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Operation Thursday: Read Heart of Darkness and The Moonstone by 9pm. Only 648 pages. Theoretically it should be manageable with a bit of page-skimming... but I need to take notes, too, so I imagine I'll get 1/3rd through Moonstone before 9. FINGERS CROSSED PLZ. Lend me your time!

Man, Heart of Darkness is only 100 odd pages, and once you get used to the style you can read it relatively quickly. Anyway, I need my time to learn thermodynamics... pretty close to actually understanding the thermodynamic treatment of equilibrium for ideal gases now.

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Yeah, mines a little watery too. Awesome, thanks for the advice! I need to get up earlyish tomorrow, so I better do the sensible thing and try and get some sleep. Thanks for helping guys, it's really appreciated. :)


Also, Coolness I shall post those pics tomorrow. :D *If I remember!*


I went down to the chemist today because it was still there, and they said if it started to feel funny/itch or just generally be wierd I have conjunctivitus. My eyes started to itch. Noo! I hate this, my eye better not go all horrible.:(

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I went down to the chemist today because it was still there, and they said if it started to feel funny/itch or just generally be wierd I have conjunctivitus. My eyes started to itch. Noo! I hate this, my eye better not go all horrible.:(


Argh noes conjuctivitis is major fail, i've had it several times.


Mine went seriously nasty, involving lots of yellow crap (much like sleep/pus i suppose) coming out of my eyes. Very hard to see, every time I blinked there was a blob of crap on my eye. Freaky.

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Man, Heart of Darkness is only 100 odd pages, and once you get used to the style you can read it relatively quickly. Anyway, I need my time to learn thermodynamics... pretty close to actually understanding the thermodynamic treatment of equilibrium for ideal gases now.
Spent two hours napping instead, though :/


Had some horrible, horrible dreams - one involved me getting a retinal detachment in my other eye and forever feeling like I was looking througha melted diamond. Really not nice.


I went down to the chemist today because it was still there, and they said if it started to feel funny/itch or just generally be wierd I have conjunctivitus. My eyes started to itch. Noo! I hate this, my eye better not go all horrible.:(


My mum developed that recently, she gets the occasional squint on for a while. Doc'll give you a prescription for some refreshing eyedrops-- aaah :)


*WHIPCRACK* Stop being a doctor, james! back to work! READ READ READ!

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Gaggle; get your punk ass in the creative gallery and show off a bit. Stuck for inspiration or flow? Something that might help is to remember a short scene from a movie or TV show and just re-write it -- like the gimp scene in pulp fiction, or whatever...


Just an idea. NO HATEZ!

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Jesus, I'm sorry Dante. Is he gonna be alright?
Fuck me, mate, that's bad. :hmm:

*hugs Dante*

Sorry to hear that Dante, sounds awful :(

Really sorry to hear that Dante, hope hes okay.
My condolences Dante
I'm so sorry to hear about this Dante. =(


Thank you guys. :)


My dad's body is attacking his stomach & liver after the doctors fixing his arthritis over a year ago. :sad::hmm:

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I've been in the library all day. I'm actually having an alright time of it as I'm making notes on an essay for my favourite module, cultural revolution in the sixties. Wierdly, one of my main source texts is written by my tutor, who'll be my internal marker for the essay. Never had that before and I'm being really, really careful about getting it right and by the book.

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Dante, that sucks :( - I really hope he gets better soon.




I knew it, I fucking knew it. This holiday was going to well for me and my sister knew it. She came back home 20 minutes ago drunk and with a mate, she started shouting and breaking things. She hit my dad, went for my mum and threw a plate at my dog (it missed him, so he's alright). Now she's taken god knows what in the bathroom, smashed the mirror and the window and won't stop shouting. I really hope she's taken something bad soI don't have to live with someone that has such disregard for other people's feelings and thinks the only thing to do in your life is ruin everyone else's. :(


The ambulance should turn up soon, which is going to cause another scene outside the house. Wonderful, I'm embarassed enough to have a sister like her, let alone have everyone staring at us. :(

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Jesus fucking christ Haggis. Surely she can be taken into care, or arrested or something.


I wish. The police are on there way because she's being violent toward the ambulance guy. She's fucking mental, I'm sure of it. If this doesn't get my parents to finally make her leave, I don't know what will.

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If she were my sister I'd punch her in the face. Sadly my sister is just really annoying and violence might just be taking it a bit too far.


My day was great but I'm so tired I even skipped out on a party. :(


I've worked so many hours this week I get pay over-time all of tomorrow which is pretty awesome.

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Guest Stefkov

How tall is she? Fight back, you and your dad restrain her. Knock some sense into her.

Or tie her up and leave her in a field. You could give the excuse she was drunk, by the sounds of things that excuse would suit fine.

Sounds awful though. Good luck with everything.


Apart from that my thumbs healed up. Everytime I catch it it surges with pain. Bloody scar on both thumbs now.

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How tall is she? Fight back, you and your dad restrain her. Knock some sense into her.

Or tie her up and leave her in a field. You could give the excuse she was drunk, by the sounds of things that excuse would suit fine.

Sounds awful though. Good luck with everything.


My god, that would be awesome. I loe the field idea.


She's only about 5 ft 9, but she's deceptively strong (no jokes, she hits like a man). It's easy enough to restrain her, I end up with a few bruises but I can do it...but then she tell sthe police and either myself or my dad get in trouble with the police because she's told them we hit her etc. So we can't win. Anyway, thanks guys..she's just been taken away now, and I hope she never comes back. But knowing my parents they'll be buying her new stuff and giving her money by tomorrow morning.:indeed::shakehead:(

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My god, that would be awesome. I loe the field idea.


She's only about 5 ft 9, but she's deceptively strong (no jokes, she hits like a man). It's easy enough to restrain her, I end up with a few bruises but I can do it...but then she tell sthe police and either myself or my dad get in trouble with the police because she's told them we hit her etc. So we can't win. Anyway, thanks guys..she's just been taken away now, and I hope she never comes back. But knowing my parents they'll be buying her new stuff and giving her money by tomorrow morning.:indeed::shakehead:(


Why do parents always give in? It really pisses me off. My sister isn't that bad but it seems the worse they are the more they get.

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Guest Stefkov

Why does the police believe her when she says you or your dad hit her? From the sounds of things she's drunk all the time so she wouldn't look to be in the state to be taken seriously.

Seriously though. The field option. Couple of (bugger I've forgotten the names) ties, those that you can do up one way but not the other.

Just on her hands, take her to a field and leave her. Intoxicated, disorientated, she was having a night out and her friends did it.

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Why do parents always give in? It really pisses me off. My sister isn't that bad but it seems the worse they are the more they get.


I know! It's ridiculous. If she was m daughter I'd have kicked her out over a year ago, but no, lets give the bad behaving one new stuff and hope it's just a phase. I don't get parents, I really don't. Most others I know say the same thing as me, so why don't mine have a backbone?

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Why does the police believe her when she says you or your dad hit her? From the sounds of things she's drunk all the time so she wouldn't look to be in the state to be taken seriously.

Seriously though. The field option. Couple of (bugger I've forgotten the names) ties, those that you can do up one way but not the other.

Just on her hands, take her to a field and leave her. Intoxicated, disorientated, she was having a night out and her friends did it.


Tie wraps?

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