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Guest Stefkov

My sisters been stealing stuff from me and my brother for years. Started out as calculators then she stole a tenner of my brother once.

She's only just 11 or 12.

I've just become detached to her so now I can just shout and not care about what she goes and does after I've let my anger out.

Lockable boxes are a good idea, becoming detached and really getting angry when they steal stuff = even better.

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No, I was thinking of some 6 inch stiletto heels I saw with a padlock on them.


High heels are fucking horrible. Most people can't walk in them properly, and then you get really tall girls wearing them for some unknown/retarded reason. Not to mention the problems they cause for your feet.

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High heels are fucking horrible. Most people can't walk in them properly, and then you get really tall girls wearing them for some unknown/retarded reason. Not to mention the problems they cause for your feet.


That's what platforms are for. See now this is why I do't wear heels because some jackass comes along and tells me I'm a freak.


Oh I'm sorry I'm tall are you aren't. Holy...>_>

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That's what platforms are for. See now this is why I do't wear heels because some jackass comes along and tells me I'm a freak.


Oh I'm sorry I'm tall are you aren't. Holy...>_>


Haha. Do they actually call you a freak or is that just how you hear it?

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Haha. Do they actually call you a freak or is that just how you hear it?


Haha, I don't actually wear them, well very rarely. I've been called a freak quite a few times, even when not wearing them!


How I can be a freak just because of my height though...>_>

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That's what platforms are for. See now this is why I do't wear heels because some jackass comes along and tells me I'm a freak.


Oh I'm sorry I'm tall are you aren't. Holy...>_>


I didn't mean there was anything wrong with tall girls. It's just that whenever I ask a girl why they wear them it's because they want to be taller. So if you are tall already why would you want to be even taller?


Personally I prefer girls in flats.

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I didn't mean there was anything wrong with tall girls. It's just that whenever I ask a girl why they wear them it's because they want to be taller. So if you are tall already why would you want to be even taller?


Personally I prefer girls in flats.


haha, see I would wear them because there's a pair I really want from peacocks but they are like 3inches...not good really.

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Today I went outside, into the worst storm Ive seen in years!! I had trouble keeping my feet on the ground because the wind was so strong, and there were these massive hail stone hitting me in the face.


Then I made some felt, which made me stink of sheep and rotting stuff.



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I've had an excellent day so far. :)


Two of my best mates from home came around and we have played Guitar Hero 3 pretty much all day.


We took it in turns with the guitar, and then played a bit of Face-off with one of us on the remote. They challenged me to finish Dragonforce on medium (which I haven't done before) with the guitar, and I kept fucking up at the same bit.


And then, in a moment of divine intervention, I did it! I shouted on the top of my voice...this is what it must feel like to be King! :D


We played the face-off mode, on Dragonforce again, with me on remote and my mate on guitar. It was so close, and I ended up losing by a few hundred points...which isn't a lot at all. :(


Then we did the same thing with Slayer, and I won right at the end, again only a few points in it.


:D Its been awesome.

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Started to drive from Southampton to Coventry to see my parents for the Easter weekend, and broke down after an hour and a half. Had to wait an hour and a bit for the RAC, then waited another hour and a bit at a service station for someone to come and tow me home. Now I've got to face the journey up to Coventry again in another car. So not a good day...

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Just had the most amazing piece of steak EVER, I've had steak but this time i tried soemthing new for my steak cooking:


Had a normal ASDA ribeye steak, popped it on a plate and covered the top in Sea salt and let it rest for about 15 minutes (it soaks up all the water in the steak) after that, wash it all off and pat dry, heat up the pan, fry off for a few minutes, my knife cut through it like butter, was delicious.

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woman = 5ft4.6

man = 5ft10.1

(in the UK)


AMGG 4 DAY WEEKEND ^_________________________^


I'm apparently 5ft4 (or 165 cm), so pretty average I guess.


Weird day, which started of with a thunderstorm in the morning, complete with lots of hail (more than once as well). Was weird to wake up and hear the rolling thunder and the hail hitting my window like crazy. Rest of the day was filled with rain, wind and apparently lots of snow at one point (though I missed it cause of being in school).


We watched "The Wall" by Pink Floyd in Literature. Very very weird movie thing.


One of my drawings (the one in my sig/avatar) got featured on RedBubble's homepage today, which means lots of hits and comments and the like, yay! Also had something like three people (one today) ask me this week if I have published a book already, and if I haven't that I should.

I would but I'm not good at writing, so it doesn't seem like I can do it yet. ='3

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