Guest Jordan Posted November 15, 2007 Posted November 15, 2007 But seeing as Adam wasn't seen in the "whatever years later episode" from season 1. Thats either a plot hole or he's dead.
ReZourceman Posted November 15, 2007 Posted November 15, 2007 Hmmm. That was an alternate future, but technically still a valid point. Or he juust wasnt there.
ShadowV7 Posted November 15, 2007 Posted November 15, 2007 Yea i've been thinking that aswell. But Nathan was supposed to president, 5 years later, there seems to be a lot of people that survived the virus. Maybe it was an alternate future...
Dan_Dare Posted November 15, 2007 Posted November 15, 2007 or maybe they hadn't come up with him in the plot by then? ohhh! continuity buuurrrn Jordan said: What if Adam's power simply isn't healing, but infact immortality? Stupid guess? Yeah probably. ageing = cell death so if adam's cells regenerate, he can't age. It's likely Claire is very much the same but because she's still growing rather than growing old, it hasn't taken affect.
ReZourceman Posted November 15, 2007 Posted November 15, 2007 Unless her power deteriates (sp?!?!?wtfbbq) with age. Guess we'll find out in a few seasons for their "40 years later" episode.
Mokong Posted November 15, 2007 Posted November 15, 2007 Dan Dare said: I think you're all jumping to conclusions about Adam and Hiro- for all we know, Adam doesn't even know Hiro is from this time period. it's possible he saw him as a child but he wouldn't know who he is now. Personally, I think Adam will find out about Hiro through Peter using the time power and explaining who gave it him. Not really, he knew Hiros full name, and we know he knew his father (and i'm certain he too had powers but they just didn't show it, which sucks), I'm sure coming across a japanese child called Hiro Nakamura with an evolved father would have set off a few alarm bells in Adam. And as for the "5 years later" ep in season 1, we can't use that to try and work things in season two out. As it really has become an alternative future at this stage. And seeing as the virus never happened in that timeline any use of it to theorize over season 2 just isn't right.
Ashley Posted November 15, 2007 Posted November 15, 2007 Mokong X-C said: (and i'm certain he too had powers but they just didn't show it, which sucks). I dunno. Didn't he wax lyrical about how he knew one day a Nakamura child would be 'blessed', but never thought it would be Hiro?
Guest Stefkov Posted November 15, 2007 Posted November 15, 2007 Mokong X-C said: Not really, he knew Hiros full name, and we know he knew his father (and i'm certain he too had powers but they just didn't show it, which sucks), I'm sure coming across a japanese child called Hiro Nakamura with an evolved father would have set off a few alarm bells in Adam. That and I think Adam even said 'Let's change the past' (again: I think) So he wants to use Peter to use his time traveling maybe go back and do something?
Retro_Link Posted November 15, 2007 Author Posted November 15, 2007 Retro_Link said: Just re-watched Season 1 episode thirteen on BBC2.and having seen Peters 'symbol' necklace in Season 2 I noticed something interesting this time... When the Haitian is talking to Claire at the 'construction' site, it very much looked to me that he was wearing the same necklace Peter has, but it was largely obscured by his shirt. So looked the Haitian up on google and found this character picture! I never took notice of the necklace before! There are a couple of possibilities I can think of here... 1) Someone is handing out these necklaces to Hero's they have come across and worked with/helped. 2) Peter is wearing the Haitians necklace, and as I suggested earlier, I wonder if perhaps he is responsible for Peter's memory loss, and if he can be trusted?! Just found this Heroes graphic novel and it seems the Haitian got the necklace from his father! Oh yeah, forgot to mention the way they are bringing in the comic artwork/Isaac's paintings into season 2, very cool! Isaac produced eight paintings, one depicting each of the 'old band of Heroes'! Where are the other seven? and will they be able to save each resprective Hero in time?! Oh I'm good! solved that back on page 4 of the thread! Anyways, another awesome episode! Kristen Bell was great and I think Adam is a fantastic new character!
Mokong Posted November 15, 2007 Posted November 15, 2007 Stefkov said: That and I think Adam even said 'Let's change the past'(again: I think) So he wants to use Peter to use his time traveling maybe go back and do something? Actually i think he said "We're going to change history" but I can't see them going back and forth at Adams will, could really mess up the other storylines
Gizmo Posted November 15, 2007 Posted November 15, 2007 Another thing I just thought of, if Nathan was burnt until 2 weeks before the first episode, how did he grow such a massive beard so quickly? :p
Calza Posted November 15, 2007 Posted November 15, 2007 Adam's blood while it was still in his system affected his hair growth.
jayseven Posted November 15, 2007 Posted November 15, 2007 I think the 5 years later episode was never really intended to cover all eventualities in the next 4 series of the show :P Considering they don't even finish writing the individual episodes when the season starts... Mokong - you're totally right about what you said in response to my post. Bob said it, and thus could be shady about it - still hard to say whether adam or bob are good or bad. And surely Adam will remember Hiro for teh show's sake! What he means by changing the future... ooh well I don't know! It just sounds like the series is getting better. ... aaaand I still think there will be more explanation about Parkman's missing months. I'm just glad I stuck with the show through the first 6 eps. They weren't seriously shite, but they're definitely upping the pace now.
