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Hmm, is Alpha Protocol worth 5 Euros? It got mediocre reviews I believe, but I was looking forward to it before its release, and well, 5 Euros.. I’ll check those reviews again. Interested in Doom 3 as well. Would love to add a multiplayer game though, but I can’t spend the 25 Euros on Homefront now.

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Nah man, great sale today, finally got the final part of the STALKER series, been waiting for a price drop on that. Absolutely wonderful series of games, one that's pretty unmatched in atmosphere and ambient design, not to mention one of the most unexpectedly frightening games I've ever played. Wish Civ 5 was a tenner though, would have bought it, never gotten into the Civ games for some reason.

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Bard, I've been looking out for stalker for quite a while. The concept of a shooter where the gun is used more for self defence than shooting bad dudes in the face cause they disagree with you excites me.. a little too much (might be way off base but that's what it is in my head).


Never been much of a strategy fan but having spent a few hours watching my brother kick the shit out of Gandhi in Civ5 over the weekend my interest was piqued.

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Can anyone tell me how to exceed the bot limit in the original Unreal Tournament? (Or at least how to get the console working.) I bought it off Steam and I want to try an obscene number of bots.


Edit: Done it. Awesome.

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Steam pwning our wallets again.


Quakecon pack, (nearly) every game Bethesda and id have released (missing at least Arena and Daggerfall of TES series.) for $70.



I am $70 poorer and this was the first day of sales.

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Played through KotoR for the first time. A whopping 28 hours to complete it - and that didn't include the 5 or so hours it took to get it running properly on my PC (Install XP, sort out dual boot, find unofficial drivers for wireless card and graphics card, install it, modify it so I can play in 1080p). It was a bit of a risk of spare time as I usually don't like games like that.


But I loved almost every second of it. There were a few parts which were very annoying. And the twist was brilliant. It's also very interesting playing it after Mass Effect - you can see how a lot of it's gameplay started.

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Now go back even further and play Baldur's Gate 2 to see where the gameplay in Knights of the Old Republic got started. ;)


I was going to suggest the first Baldur's Gate, but it's not as good and the parallels are more obvious in the sequel.

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I've been playing through New Vegas for my second (I say that, but I never finished it the first time) time and I'm enjoying it a lot more on the PC. I've got to say, the Project Nevada mod is excellent.


I can't wait to see what Bethesda can do with the Skyrim engine in Fallout 4 a few years down the road.

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