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Today has been good for me, had a great day in work of which much was talked about and done in ways of completing tasks. Sorted out a money transfer at lunchtime of which it makes me a little bit better off than i was.


Then came home to a nice Chicken and Chips meal, and now watching Waterworld and drinking a beer or two while chatting online to a few mates and sorting more stuff out once again.

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Sounds like that sucks alot Haggis, though surely you know who these guys attacking you are? Surely if they're stealing your stuff, that is something else you can try and get them for(serial numbers etc)? In fact, if they're gonna keep robbing you, don't carry expensive shit like iPods.

Despite this, part of me feels like telling you to man up and fight back, though I guess you are through the police(I'd advise proper channels and all, but what about these people doing it, under 18? Tried the parents?). Pepper spray sounds a bit stupid, but it'd give them something to think about for a while. Plus, you could kick them about a bit(legally of course) while they're all blind!


I went to uni today, for the first time in a few weeks(given last week was first week back over reading week, and I didn't go in last week), and it's spurred me on a bit Dissertation wise, although I am lacking in participants. Any nice souls out there, please head over to my thread about my dissertation and help me out! I'd say post too, as a few people have already helped out, but I have no idea who they are forumwise lol.

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Woke up at 6.20ish (alarm to go off at 6.45) and just lay there. Switched my phone off and got a text off someone who popped round last night at 1am (but only delivered when I switched on obviously saying) "I so wanted to climb into your bed. x" Don't fight your desires, you know?


Anyway. Then I went to work. Did some work and then DRAMA! I nosied on the remote pay system to check my leaver details were put in correct and the bitch I now work for put: Re-employ: No Reason: Poor Performance (theres a certain amount of options for the second)


Now I don't want to sound too modest but I am fucking awesome, and I work my arse off for that place. So anyway after work I wrote a letter basically saying stuff like; you could have had the decency and tact to tell me to my face, its reasons like this people are leaving and the atmosphere has become so negative, if you can't rely upon management who can you rely on etc? Left it for her tomorrow.


Also left it for the regional manager's buttmonkey who is coming in tomorrow to check her progress, so with the assistant manager already alluding to her uselessness, myself and some other lad (being 3rd and 4th/7 seniorest staff) having handed in their notice it should hopefully go badly for her.


I am getting friends to help with part b. Taking real incidents when she was shit with the public (as she is) and emailing head office to complain. And then later going to come up with part c.


Its nice to have a project.


But last night I realised I was feeling optimistic about life (namely leaving work and having more time for personal fun) which is good. And while I seem angry and bitter at the moment, I find myself lauging at her patheticness.

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today has been very good. It was my birthday which I wasnt too bothered about, but then while I was at work a couple of my mates texted and said they were taking me out for a curry!

We went to this really good place in Selly Oak the Girls Aloud and other 'VIP' people like and it was great. then they bought me loads of drinks, just got in, pleasantly drunk - yet still able to spell and type, clearly i rock!

good day indeed.


Oh, and i am buying a great new bike from a shop at my new office, Specialized Hardrock, picling it up on friday, cant wait!

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Today was okay... slept through some lectures but not others. :heh:


Then at 12 I had a practical on the analysis of birdsong (no, really) which was a bit strange. When that finished I went to Borders (searching in futility for a mothers' day gift), and ended up, as often happens, in the languages section, where there were a couple of Japanese tourists talking in a very Tokyo dialect, which was fun, because it meant I could understand them. They were hunting through the Japanese section and complaining about how rubbish the books were because they all used romaji - I think they were trying to find some sort of dictionary that would actually be of use to them. I almost stopped them and asked 「何を探してるんですか。」 (nani o sagashiterun desu ka / what is it that you're looking for?), but I decided to stay silent instead. I bought a beginner's Mandarin book on a bit of a whim.


Anyway, then I had an evolution supervision, which involved discussing three lectures, one of which I hadn't been to so had to improvise a little, but pulled it off. :heh: Mating systems abound, and also some insight learning... I can't decide whether or not I like behavioural ecology, but I'm definitely not ecstatic about it. Had supper, which involved an argument about something to do with language and/or philosophy, as it tends to, then went to Sainsbury's.


And now I have some chemistry to do for tomorrow morning...

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my whole flat just shook. Never felt anything like it before. If it was anearthquake then it will have officially been the best birthday ever! yes I know my birthday ended an hour ago, but a day is from waking up to falling asleep, so still counts.


I texted my mate who lives about 20 mile away and she says she felt a shake too, so fingers crossed it was an earthquake.


For those who don't know, I am into Geology, and hope one day to finish my degree in it.

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my whole flat just shook. Never felt anything like it before. If it was anearthquake then it will have officially been the best birthday ever! yes I know my birthday ended an hour ago, but a day is from waking up to falling asleep, so still counts.


I texted my mate who lives about 20 mile away and she says she felt a shake too, so fingers crossed it was an earthquake.


For those who don't know, I am into Geology, and hope one day to finish my degree in it.

Check the earthquake thread, quite a few of us felt it.

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my whole flat just shook. Never felt anything like it before. If it was anearthquake then it will have officially been the best birthday ever! yes I know my birthday ended an hour ago, but a day is from waking up to falling asleep, so still counts.


I texted my mate who lives about 20 mile away and she says she felt a shake too, so fingers crossed it was an earthquake.


For those who don't know, I am into Geology, and hope one day to finish my degree in it.


Dude same here, my shelfs and desk just started shaking randomly. Was a very small shake though. Pretty cool nonetheless.

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my day has been super uneventful up till now~ i feel like i've gone through the morning in slow motion... i woke up at 10 and the past two hours have gone really quickly....


i'm confused~ i got a mobile bill this morning for £0.00 :hmm:

i hope O2 havent canceled my contract early...

also i seem to be really randomly losing weight... the jeans that used to fit me have just come out of the wash and they're really baggy... i weighed myself and i've lost another 2lbs O_o


i don' liek it >___<

i will cheer myself up with a nice long walk into town to meet a friend now :smile: ....should clear my head.

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walking will make me gain weight?? :wtf:


... Eh?


You said you were losing weight, taking a long walk will also make you lose weight.


I probably worded it wrong, but if you're doing more excerise and eating less its fairly obvious that you're losing it.


And nightwolf, get your ass doing the same if you wanna lose weight. I used to be a cynic till i lost several stone...

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... Eh?


You said you were losing weight, taking a long walk will also make you lose weight.


I probably worded it wrong, but if you're doing more excerise and eating less its fairly obvious that you're losing it.


And nightwolf, get your ass doing the same if you wanna lose weight. I used to be a cynic till i lost several stone...



haha you don't realise how much walking I do in a week do you. I could quit5 happily stay at 10stone. Oh well, ^.^

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Okay......thats weird....several people in my office myself included suddenly felt as if gravity just became stronger. I stood up and Im fine, and its all normal now, but WTF.






Omg end of world!

First the earthquake, now this?!

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