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My day was pretty fun. Due to the weather, the near by fair was closed, although a few friends had come round so we could go for funsies, so we stayed at mine, got a take-away pizza, and played Monopoly instead. :heh:


I've also been inspired by Gizmo, and, as such, have changed my sig accordingly.

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Went out for dinner with the family tonight, which was okay, though I would've preferred a different restaurant I think.


Spent part of my day watching episodes of the X-files season 1 (well, only two episodes), and explaining to my mom how RedBubble works. Also spent a lot of time on a new drawing and shirt I put on there.


Just made a snowball with snow from the roof, almost freezing my hands off (but not really). Now it's time for bed as I have work tomorrow (work while one of my sisters is going to the sea and my other sister is in Italy).

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Hmm, I had an odd day... last night I was intending to stay up all night, but changed my mind around 10 am and went to bed. I then slept until about half 6, then got up and had supper. I've pissed around since then, and have decided not to sleep this night instead... so I'm still up. I just finished an awesome game of go and have now reached solid ranked single digit kyu for the first time ever - kneel before your 9 kyu master!


Now I suppose I ought to learn some thermodynamics. *wanders off mumbling about Gibbs free energy*

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Guest Jordan

Today is day two of: Jordan alone in the office! Yay!


Yet again, its completely dead with nothing to do... i also got here late because: 1, My front door was completely jammed with snow, it was that thick. And 2, Because i slipped up on a hill... twice. Thanks ice.

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I wish my "sister" was dead, I loathe even the sight of her now.


She went mental this morning because I'm having a bunch of friends stay over tonight. She started breaking stuff, smashing doors, and then almost pushed my mum down the stairs. I grabbed hold of her to stop her and she rammed me against the door. I really can't go on like this for much longer, my parents can't get her to leave, and then the only way to get her to leave the house is to give her a few quid which she obviously goes and spends on drugs. It's ridiculous, but it's been going on for four years now.


If she plays up tonight it's going to be so embarassing.:(

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She sounds... psycho.


She is, she really is. She's ruined my parents relationship completely, my mum just said when I leave for Uni next year they'll be "going their seperate ways". Isn't that just a lovely thing for a mother to tell their son? Jeez, if she carries on ruining things like this I'm going to kill her myself.


Anyways sorry, I shouldn't be moaning about my problems on here, I'll keep quiet. :)

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Guest Stefkov

Haggis it's good to let your problems out, even if on a forum. I wish I could do the same. She sounds like a real psycho though. If she still intends to break stuff why don't you call the police? Or even a mental home.


Not much to say about today. I will play games and maybe do work.

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Haggis it's good to let your problems out, even if on a forum. I wish I could do the same. She sounds like a real psycho though. If she still intends to break stuff why don't you call the police? Or even a mental home.


Not much to say about today. I will play games and maybe do work.


Ah, the police. They probably wouldn't even come, they've had to come to our house countless times now. Last time (3 weeks back) I had to call them because she'd gone for my mum, I stepped in and ended up being pushed down the stairs. I was fine, but I almost broke my nose and twisted my ankle. The fun! But if the police did come, it causes a huge scene outside, neighbours crowd round and then it just makes everything worse.


My parents have thrown her out twice now, but both times she's come back high on drugs, pissed and shouting on the door step at some random time in the early hours. We've then had to let her in, because it's completely unfair on the elderly neighbours next door to us.



Anyway! I've got to go and babysit for one of my mums friends in a couple of hours. Her kids are awesome, so it should be fun. :D

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Ah, the police. They probably wouldn't even come, they've had to come to our house countless times now. Last time (3 weeks back) I had to call them because she'd gone for my mum, I stepped in and ended up being pushed down the stairs. I was fine, but I almost broke my nose and twisted my ankle. The fun! But if the police did come, it causes a huge scene outside, neighbours crowd round and then it just makes everything worse.


My parents have thrown her out twice now, but both times she's come back high on drugs, pissed and shouting on the door step at some random time in the early hours. We've then had to let her in, because it's completely unfair on the elderly neighbours next door to us.



Anyway! I've got to go and babysit for one of my mums friends in a couple of hours. Her kids are awesome, so it should be fun. :D



Simple solution, move house without telling her.

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Simple solution, move house without telling her.


Haha! I wish man. We are actually moving, and my parents say "Oh, she won't be living with us, it won't happen". (We're only moving down the road). But it won't happen, she'll turn up, they'll let her in and it'll go back into the vicious circle again. :(


I can't wait till I tell my parents I'm not going to uni for a year. I'm moving down to Cornwall with a friend for a year to go and work/get away from everything, and then near the end of the year travel somewhere hopefully with the cash my parents have no idea I've been saving. :D


Anyway, thanks for the not minding me moaning about my problems. It's nice to be able to talk about them on here. :)

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That happens but I just walk out as it is and push it over a little and it should be fine!! Usually messy forward sticky out *some* (best i can describe it >.<) But i would feel fine walking to the shops with it just to one side!

Also depending ont he hairstyle try wax it lasts like wayy longer and unlike gel you can just redo it. Ive learnt my lesson from when people mess up your hair, now i just "mess" it back into place.. (paradox?)

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This is why you invest in a nice looking hat Charlie :P.


My day consists of me lounging about, it doesn't often happen that I get a full four days of nothingness so I;m enjoying it, later I'll be printing off c.vs and tomorrow after my driving lesson I'll be handing them out.

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Went to work for a couple of hours today, yay for money. That's pretty much been my entire day so far actually.


Got an offer from my aunt to design an image or animation (not sure yet, hope she replies to my email) for a site. Paid (though not sure how much). Thing is I'm swamped with work as it is, but of course I had to say yes.


Also might have a story from someone to illustrate and he wishes to get the book published. Though of course it's just an idea right now, nothing more. Would be cool though.



And it's cold in here. Freezing cold!

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Guest Jordan


And it's cold in here. Freezing cold!


Try living here! I walked to the bank in the driving snow with a -5C gusting wind! :(

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Try living here! I walked to the bank in the driving snow :(


It snowed and hailed here too today. Thing is it's Easter Monday so banks would be closed anyway. =P


Two nights ago though it even reached -7°C. =O

I should probably turn on my heating but I hate doing that, so it's never on.


*bundles up in her blankets*

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Guest Jordan
Meh, it was -7 winds at Southend and snowing on Saturday night, try doing that in a short skirt.


I think i'll pass... particularly on the short skirt.

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I was in sheffield the other day and I just saw some girls in mini skirts and a top which literally had an open back!


I was in a massive windcoat and I couldnt understand how they could do that without thinking twice.


Wasnt complaining but damn.. it must have been cold..

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