Retro_Link Posted November 15, 2007 Author Posted November 15, 2007 jayseven said: I'm just glad I stuck with the show through the first 6 eps. They weren't seriously shite, but they're definitely upping the pace now.As far as I'm concerned we have West, Sylar and the Twins to thank for that! The rest has been pretty ace!Actually the Hiro story did drag on a little... but West, can't stand that guy!
Mokong Posted November 16, 2007 Posted November 16, 2007 Retro_Link said: As far as I'm concerned we have West, Sylar and the Twins to thank for that! The rest has been pretty ace!Actually the Hiro story did drag on a little... but West, can't stand that guy! Me too, I hope Sylar bumps into him in the next ep and gets his powers back and kills West for his, that was be so great jayseven said: And surely Adam will remember Hiro for teh show's sake! What he means by changing the future... ooh well I don't know! It just sounds like the series is getting better. exactly, plus if he wasn't trying to get to Hiro, i see very little point in Hiro going back and Adam being Kensai, they could have easily introduced him without all that, so the whole Hiro going back, pissing him off by kissing the girl and these word "As long as I breath I will lay waste to everything you care about", it all has to be for some big "Hiro realizing its his fault, determined to stop Adam, and become the awesome "future" Hiro" pay off moment.
Ashley Posted November 16, 2007 Posted November 16, 2007 This season I have preferred West to Hiro. At least West has reasons for being a doe-eyed sap (the hormones). Hiro has just been...what? Least he got lively and fun when he saw Ando again.
EchoDesiato Posted November 16, 2007 Posted November 16, 2007 Episode 8 was the best one of Season 2 so far. It also gets bonus points for Kristen Bell cleavage and NEDM.
Retro_Link Posted November 17, 2007 Author Posted November 17, 2007 Hayden & Kristen
Happenstance Posted November 20, 2007 Posted November 20, 2007 I really loved this weeks episode of Heroes, I didnt find one bit of it boring.
ReZourceman Posted November 20, 2007 Posted November 20, 2007 Oooh, cant wait to see it in that case.
Guest Jordan Posted November 20, 2007 Posted November 20, 2007 Work = fail. Then again, i have the new Futurama DVD (Bender's big score) to watch first
Guest Stefkov Posted November 20, 2007 Posted November 20, 2007 Loved this episode. Seeing much more of Hiro and time traveling was really great. CGI was great, when he went back to see his father's killer, if just looked so good. How they were just froze.
Gizmo Posted November 20, 2007 Posted November 20, 2007 Yeah that was awesome. The special effects were back up to old standards. The last scene was incredibly predictable but overall really awesome episode. It basically consisted almost entirely of the two best characters (Hiro and HRG).
Platty Posted November 20, 2007 Posted November 20, 2007 Oh god that was good. It's getting better and better. I just hope this writers strike doesn't ruin it all.
Mokong Posted November 20, 2007 Posted November 20, 2007 Episode 9 was OMG, Brilliant. The scenes with Hiro and his father were great, I almost thought Hiro wasn't gonna try and see who did it. Funny, it wasn't how I expected Hiro to find out about Kensai, but when you think about it was obvious *stupid Franklin*. Loved the tension they built up to it, can't wait to see what Hiro does next, hope it leads to an epic samurai sword fight. Also HRG, holy crap that shit was f'ing good. Ending was kinda predictable after the scene with Claire and Bob... speaking of Claire and Bob can't believe Bob was dumb enough to screw up the name and give himself away And the scene when Mohinder was trying to convince HRG to give them Claire, why the hell did he not mention the world destroying virus? I'm sure as crazy as HRG was becoming learning of a possible world killing virus might make him stop and listen. West wasn't as much of a dick in this ep, but i still don't like him much, was hoping Elle had taken care of him, damn. And Matt, holy crap what's he doing, did he never read any Spiderman comics, he's like walking a thin line between Jedi and Sith here, and looks like he could slip to darkness quite easy at this point. Few things I didn't like however was even though they pretty much confirmed that Hiros dad does have a power (when Hiro told him what was going to happen he said "WE have the power of Gods") but they didn't show us what it is, god damnit I wanna know, same with Angela, just reveal her power already. One thing that I just realized though, when Kensai came to kill Hiro's dad, he said "of all of them I didn't expect it to be you", why is that? Did he not know Adam was locked up and therefore pissed off... unless he maybe never knew he got out either, or did he perhaps think there was some good in Adam. Angela also hinted Adam now has more than the power of Regeneration, she said something that obviously pointed at immortality but even at that I don't see how that made him so dangerous, he must have something else up his sleeve. Damn getting ever so close to that 11th ep, I really hope it's not the final of season, god this writers strike is so gonna frack everything up so badly
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