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  • 2 weeks later...

GE:S is a pretty good mod. The previous alphas and betas have been really good for a mod team effort and this one should be great too by the looks of it.


If they can get the 'feel' of it right this time around we're in for another good Sourcebased treat.

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New Diablo 3 Screenshots, looks mighty fine


You thought the hub-bub over Diablo III's aesthetics was over? It's not over. That said, Blizzard have moved on from the "hurt deep" stage, and are now in the "coping through humour" stage.


Responding to some commenters making jokes about including unicorns, rainbows and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man in the game, Blizzard's Community Manager went and posted these pics.


As a joke, sure. But now that they're out there? Unicorns and Marshmallow Men in Diablo III would actually be great, thanks.






Syatpuft marshmellow man, actually looks bloody cool...I need to Avatar it.

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Idk, if it's been posted before or not, but The Crossing. Sounds like a neat premise to me, but it's been 2 years since the initial announcement and no new info has popped up. They do have a currently active forum though. Not very active, but technically active.

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Dear lord. Tried playing L4D last night and every time something had to load I was sitting for like 5 minutes waiting. Played two chapters of No Mercy and only joined each half way through.


I'm using the same PC as I used to use to play Counter Strike, Guild Wars and Oblivion on. Only difference? I'm now on Vista. Piece of shit that it is.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Right I am going to be quite vague in my request here as I dont really know what I want myself.


I am in the mood to design and build something in a game but I dont know what. The best example I can think of is like Theme Park but I dont want restrictions on money etc. It can also be anything not just like theme park type game.


I know this isnt helpful at all so i'll just end the rambling here and see if anyone comes up with anything?

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There's only one real option - Garrysmod. If you have it, great, get on it! If not it's about a fiver from Steam I think. But I'm serious, this is the ultimate sandbox game. You can make anything and everything, and the amount of user mods and stuff for it is insane. Not to mention it's multiplayer so if you get friends involved they can build with you.


If you've seen any Source engine machinima, no doubt at least a portion of it was filmed in Garrysmod. Hugely useful tool - get on it! :D

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