 2 hours before that, from my boss, asking me if I wanted to do overtime.


Here is the exact conversation.


"Hi, Jim. Its Tracey."


"HAI! How are you?"


"I'm good thanks, do you fancy doing some overtime?"


"Ooo, yeah sure. When do you fancy? Tuesday? Wednesday?"


"Hmm, A.S.A.P."


"...ok, I'll go get my shower running."


Alas, my sleep-in was not meant to be.


In work, I had some crazy bitch ranting at me on the phone for a solid 20 minutes. She wanted to know how I got her phone number and why I, yes me, kept ringing her. I assured her that this was the first time that I had called her, and indeed the first time our company had called her. It really irritates the shit out of me when people assume that there is one company who rules them all. There's a good chance that whoever rang your stupid arse was not part of our company, as there are milllliooons out there!


Anyway, whilst she was ranting, I did giggle once or twice, and she said "ARE YOU LAUGHING?!" and I just replied "....so...I can take your details off our list if you want us to." :heh:


Apart from that, today has been ok. Uneventful, just passing the days by. Not really been that amazing a summer, but I have a few things that I'm looking forward to, so thats keeping me going. :)

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I'll see you guys again in two weeks; don't miss me too much! =P

Does fashioning a pair of Icarian wings to carry me to warmer climes count as too much? It does? Oh. Shit.


Have a fantastic time, Eenuh!


Now to bury myself in my gaming backlog. First on the agenda: Phoenix Wright 3. I'll show you a real tiger, Don Tigre!

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Went BLOwING. I mean Bowling. Came third, second, third. Or second, third, second; I can't remmeber. Was ages ago. Then went to a pub. Then to a mates house via a kebab place where I got a burger and bumped into an old school friend who hopefully was sober enough to check facebook tomorrow. Played wii Play and wario ware/whatever, which were both fun with the five of us. Borrowed six DVDs that I've not watched before, and just gotta find the time to watch them now.


Also I've been listening to the mixtapes that people made for me from thsi forum, and I'm very pleaseds with them. Y'see, I am drunk and I made some spelling mistakes, but in actuality I left them in because I think that's what drunk typers do, as they are lazy. how many can you spot!


well, isnt depression great?


Dude... You totally could've been, like, waaay mroe sympathetic to the guy.


Owen; I've said similar things before; each low feels like the lowest. Each dead end feels unending, but in truth you should be able to look back and see similar situations that have changed, improved and ended. yes, it sucks that it keeps happening, but it doesn't mean it will be like this forever.


Everyone needs something to look forward to. Personally, I think I feel sanest when I have something short-, medium-, and long-term to look forward to. If life is nothing but TODAY then it's easy to feel like it's not worth it. But dude, it is! Owen, you're one of very few members of this forum that I actually and genuinely want to have a face-to-face chat with. Don't think that all because your family is a bunch of retards that you have to have an equally reduced life. I say that you try and go to the sheffield meet-up, or at least grab my email and have a chat. I've been at the bottom of the bottom several times, and usually what gets me the guts to get through it is the thought "... but this isn't all there is."


Apart from that, today has been ok. Uneventful, just passing the days by. Not really been that amazing a summer, but I have a few things that I'm looking forward to, so thats keeping me going. :)

I would like to remind you that I'm probably going to be in newport at the end of august/beginning of september, and i would very much like to meet and chill with you for a few hours.

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The wire was sticking out the end of my braces so I had to go get that fixed this morning. Then I worked on my flash game for a little bit and decided it was time to sign up for newgrounds to promote it. After uploading it there, I went for a fairly long bike ride. After that I went out for chinese food for supper. When I got back, I discovered my game had already gotten over 300 views and 3 favoritings, though I guess thats probably normal for new submissions there. So I've been browsing around newgrounds ever since. I already like it better than youtube. So overall, not a bad day. Well, afternoon anyway.

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well done with your game, emasher :)


You've reminded me about my front tooth -- its felt very sensitive recently. I've started to notice that the other front tooth is overlapping it quite a lot, and pushing upon it. Teeth are the main thing I never want to have go wrong because any surgery/repairs you need are always at the least severely "uncomfortable" and at the most jsut downright painful. I hate my teeth. Why the fuck do we only have two sets? Why are they so weak? Gah!

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What the pissing christ. The Reading tickets I won on ebay (this evening, not the previous guy). Just got an email saying they were actually sold 12 hours previously but they couldn't delist it. So I've wasted an evening where I could be trying to buy tickets >_<


Fucking wankers.

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I am currently in Cologne and it is the best thing i have ever seen. Spoken to some guys from the Finland massive. They were geniuses.


I am currently typing next to a complete fapper. Prague was a disappointment, my debit card was so stolen after about the second day. I WAS RUBBISH!


Peaches to you all. I win at the N-Europe games.


PS. I AM SO FUCKING DRUNK RIGHT NOW! I would be stoned, but all we managed to buy in Prague was an efforts worth of oregano. So rubbish. We went to Kross Club, which was great, but our drugs were so dire it isn't even funny.


