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also, fun fact:

Shetland is one of 2 places in Scotland where people inject alcohol directly into their veins because theyre so addicted.


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


I've done that a few times, used to mix my drugs with vodka instead of water before injecting, just for that little extra kick.


Not recommended with home made poteen though, I can see how that stuff can make you go blind.

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Read 'High Society' by Ben Elton. It's about an MP who wants to legalise all drugs and gives you a lot of pros and cons for it...



-The Government could tax them really heavily and make loads of money from them.

-They would all be 'high quality' meaning you wouldn't get drugs which are even dodgier than normal.

-Crime Lords who make a living importing drugs would be out of business as they would be easily obtainable.

-There would be safe places to shoot up.

And some of the cons?


Legalise one drug such as cannabis and to me it's a slippery slope towards the legalisation of stronger and more harmful drugs. You could also argue that we are at this point in time quite ignorant of the full possible psychological and physical effects of cannabis smoking - if a particularly dangerous correlation is ever discovered after a legalisation had occurred then there could be no turning back.


Legalisation arguments also have to take into account the strain on the NHS (and thus the taxpayer) that all the drug abuse would cause. Just look at the millions the NHS spends on caring for tobacco users.


As said earlier, It isnt a straight forward situation and there are pros and cons to the whole issue of all out legislation.


I have said it before, there are many responsible people out there who take drugs without resorting to crime and burglary to pay for their vice whilst happily managing to go about everyday business without flushing their life down the toilet.

It seems incredibly stupid to outlaw these people and an incredible waste of government funds. In taking these people down the path of prosecution there is a risk of destabilizing a persons life due to loss of job etc.


Either way the laws on a few narcotics need badly reviewing in an intelligent way by intelligent people.


Legalisation arguments also have to take into account the strain on the NHS (and thus the taxpayer) that all the drug abuse would cause. Just look at the millions the NHS spends on caring for tobacco users.


The NHS and smoking issue is pretty null.....Taxation on cigarettes cover a massive part of that spending.

Legalise one drug such as cannabis and to me it's a slippery slope towards the legalisation of stronger and more harmful drugs. You could also argue that we are at this point in time quite ignorant of the full possible psychological and physical effects of cannabis smoking - if a particularly dangerous correlation is ever discovered after a legalisation had occurred then there could be no turning back.


Legalisation arguments also have to take into account the strain on the NHS (and thus the taxpayer) that all the drug abuse would cause. Just look at the millions the NHS spends on caring for tobacco users.


Agreed. People are very naive over cannabis use. People act as if it has no effects other than a mild 'high'. This is nonsense. Plenty of people become emotionally addicted to the drug and can't even get out of bed without it.


It's has a much higher amount of tar in it than regular tobacco and it is more likely to cause cancer.


It may not be as addictive as the likes of crack or heroin, but it is still addictive. I knew a girl at uni who it ruined until she managed to break the habit. It also has other side effects including paranoia.


It would be a terrible day if it was legalised and would do nothing but make it an easier step for people onto harder drugs.


There is no real case for the legalisation of drugs, it's just something spouted by idiots who think they're being 'trendy' and 'hip'. Maybe these people shoud go onto the estates and run down areas in the UK where people are lying lifeless on rancid sofas all day just shooting up - no more use than mindless zombies.


People with drug dependancies can't work, rely on benefits, will do anything to get money for a fix and need intense physical and emotional care to rehabitilitate themselves. Why on earth would anyone in their right mind legalise the filth that does that to a human being?


It is the talk of liberal madness.

And some of the cons?


-More people than before will experiment with drugs as they're readily available.

-People with addictions will just get even worse

-There will be more smack-heads around

-They're incredibly dangerous

-A teenaged mother, for examplem may have them lying around the kitchen as they're perfectly legal, here child picks them up, decides they should go in his mouth. Swallows them and dies.

-More people than before will experiment with drugs as they're readily available.

-People with addictions will just get even worse

-There will be more smack-heads around

-They're incredibly dangerous

-A teenaged mother, for examplem may have them lying around the kitchen as they're perfectly legal, here child picks them up, decides they should go in his mouth. Swallows them and dies.

-Would you take heroin if it was legal? Im geussing no. Neither would I, also when people say legalize they dont know what they mean.

-Or maybe, you just give free smak to smakheads as then, you can controll the amount you take it becomes a less taboo subject so more get help, etc.

-Evednce shows there will infact be LESS smack heads.

-No. Some are, and even then it depends on how you take them sure injecting heroin into your face is dangerous but smoking it once or twice isnt.

-Same with anything and is a stupid answer.


People with drug dependancies can't work, rely on benefits, will do anything to get money for a fix and need intense physical and emotional care to rehabitilitate themselves. Why on earth would anyone in their right mind legalise the filth that does that to a human being?

Lol@you also, You do realize the amount of people with hardcore coke addictions who function have high powered jobs etc. The same with crack and heroin, there are two kinds of junkie, the ones your told about and the other ones you dont know exist.

