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Halo 3 is awsum


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Fantastic, was just about to finish The Storm on Legendary, when my disc made a sorta cracking noise and I can now only play the first 4 levels of single-player, when I try to load the others it just says Data Corrupted :( .


On the bright-side the online mode still works for some reason :indeed: .

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Played a few games online this morning. Was lulz.


I played some guize, had a bad game and only got 8 kills and they were liek "lol n00b" then left me, then I got dumped with them again! Ha, we won, but I did badly again and I think I annoyed them a bit with my talking because Im so lol, and he accidentally partied up with me, then in the third match they ripped into me, so I totally owned em' said "Errr how many Overkills have you got" he said 27, Lozzles. I said errr okay, Ill check bungie (pretended to) and asked how many Ranked Killtacular he had he said like 6 and its of course zero, he has 3 Overkills and zero Killtaculars I found out at work, but I bluffed and said "It says you dont have any" and explained what I have.


Lolz, I pwned them as n0bbage.

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European Halo 3 Tournament is go! (Sponsored by Samsung).


"I'm proud to bring you news of the Official Halo 3 European Tournament Sponsored By Samsung TV! This Tournament, which opens for registration TODAY, will pit the greatest Halo 3 players in 14 European countries against each other, with the ultimate winner scooping a beautiful new 40" Samsung Series 6 FHD TV, an Xbox 360 Elite console and a faceplate signed by the team at Bungie!


The Tournament will be open to Halo 3 players with Xbox LIVE Gold in the UK, France, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Belgium, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Austria and Switzerland.


Here's how it works:


1. Registration opens on Monday February 25 (today!). You can find more details and terms and conditions for the Tournament at Xbox.com.

2. To register all you need to do is download the exclusive Official Halo 3 European Tournament Sponsored by Samsung GamerPics or Theme. They're free to download, and you can get them either from the 'New Arrivals' area on Marketplace or under 'Samsung' in the Themes and GamerPics area. You'll also see adverts pop up on your Dash for them later today/tomorrow.

3. Tournament play begins on March 18. You'll see a playlist arrive on Halo 3 called Intl Tournament. Registered players can then begin to rack up their ranking points in this playlist.

4. Registration will close on March 23.

5. Then playlist play will close on March 30. At this point the top player from each European country will be crowned National Halo 3 Champion and rewarded with a framed piece of exclusive Halo 3 artwork.

6. All 14 finalists will then clash in a one-off final over Xbox LIVE on April 17, with the overall winner being crowned European Halo 3 Champion and winning a 40" Samsung Series 6 FHD TV, a brand new Xbox 360 Elite console and a faceplate signed by the team at Bungie"!


Seems pretty cool, might give it a go even if I have no chance of winning :heh:

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I wish Bungie would change a few things about the multiplayer that make it frustrating.


Quite a few times (mainly in Big Team games) I have absolutely no idea how I died, which is annoying. Watching the replay of the match clears it up, but it's still very frustrating. They have specific things for some deaths (sniped, lasered, stuck, etc) so why can't the game simply tell you what weapon you were killed with?


Also, the "Your flag has been taken" alert doesn't seem to work around 25% of the time. In one match I took a short break from defending the flag (other people were defending it, I felt like doing something different). It seemed perfectly fine until I noticed that the enemy's score had moved up from 0 to 2.

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Guest Stefkov

For the destroy enemy vehicle?

That Sierra level, the part where you come out of the tunnel and it's the end of the motorway type thing.

Loads of Choppers are around there. Luckily we destroyed nearly all of them until 1 was left. Even more luckier was that there was a mine among some debris of another chopper.

Throw stickies at the chopper once or twice, get it weak then throw down a mine infront of it. Boom.

Rine and repeat for every other person in the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Stefkov

They'll probably be free at September when they'll bring another map pack out or something.

I'll still get it. New maps are always good.

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Yeah they hardly said not free at any point, just not yet.


Ill definitely get them. Avalanche looks amazing after seeing the weapon and vehicle set.


Avalanche does look great, about time we got a new BTB map! Can't wait too see wait the third map is on Tuesday now, would prefer a new map but Lockout re-made looks likely.

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