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Monster Hunter Tri


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Just got this game the other day, got up to trapping the great jaggi offline. had a quick bash online too but only did one quest. helped some randoms trap some velocraptor looking thing even though my blade went dull after about 3 hits and i had no whetstones :P learning fast that i need to not rely on the quest items! dont have much time for anything else anymore now, i have this AND raiding on WOW to keep me busy :P

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Folks, I'm sorry if this question has already been answered before but is the split-screen multiplayer mode identical to the online mode in terms of game modes/what's available. I'm tempted to pick this up soon and I think the local coop function would be schweet with friends. I imagine the main issue would be that, if they don't own the game, a friend has to use a basic/starting character with no power ups n' stuff?


Any clarification would be good! Also, is it two player split-screen or four?

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^ The local multiplayer is two player split screen but unfortunately it's not like the online mode. It's an arena style mode where you take on monsters which you've captured in the single player.


Ah rats! Oh well, thanks for informing me :)

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It's still good fun though the split screen arena. Taking down the big monsters is great, regardless of whether it's in an arena space or not, because of being able to work together with another player. It's a shame that they didn't allow a full on experience for local multiplayer but the arena mode is a nice alternative.

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The Jaggi Mask has a luck rating of ten, Does this mean improved luck for everything like fishing and bug catching, or just at the end of a quest, and is there a place to know what all the skills actually mean?

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stresssssssssss, cannot capture a great jaggi at all. i always run out of tranq bombs and traps :(


I assume you have him limping so I bet your making the same mistake I 1st did.


You need to hit him in the head with the tranq bombs, it should only take two, body hits don't seem to count. If you have been hitting him in the head then maybe he's just not been weakened enough?

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I've been stuck at HR 50 for 3 days due to me not being able to defeat Alatreon but today was the day he fell to the might of me and my team. It is without a doubt the hardest fight out of all of the MH games that i've played. You really have to have a strong team of 4 or its pretty much gameover.


Despite killing him the battle itself was still a struggle, with 2 of my team dying in the first 20 minutes. We had to then be very careful and we managed to beat him in just over 30. Farming this beast for parts is gonna be a nightmare.


Later on I went over to the Recruting servers to see if anyone wanted help with anything. Many were looking for a help with their Jhen urgent so I gave them a hand, that thing is now a pushover.


I was using the Undertaker lance which does great dragon element damage and as soon as Jhen started his walk I went for his legs. I managed to break both legs while my team kept firing at him and then I was constantly tripping him over. :D We killed him in around 20 minutes, not even needing the 2nd dragonator shot.


Im now HR 52 with just under 200 hours played. The only thing left to kill is Devilijho, hopefully he will fall over the weekend.

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Had some good online session the past few days. Just helped some german guys I met a few times to capture a barroth. I can now make the full armor set. One more for my wardrobe! YEAH! Next is the gobul one (just need a bunch of gobul hide for the remaiming parts)!

I am now rank 15. I should post my friendcode on the meet up thread...


I'm still looking for 2 flintstones to upgrade my fire hammer and use him against the barrioth offline... but those things won't drop!!!:mad:

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Monster Hunter Tri 3 sold 126K in it first week in the US


Rumour, not confirmed by Capcom. May be confirmed at some point today but we'll have to wait and see.


Even if it did hit that mark, launching on the 20th of April that's not bad. It's perhaps not as high as Capcom would have liked given the big marketing push that Nintendo put behind it but it's respectable for a territory where the particular series really isn't that highly sought after.

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Had trouble with these as well. Have you broken the flints in his wings? I don't think they appear in the rewards, if you don't break them. You also want to do capture quests, since they give you more chances of getting the flints.


I know that and break both each time. :cry:

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Good evening!!

It is with great pleasure that i say that my exile is FINALLY over and I'm finally free from academic life!!! :yay:

As such... i'll start catching up with MHT as soon as i get a good night sleep (more than 5h) and will be able, sooner rather than later hopefully, to FINALLY join some of you in good ol' skool hunting (this because my backlog also involves exploring the Tartarus on P3, press on with Lost Odyssey, press on with TWEWY, kill "evil chicken of hell" on P4, crack on with FF on VC... and so on, and so forth)!! :bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy:

Edited by Rinha
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Guest Captain Falcon

Are the quests easier in the offline mode as I've just been given the barroth quest and it was hard enough with 3 heavily kitted out team mates.

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1-up Mushroom

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