-Would you take heroin if it was legal? Im geussing no. Neither would I, also when people say legalize they dont know what they mean.


No, but I know a lot more people who would experiment with them. Think of all the chavs who went to your school who started smoking both cigarettes and weed. What's the next step from that?

No, but I know a lot more people who would experiment with them. Think of all the chavs who went to your school who started smoking both cigarettes and weed. What's the next step from that?

The thing is, no drug would be legal, it would be a controlled substance, in terms of heroin it would have to be available from prescription, to established junkies, as heroin is easyer to come off than methadone. And those chavs are already doing harder drugs. Personally, I have done a fair few differnt drugs, I mostly enjoyed my self, I now dont drink or do drugs, because i grew out of it, also i grew up in a house that wasnt like OMGZ DRUGZ IZ BAD DIEZ, so it wasnt taboo and exciting due to the lul of my parents not knowing and me rebelling. But meh.

No, but I know a lot more people who would experiment with them. Think of all the chavs who went to your school who started smoking both cigarettes and weed. What's the next step from that?


Exactly. If people could just freely walk into a store and buy the stuff voer the counter far more people would do it, as it would make it easier and remove the stigma attached to it.


The liberal nonsense that it would infact reduce drug use is just utter crap.


-Would you take heroin if it was legal? Im geussing no. Neither would I, also when people say legalize they dont know what they mean.


Yes, but many would. The safety rails in society are put up there for the protection of the less intelligent.


-Or maybe, you just give free smak to smakheads as then, you can controll the amount you take it becomes a less taboo subject so more get help, etc.


You couldn't give it out for free and control the amount they had. Utter nonsense. It's like when they give methodone to heroin users. It doesn't stop or control them, they still use heroin when they can and many just end up addicted to methodone.


What's more, as these are highly addictive substances, people need to keep increasing their dosage in order to get the same high, so they would just look for more sources once the high started to fall for them.


Why create smackheads anyway? Why give it out for free? Why create a problem?


-Evednce shows there will infact be LESS smack heads.


Please quote such evidence.


-No. Some are, and even then it depends on how you take them sure injecting heroin into your face is dangerous but smoking it once or twice isnt.


I would say smoking heroin is dangerous, and so would most people. It's not something I would ever do, and I would never associate myself with anyone who did. I wouldn't date someone who did and if I found out any of my future children were doing so they'd be in serious trouble. People need to be GRAPHICALLY warned of the dangers of these things, not encouraged to give them a go.


Try going around the sink estates in this country and see how these substances have ruined whole communities, families and individuals. See the way they have blighted the lives of so many.


It's not about creating a problem, it's about realistically dealing with with instead of being incredibly naive and thinking you can stop people from doing it, or thinking that lying about how dangerous drugs are is a good way of stopping people from doing them.


At the moment people get heroin because it's available on the street, it's all around them. If once someone gets hooked they can get their fix for free in a safe place, dealers aren't going to sell heroin any more, it's pointless. It would take heroin off the streets and cripple the cash flow of dealers and drastically reduce drug related crime. People addicted to heroin will get weaned off it under medical supervision, but people are not going to go to their doctor and say "Hey, doc, I feel like taking up heroin." And if they do, I very much doubt any doctor would prescribe it, seeing as you're getting your fix from someone with a vested interest in STOPPING you doing it, rather than getting you hooked.

It's not about creating a problem, it's about realistically dealing with with instead of being incredibly naive and thinking you can stop people from doing it, or thinking that lying about how dangerous drugs are is a good way of stopping people from doing them.


At the moment people get heroin because it's available on the street, it's all around them. If once someone gets hooked they can get their fix for free in a safe place, dealers aren't going to sell heroin any more, it's pointless. It would take heroin off the streets and cripple the cash flow of dealers and drastically reduce drug related crime. People addicted to heroin will get weaned off it under medical supervision, but people are not going to go to their doctor and say "Hey, doc, I feel like taking up heroin." And if they do, I very much doubt any doctor would prescribe it, seeing as you're getting your fix from someone with a vested interest in STOPPING you doing it, rather than getting you hooked.

Finally a level headed person :P

It's has a much higher amount of tar in it than regular tobacco and it is more likely to cause cancer.


I'm pretty sure it doesn't - just smoking weed means you'll be using roach instead of a filter, thus more tar can be smoked - but it's not fair to say that weed itself has more tar, as it doesn't.


It may not be as addictive as the likes of crack or heroin, but it is still addictive. I knew a girl at uni who it ruined until she managed to break the habit. It also has other side effects including paranoia.

I was addicted quite strongly, smoked a lot daily, and it's definitely affected me mentally. I quit smoking it about a year ago, and have smoked less than ten times since, nearly all with paranoiac episodes. I am paranoid a lot of the time. Yes, drugs can do that to you - but the key to the argument is drug use vs. drug abuse. Those who want to abuse drugs will do it whether it's legalised or not.


