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.........heheheheheeeee I'm home :smile:




It's been a good past few days!


Monday night I went to go to bed early at 12 and couldn't get to sleep by 1 so I decided to stay up watching how I met your Mother. :D The next thing I realised it was 7 in the morning and I had to get up in an hours time for work so I went to sleep for an hour and managed to get through the rest of the day suprisingly well.


I had litter picking duties at work which was a long task but was quite fun as I could pretend I was Wall-e as they gave me a metal arm grabber. :p


Then my friend came over and the highlight of the evening was eating this EPIC PANCAKES!


They were really tasty. I decided to put Lemon, Chocolate Sauce, maple syrup, sugar and coloured Icing on them. They ddn't look that inviting but

they were suprisingly good. :grin:


Though after four I felt a bit sick. :heh:

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Jesus, Coolness. That's some seriously legen-dary dedication to HIMYM! You seen slap bet and slapsgiving yet? my favourites.


Not yet. :)


I was on episode 10 of Season 1 before the night started and managed to finish the whole of season 1. :grin: and then went to watch season 2 and fell asleep watching it and woke up confused and shouting an hour later.


I'll be watching more this evening. :D I'll watch out for those episodes.

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I'm home from Norwich, which is where I went with thunderer. Here's a rundown.


Day 1.

Arrive, meet friend, leave him, go to bar, meet loads of awesome people, surprise Stocka, drink, move to next bar, have a shot then leave, queue for 45 minutes, get in to Ponana's, awesome club, a mate pulls girl, girl turns out be working for a pimp, get involved with pimp, get shit scared, move on. Entire group walks through Norwich, drunk guy turns up, follows us, keeps flicking lighter, follows us all to Premier Inn, wont leave, finally leaves, thank security, go to room, talk til 5 with thunderer, sleep, end day 1


Day 2

Was much more laid back, involving lunch, pool clubs, going to a friends house, playing 360 soulcaliber 4 with mega lulz, go out for meal, bump in to the pimp (serious wtf moment here), he leaves, we eat, pay £1.50 for a can of dr pepper, leave no tip, go to bar, get driven back to room, chat for hours, call friend cos she cant sleep, sleep, end day 2


Day 3

Wake up, drive home, see friend in hospital, end

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Is it mating season on the forum these days? :heh:




I'm still feeling down, but getting on with things like always. I think my parents are having a hard time coming to terms with the "auto immune disease". They never really say much to me about it :/


Next Thursday will get the ball rolling with my new meds so I should be feeling a lot better soon :D

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Is it mating season on the forum these days? :heh:



haha I hope not. Although this dirty old man keeps texting me. :shakehead haha.


Yay for new meds for raining :heart:


I have another headache as I had one last night, but I think this one is due to being tired and whatnot, so hopefully I'll be great in the morning.


As it is I'm excited because this time tomorrow my bettsy will be on the drive :awesome:

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Yes, yes it is. Observe Dan Dare the alpha male in his natural habitat, and watch as he gathers his harem.


Just wait, one day he'll become to old and feeble to defend his position in the pack, then it'll be my opportunity to challenge him and take control.

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Today I drank too much!!


At work I tried to drink as much as possible, so I drank 6 glasses of water, a glass of vanilla water, and 3 cups of tea.

Then I went to dinner at a friend's house, and I drank 2 cups of juice, a cup of coffee and loads more tea 0_o


Now I'm gonna be up all night T_T

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What is this drink you speak of? Your mission is to take a photo and show it to me or afformentioned occurance never took place. (pics or didn't happen)


Its actually disgusting. I invented it today, as we have loads of flavoured syrups for coffees at work. I usually put them in hot milk, but today I put some vanilla syrup in a glass of water. It was so horrible.


Never again.

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Its actually disgusting. I invented it today, as we have loads of flavoured syrups for coffees at work. I usually put them in hot milk, but today I put some vanilla syrup in a glass of water. It was so horrible.


Never again.


Oh I see. Well that is a pretty silly idea. :heh:

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Guest Stefkov

It's the middle of my first week in charge of happenings at ze club. Banking was confusing and tomorrow I'm washing the lines. It's not that hard surprisingly, it'd just be a hell of a lot better if I had a car/some means of transport not reliant on others.

Other than that it's Caramelldansen + remixes! The Ryu*Remix is awesome. Others not so much.

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