PPS. Same thing happened to me a few years ago Twozzok. My friend was the one that bought the ticket. Seller was a total knob, but she was hot so what are you going to do.

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Dude... You totally could've been, like, waaay mroe sympathetic to the guy.


Owen; I've said similar things before; each low feels like the lowest. Each dead end feels unending, but in truth you should be able to look back and see similar situations that have changed, improved and ended. yes, it sucks that it keeps happening, but it doesn't mean it will be like this forever.


Everyone needs something to look forward to. Personally, I think I feel sanest when I have something short-, medium-, and long-term to look forward to. If life is nothing but TODAY then it's easy to feel like it's not worth it. But dude, it is! Owen, you're one of very few members of this forum that I actually and genuinely want to have a face-to-face chat with. Don't think that all because your family is a bunch of retards that you have to have an equally reduced life. I say that you try and go to the sheffield meet-up, or at least grab my email and have a chat. I've been at the bottom of the bottom several times, and usually what gets me the guts to get through it is the thought "... but this isn't all there is."



I would like to remind you that I'm probably going to be in newport at the end of august/beginning of september, and i would very much like to meet and chill with you for a few hours.


Thanks mate, and don't worry i couldn't care a less what 'Chris, The Great' (not a very good username in your case) thinks..just another person i can add to the list of people who really should just shut the hell up if you have nothing good to say..


Still, it was my fault writing it on this forum..take that as you will...


I'll message you dude! :)

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Pissed off again, turns out it wasn't enough to just exclude me from the big night out this weekend, my so called friends have now told all our mutual friends not to talk to me. Nobody has said this as such, but in some of my textx and messages to them I've added that I'll understand if they don't reply as they've probably been told not to talk to me. Fucking great that is, I don't just lose 2 friends, but another 5 or 6 over this, and the worst thing about it is they have to make excuses they're too ill to go out, they can't be honest to me and tell me to my face they're pissed off with me, I don't even know what I'm meant to have done to upset them.

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Yesterday was lame, I spent most of my day fixing my sister's laptop and her ex-bf's laptop. Her laptop has fucked RAM which she is not going to be paying to replace and his is so old it has a dial up modem in it. The time I spent working on these laptops, my free time, anyone else would charge them about £50 each for.


Went BISHing earlier in the day though, that was win.

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Pissed off again, turns out it wasn't enough to just exclude me from the big night out this weekend, my so called friends have now told all our mutual friends not to talk to me. Nobody has said this as such, but in some of my textx and messages to them I've added that I'll understand if they don't reply as they've probably been told not to talk to me. Fucking great that is, I don't just lose 2 friends, but another 5 or 6 over this, and the worst thing about it is they have to make excuses they're too ill to go out, they can't be honest to me and tell me to my face they're pissed off with me, I don't even know what I'm meant to have done to upset them.


From the sounds of it your friends are primary school children.

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Guest Jordan

Doki Doki Majo Shinpan 2 is apparently as terrible as the first.


In other (good) news, Jade Goodie has cancer... hopefully it'll be the end of her. I understand that some people will see this as not very nice, but she doesn't deserve to live her pointless, annoying life anymore.

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I would like to remind you that I'm probably going to be in newport at the end of august/beginning of september, and i would very much like to meet and chill with you for a few hours.


I'm usually in and about newport, think i am heading in at the same time as you. Probably at the end of August.


Day so far has been good, work is good. Got a few hours to tidy the house before my sis comes back from Portugal, parents come back on weekend.

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Doki Doki Majo Shinpan 2 is apparently as terrible as the first.


In other (good) news, Jade Goodie has cancer... hopefully it'll be the end of her. I understand that some people will see this as not very nice, but she doesn't deserve to live her pointless, annoying life anymore.


better then that, its womb cancer. almost enough to make me belive in a god.

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I'm about to go to my 4th consecutive day of work for a 6 hour shift, ugh. Oh well. The good news is I'm acquiring Doki Doki Majo Shinpan 2 for when I return tonight. That'll be interesting.

Only 6 hours? C'mon. Don't bullshit me.


Although I'll be working 7-11 tomorrow night for quiz night. Should be mounds of fun. I'll bitch then :blank:

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Guest Jordan

Bull shit. Utter bull shit.


I went to the bank to give them some (online) bank statements, note these had all my full details (name, account number, sort code etc.). They refused to accept them.


Whats the fucking difference? I moved house, my bank didn't send me any statements for some reason. This is going to mean that i have to add another 2 weeks of faffing and sorting. Fucking cunting banks.

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First day back at school today, which was predictably boring. But good to see a few friends I hadn't spoken too during the holidays.


My English teacher is, without exaggerating, the worst teacher I have ever had / know of. Seriously, just terrible.


And I had a seriously weird dream last night, which has somewhat confused me, but it was awesome. If I hadn't been woken to go to school this morning I would have gone back to sleep deliberately just to continue it, rather than because I was tired.

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