There is no real case for the legalisation of drugs, it's just something spouted by idiots who think they're being 'trendy' and 'hip'. Maybe these people shoud go onto the estates and run down areas in the UK where people are lying lifeless on rancid sofas all day just shooting up - no more use than mindless zombies.


I do hope you have read all of the previous posts in this thread as there is indeed a case for it. Seeing as drug use is currently illegal, then all these zombies you talk of are criminals and deserve no help - and certainly, they are cut off from ever rejoining society which surely isn't encouraging them to stop?


Legalisation can mean production control and raise awareness of who is using, and why they are using, and raise awareness of the help available, and in general just help police all these smackheads you talk about.



People with drug dependancies can't work, rely on benefits, will do anything to get money for a fix and need intense physical and emotional care to rehabitilitate themselves. Why on earth would anyone in their right mind legalise the filth that does that to a human being?


It is the talk of liberal madness.

Because that's not going to change. Legalisation would mean priced goods, therefore taxes, therefore money to provide better rehabilitation services and to raise awareness of what things do. Limits can be imposed. Legalisation means more research would be done in preparation, which is only a good thing.


So yeah, mostly repeating what's been said already.

I'm pretty sure it doesn't - just smoking weed means you'll be using roach instead of a filter, thus more tar can be smoked - but it's not fair to say that weed itself has more tar, as it doesn't.



I was addicted quite strongly, smoked a lot daily, and it's definitely affected me mentally. I quit smoking it about a year ago, and have smoked less than ten times since, nearly all with paranoiac episodes. I am paranoid a lot of the time. Yes, drugs can do that to you - but the key to the argument is drug use vs. drug abuse. Those who want to abuse drugs will do it whether it's legalised or not.

It does contain more tar, especially hash.

I have mates who have smoked everyday for the past 7 or eight years and mentaly they are fine, some people can deal with it others cant, it apears to be relativly random.

Maybe these people shoud go onto the estates and run down areas in the UK where people are lying lifeless on rancid sofas all day just shooting up - no more use than mindless zombies.

Exactly - thanks to the complete and utter failure of a "war on drugs" policy.

-A teenaged mother, for examplem may have them lying around the kitchen as they're perfectly legal, here child picks them up, decides they should go in his mouth. Swallows them and dies.

That's a pr0 if ever I've heard one.


Methadone is more addictive than heroin so many rehabilitation clinics are started giving heroin addicts heroin so as to ween them off. No use getting them addicted to two substances.


And as someone said in an earlier post there are already thousands of coke addicts in decent jobs, and their lives don't fall apart.


It's has a much higher amount of tar in it than regular tobacco and it is more likely to cause cancer.


Your presuming you have to smoke it.


You can vaporize it so your just inhaling water vapour with THC in it, or eat it in some food.

It's has a much higher amount of tar in it than regular tobacco and it is more likely to cause cancer.


It may not be as addictive as the likes of crack or heroin, but it is still addictive. I knew a girl at uni who it ruined until she managed to break the habit. It also has other side effects including paranoia.


Cannabis is not at all physically addictive. This is a fact that has been confirmed numerous times by all kinds of people. However, everything that makes you feel good can be "addictive". Like sex. Or if you get into the habit of reading the newspaper in the morning, you might be upset if you don't get the chance one day.


About the tar, first, you don't need to smoke it, and second of all, most research say that the average cannabis user has a lower chance of getting cancer than the average smoker. Why? First of all, the average smoker smokes a lot more cigarettes than the average cannabis user. Second, the average cannabis user can consume cannabis in other ways, like eating or using a vaporizer, that doesn't cause cancer. Third, cannabis includes anti-cancerogenic (sp?) substances.


Still, cannabis is a drug, it is harmful and is something that shouldn't be taken lightly. It's mainly the hypocrisy I am against. Why are drugs like tobacco and alcohol legal? Alcohol is a very bad and destructive drug. Also, a lot of pharmaceutical drugs are very very bad, but they are legal.


Im against it but do see both sides cant be bothered to get into a whole debate right now but see the legitimisation of drug usage by the state as a disaster.

Legalizing all drugs is stupid, but there's nothing wrong with drugs that don't bring immediate health dangers. Drug use is under average throughout the entire Netherlands because of this, with the exception of Amsterdam of course.

Yeah; there's a big difference between weed and heroine(sp?). You think being a police officer he'd know that.



-A teenaged mother, for examplem may have them lying around the kitchen as they're perfectly legal, here child picks them up, decides they should go in his mouth. Swallows them and dies.

Oh well; the kid's most likely going to become a complete yobby **** anyway, (like what his mum sounds like). Better they die now than use up all our tax money, probably living off the state, and causing havok.



Anyway, the Govt. has larger things to worry about than legalisation of drugs, even the "least dangerous" cannabis.

All of society and laws are linked, and that's what no-one, especially the Govt., doesn't seem to realise, change one law (or something) and you can change society forever.


The country needs to take a long hard look at it's Law, Order, Justice & Punishment before it looks at anything else.


And stop making the country a "Survival of the Thickest", in which humanity has "broken" true, moving forward evolution.

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